My Flex Job wants people to believe it's a site where they can find real telecommuting work. The whole site is set up to hoodwink people into believing that they actually match up potential job applicants with employers looking for people to work from home. They don't.

The site claims that "Fortune 500 Companies Need Flex Workers!"

Here's where MyFlexJob tries to make people believe they are actively recruiting employers that need work from home workers:

Here's the My Flex Jobjob application I filled out with meaningless information:

Surprise, surprise - I qualified!

I'm so excited! All I have to do is complete the My Flex Job certification program:

I wonder what I'll need to do to get certified by MyFlexJob to do telecommuting work? Apparently it has something to do with "processing credits"

Oh well, on to step 2 and 3 of getting my certification! Her I go...

Wait, what? How is signing up for MYPCBackUp and upgrading the protection plan any sort of certification? Maybe certification that I'll be dumb enough to do other stuff they ask me to do?

Now wait a minute...I'm "starting" to suspect that MyFlexJob isn't totally on the up and up: