Hmm Ari is in Manila. Now I wonder why he is there? But I received an email from Ari and here is what he had to say, and I quote:

Hello again!

These last few years online have been simply amazing and I can't thank you enough for being part of my world and for following me. It really means a lot, but after doing so much in such a short time, I am going to step back and start building my own offers and programs and won't be promoting anything I don't have a personal interest in beginning January 1, 2019.

Having said that, I have had a few great things shown to me lately, but tonight I am going to release something truly incredible. It's owned by someone I have known for nearly 3 years and he is 100% transparent and shows everything to all the members. Over the last 60 days, I have been hands on behind the scenes perfecting this and by the end of January we will be launching a new site and more, but TODAY we are releasing what is currently available to the masses.

While perfecting it, I have been testing it out and working it behind the scenes and have made almost $50,000 in a matter of TWO WEEKS. Many that we brought in as beta testers have already make over $10,000 too! I know this is simple... literally anyone can do it and tonight at 10pm Eastern time, 7pm Pacific time we will be hosting a webinar to show this very special program to the masses.

Because you are one of my loyal followers I wanted to give you a heads up and invite you to attend. JUST CLICK HERE: Blackops Underground Marketing ยป newcrypto

I look forward to helping you start 2018 with a BANG by showing you the easiest way to earn income online tonight!

See you there!


Yep you guessed it he is pimping Krypto Kingdom, but this time it is different. They have all the bugs worked out, cough, cough. They show everything as they are totally transparent. They show the invoice for the equipment to mine, actual trades, yada, yada, yada, yada. But listen for yourself and see how many lies you caught.