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12-04-2012, 09:42 PM
Dave's latest missive:

Hey Team,

We have had a bunch of people contacting us today regarding the Zeek update call from Monday night. Here is the recording if you missed it:

Update Call from December 3, 2012
Dial 1 (805) 399-1299 (tel:1%20%28805%29%20399-1299) Pin 593670#

On the call, it was mentioned that Robert had some exciting information that he was not able to share as of yet, but to check with your leaders regarding it as he would be sharing with them. So here is the information that we found out from Robert today.

First of all, this is not Zeek 2.0 or a Zeek rebirth. We are still in the thick of the lawsuit and it will be quite some time before this could ever happen if it even does. This is not the same company, but rather a new one that Robert has started to work with to assist Zeek affiliates in getting a similar business model in place with the same lines of sponsorship from Zeek in tact. They will be setting up a special sign-up bonus for Zeek affiliates to compensate for the bids that may have been lost when Zeek was shut down. This will not be the VIP balance that you may have had, but will be worth quite a bit that you will not have to come out of pocket to purchase.

More about this will be coming as I get it. I just wanted to update you with what I can share with you at this time. I know that it is not the relaunch of Zeek that we are all looking and hoping for, but in the meantime may be a new option to generate business revenue with the same lines of Zeek sponsorship that many of you have been looking for.

Enjoy the recording as there was some really great information on it and we will send more information as we get it.

God Bless,

Dave Kettner

P.S. While you are waiting to get your business up and rolling, you may want to start generating your leads now to use to promote this new program when we launch. Check out how you can do this here:[Link Redacted] .

They need to make this transition with some dispatch. Remember the pie in the sky promise they had to rope in donations was "We're fighting to bring Zeek back" and now even they aren't pretending that's possible.

There was an amusing little snippet on last night's call, that Todd Disner was delayed in returning from Hong Kong because he misplaced his passport. I'm sure he'll straighten that out soon. But I sorta scratch my chin a bit when I remember that Adit Network is based in Hong Kong, and are fixing to launch a penny auction MLM the first of the year. And now Dave and Robert are promising something new to replace Zeek. Way too soon to say but the pieces do fit nice enough to call it a possibility.

12-05-2012, 10:24 AM
Glim, I a trying to find someone in the State department to verify Disner has lost the pasport and requested another one. OR, is he has had his passport pulled for some reason. He was likely in HK trying to find a place for the new spacious offices of "Craddock and Crew"

12-05-2012, 04:34 PM
Glim, I a trying to find someone in the State department to verify Disner has lost the pasport and requested another one. OR, is he has had his passport pulled for some reason. He was likely in HK trying to find a place for the new spacious offices of "Craddock and Crew"

LOL, if you can call a boiler room "spacious"...!

12-05-2012, 06:28 PM
Here's a submission to World Journal, about a Chinese Zeek Rewards victim in LA that lost 25K... and this cancer spread all the way to Taiwan

I'm giving you Google translate as the original is in Chinese. It's readable, albeit a bit odd. I can offer up a better translation later.

Google Translate (http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.worldjournal.com%2Fview%2Ffull_ lit%2F20844640%2Farticle-%25E8%2580%2581%25E9%25BC%25A0%25E6%259C%2583%25E9 %25A8%2599%25E5%25B1%2580%3Finstance%3Dlit)

12-05-2012, 06:54 PM
This is not the same company, but rather a new one that Robert has started to work with to assist Zeek affiliates in getting a similar business model in place with the same lines of sponsorship from Zeek in tact. They will be setting up a special sign-up bonus for Zeek affiliates to compensate for the bids that may have been lost when Zeek was shut down. This will not be the VIP balance that you may have had, but will be worth quite a bit that you will not have to come out of pocket to purchase.

This is very similar to the manner in which AdViewGlobal, the replacement scam for AdSurfDaily, came out of the gate. AVG was positioned as replacement income for the seized ASD funds and the purveyors planted the seed that former ASD members could have their same downline and would not have to go out-of-pocket.

In the ASD case, BTW, the prosecution pointed out that ASD had collapsed in early 2007 and Andy Bowdoin started anew -- meaning he launched a second Ponzi -- by porting old accounts to his new surf and not telling incoming members they were paying the members affected by ASD's first collapse. The second Ponzi was known as ASDCashGenerator.

It might actually have been the third Bowdoin Ponzi, though. The Secret Service said in court filings that he also was involved with an entity known as DailyProSurf, but his insiders told him he'd better change the name because it sounded too much like 12DailyPro, a Ponzi taken down by the SEC before the launch of ASD.

In any event, ASD gained a head of steam after the early 2007 collapse and eventually put at least $119 million on the table. The Secret Service was silently investigating ASD prior to getting the seizure warrants in August 2008. There was at least an instance or two in which ASD members told undercover agents that ASD was a Ponzi, but they nevertheless provided their sign-up links. One member cautioned an agent not to call it an "investment."


12-06-2012, 12:08 AM
Thanks for stopping by Patrick. It's fairly amazing how many parallels between the post closure fallouts of Zeek Rewards and Ad Surf Daily. You mention Andy's second ponzi being used to pay back members of his previous one. Look at Nathaniel Woods, the subpoena he was served stated he had taken close to half a million out of Zeek and put in zero. He was of course a member of GoGo Hub, a failed to gain traction ponzi that Paul Burks ran prior to Zeek.

And this is purported to be an email sent by NXPay to a Zeek Affiliate:

Dear ZeekRewards Accountholder:

In the last few weeks, several statements have been released by various individuals and/or entities regarding your NxPay® Account. These statements were not issued by our company and unfortunately may have caused some unnecessary confusion. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience the release of these statements may have caused you.

Please understand that we have been working diligently with our bank, third party payment processors, the Securities Exchange Commission, the U.S. District Court, and several attorneys for the past few months to make available any funds due to you from the usage of your NxPay® Account. Be assured, if funds are due to you in connection with your NxPay® Account, most likely those funds will be available to you within the next two (2) weeks.

Please keep in mind the following important points when your funds do become available. First, only the funds that you placed onto your NxPay® Account that were not subsequently used to purchase bids through ZeekRewards will be available. If you believe you are entitled to refunds, commissions, or any other payments from ZeekRewards, you should file a claim through the website www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/).


For now, your NxPay® Account is temporarily frozen. However, when your funds become available we will send an announcement out to all of our NxPay® Accountholders notifying them of the availability of funds in their NxPay® Account.

We apologize that this process has been long, arduous, and fraught with many unexpected delays and complications, but rest assured we are doing all that we can to expedite this process. We value your business and want you to know that what happened in regards to your NxPay® Account is not typical of the customer service associated with NxPay®. We continue to be committed to providing you and all of our customers with the highest standards of service in the financial services industry.

To reach our customer service department, please visit http://support.nxpay.com/ (http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fsupport.nxpay.com%2F&h=7AQGkRbWeAQG0c0A75DDynjrP3iv3Tn4EtzMjN-xQViPhJw&s=1)

In summary:

· Due to excessive call volume, please visit support.nxpay.com rather than phone in; if you elect to call in, please note that there is a $2 fee per call per our policies.

· We are in the final stages of reconciling all funds and anticipate a return of all funds soon, but please allow up to two weeks for the funds to be made available.

· If you believe you are entitled to additional funds not included in this reconciliation, please contact the court appointed receivership at www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/)

From all of us in the NxPay Support Team, we truly appreciate your patience during this reconciliation process.

Hmm, that is in no way the same information that Robert Craddock shared on this Monday's call. Robert claimed that neither Ken Bell nor the SEC had anything to do with the accounts being frozen. Robert said he was on the verge of reporting NXPay for the theft of 41 million dollars of affiliate money. He gave out the name, email and phone number of NX Systems legal council so the affiliates could harass er, address their issues directly. It looks like some of them did.

I wonder if anyone made a copy of the call? If they did they could forward a copy of it to the address Robert supplied, with notated time stamps for relevant quotes. I'm sure lying about a company and it's employees and encouraging people to harass the same might potentially be actionable. And Robert has all those attorneys and all his donors money, he can afford to defend himself.

12-06-2012, 12:18 AM
Talk about "deja vu all over again"

the NXPay situation is an almost mirror image of what happened during the 12DailyPro / Stormpay investigation.

The only way for the investigators to determine what is Zeek tainted money is to freeze all accounts to or from which Zeek money has flowed, then to manually determine what is subject to being retrieved.

12-06-2012, 01:09 PM
From one of Craddock's cronies:

We know about NxPay transferring YOUR FUNDS out to Rex Venture account. This hasn't been Court ordered and NxPay has no right to do this according to our attorneys.

Robert Craddock said that our attorneys have notified the legal counsel of NxPAY that we are filing a lawsuit against NxPay, Four Square Bank and LSI the third party vendor.

This transfer of funds wasn't ordered by the court, this is a great example of why we need Michael Quilling to be appointed the Examiner for the Zeek affiliates.

12-06-2012, 05:49 PM
Robert Craddock is so full of it I am surprised he can see to type let alone talk.

12-07-2012, 11:31 AM
As of 11 AM EDT, there are 66 US District Court filings made by the SEC, including Guam and the US Virgin Islands. There are only about another 30 districts to file.

12-07-2012, 12:30 PM
Rumors begin to spread that Ken Bell is using the B-52s to carpet bomb US District courts with jurisdictional filings thereby ending the subpoena stalemate. Thus far Kate Pierson, Fred Schneider and Cindy Wilson have been unavailable for comment. Calls returned from their own Private Idaho (http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&ved=0CFcQtwIwBQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3Dn7t 7cGwN7_0&ei=ByXCUNGNGOOiyAGrxIGIBQ&usg=AFQjCNEgMJU7KWE9uc7YfTAHVNgjElqf1Q) have been non committal.

And this just in from Robert:


December 7, 2012

Greetings good people,

As we stated last week NXpay systems general counsel stated to our attorneys he was releasing monies and everyone should have access to their funds. In a sharp reversal they decided instead of finishing their accounting process to validate the funds you had in your account, they transferred any account that had received monies from Rex Venture to the receiver.

Please understand there is not court order allowing them, directing them and the attorneys feel strongly the Judge will question their actions. I have heard from Michael and Rodney our attorneys and they plan on filing with the court by Monday a motion asking for the release and expressing concern as they are in written communication by all parties that this would not happen and they this monies were not recover assets and Kenneth Bell was not directed to capture these funds.

I can only say if it was me and I knew anyone that was in a program and they were using NXpay I would contact the corporate office and make them aware of their conduct and my concern over using them for any transaction involving commissions.
We will keep you posted as details unfold.


Mr. Craddock, the only one who said that the court, the SEC and Ken Bell did not have legal hold on the ewallet accounts was you. The only one who said that the court, the SEC and Ken Bell wanted to give all Zeek affiliates that money back was you. Everything you said about the ewallets was a LIE and recent actions are proof of it.

Remember back to Monday, on your call you were saying that the only reson the money wasn't released was because NXPay was being nasty. You accused them of stealing more than 40 million dollars. You gave out the contact information for NX Systems legal council and encouraged your followers to harass them into releasing the money.

NXPay can't release the money because, contrary to the lies you've been telling for weeks they are under court order to hold it. NXPay will not release any money from any account that received money from Zeek Rewards because that is how a receivership works and all the many lies you tell about this will not change that fact. OH, and that whopper of a lie you've been telling, the one about Ken Bell being required to pay out any pending cash requests from Zeek to the affiliates, it will be knocked out of the park with the same clue stick that battered your NXPay lies into the ground.

Get your next opportunity off the ground fast Robert, your Fun Club lies are crumbling around you and soon you'll need new ones to tell.

12-08-2012, 03:24 AM
Actually, the more I think about the eWallet thingie, the more Craddock's intentions are clear.

An affiliate who had NOT benefited from the Zeek ponzi (i.e. have not made withdrawals), would NOT have much of a balance in any of the eWallets. Any funds in the eWallets would have been transferred to Zeek to buy bids or pay fees or such.

Any one who had significant amount of balance frozen by eWallet (Payza, STP, NxPay) would probably be among the 100K beneficiaries of the Zeek Ponzi.

This had NEVER been about "all the Zeek affiliates". It had ALWAYS been about keeping the ill-gotten gains for those who had received it.

12-08-2012, 05:29 AM
My translated version of the Chinese reader comment to newspaper is up:

A MLM Skeptic: Zeek Reward's Victims are All Around the World (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com/2012/12/zeek-rewards-victims-are-all-around.html)

12-08-2012, 06:02 AM
My translated version of the Chinese reader comment to newspaper is up:

A MLM Skeptic: Zeek Reward's Victims are All Around the World (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com/2012/12/zeek-rewards-victims-are-all-around.html)


12-08-2012, 10:44 AM
Here’s an article written by Nash Dunn, a reporter following the Zeek Rewards case.

Zeek receiver files documents across U.S., updates case status | The-Dispatch.com (http://www.the-dispatch.com/article/20121207/NEWS/312079984)

“I’m pretty pleased so far,” Bell told The Dispatch earlier this week. “We are now focusing on claw-back litigation, which is trying to recover funds from people who took out more than they put in, to increase that pool we have and to try to make whole the people that lost money. Once we get into the efforts to recover from net winners, it will be a lot slower.”

12-08-2012, 12:01 PM
That's all a smokescreen, Dave Kettner says they're not going to attempt clawbacks, and Zeek will be back up and running soon!

(pack me another bowl of the "Kool Aid" weed..)

12-08-2012, 11:00 PM
Actually, the rumors are that Craddock, Kettner, Disner and the top leaders are working towards a new company, not Zeek 2.0. More on that later......

12-09-2012, 02:21 PM
Don't ask me, ask Robert:

Dec 10 Zeek Update Call

From:Dave Kettner <zeeksamurai@gmail.com>
Date:Sun, 9 Dec 2012 7:36 AM (3 hours 30 minutes ago)

Hi Team,

We have received information regarding a Zeek update call with Robert Craddock from Greg Baker's team. We have included the information below. It looks like they are now doing this call every week using the same number, so if you would like the latest updates directly from Robert regarding the Zeek fight and the new company that Robert has been working on, be sure to be on the calls.

Also, we have not heard anything new directly from Robert, so we do not know anything more then when we have already announced. So please do not send us any questions as we do not know anything new at this time.

Thank you and hope you are having an awesome weekend!

Dave & Mary Kettner


Here is the infomation for next ZEEK UPDATE CALL.
If you want to ask a question

Title: December 10, 2012 - Monday 8PM EST - 5PM Pacific

Description: Zeek Updates

Main: Tel. (805) 399-1200 (tel:%28805%29%20399-1200)
Pin: 593670#

Greg Baker

Is Dave out of the loop? I suppose we should ask Robert about that because Dave doesn't know anything other than what ever Robert has already announced on that issue. Is Dave no longer involved in the Zeek Fight? Is he not involving himself in the company that Robert (and Greg) are "working on"?

12-09-2012, 09:55 PM
Plausible Deniability. He's making sure he has an alibi when people start getting indicted.

12-10-2012, 04:24 PM
From Greg Baker:


The Zeek call has been postponed for tonight due to a major filing by our attorney's. I will notify those on this e-mail list AS SOON AS I RECEIVE FURTHER INFORMATIOM.

This filing is sensitive as far as content & negotiations. We will be getting with people this week as far as ZEEK TWO( not real name).

Believe me I will let everyone know as soon as I can release INFO. I can't release any info yet.

12-10-2012, 07:28 PM

December 10, 2012

Greetings good people:

I know everyone was and is expecting a weekly conference call to get updates and answers to questions, but we need to postpone this call tonight, at the request of counsel. We are in the middle of filing multiple motions design to hold the Receiver, and NXpay accountable for their actions last Friday. Once the emergency motions are filed we will be posting them here on Zteambiz.net.

We will reschedule the call and will be notifying everyone here on Zteambiz.net.

One item we are all clear on, the court has not given, nor signed any order allowing NXpay the right to transfer your funds to the Receiver and we are moving quickly to reverse that action.

I feel this is an opportunity for the court to see the other side to the story and shed concern over the actions of the receiver for the last 3 ½ months.

So again I want to thank everyone for their patience and understanding as we work to protect everyone.


Dusting off an already dog-eared copy of my Craddock to English dictionary and translating:


December 10, 2012

Hello to all the people still wondering if they wasted their money by donating to Fun Club:

I know everyone was expecting me to do a call tonight and explain why all the crap I've been telling you for the last few weeks has turned out to be complete bull ****. I am very sorry but I have not yet come up with lies big enough to cover my rather bulbous back side on this one and theirfore have to cancel the call. [Robert's notes to self: this sounds real bad, claim the lawyers made you cancel the call, yea,... lawyers, that's the ticket] I know we've all lost count of the number of times I've said we were filing motions and nothing got filed but we're going to be filing motions about this, STRONGLY WORDED MOTIONS about this.

We will reschedule the call after I think up a much bigger lie than I can think of right now. We're talking like "magic bullet theory" scale lying here so forgive me if it takes a while.

But one piece of bull crap I'll keep repeating because if I don't keep hammering upside your heads with this you might actually start thinking for yourselves about it is that unless you read the court documents you will find absolutely no legal justification for NXPay transferring the funds that were sent from Zeek to the affiliates back to the receivership estate. I mean, we earned each and every one of those fraudulently transferred dollars in what we have yet to admit to ourselves is anything other than a completely legitimate business so what right does a United States Federal District Court have in issuing orders about our e-wallets?

Why, if you squint real hard and sorta defocus your eyes a bit it looks a lot like we're all about to win in a very real if rather blurry way.

But I thank you all for not demanding a refund as we continue this pathetic charade of fighting the legal system on behalf of a shoddy ponzi scheme.


12-11-2012, 02:02 PM
He's playing "weaselspeak".

You see, what the court says is "your money" is very different from what the affiliates consider "your money".

12-11-2012, 07:21 PM
He's playing "weaselspeak".

You see, what the court says is "your money" is very different from what the affiliates consider "your money".

Well, there looks to be a little clarity on the horizon and guess what, I know you wont believe this but Robert Craddock has been lying his ass off.

First, an email update from Greg Baker:

12/10 Update: Limited Release of NxPay(R) Funds Have Been Made Available

From:Greg Baker <gbaker913@yahoo.com>
To:"undisclosed recipients:"Date:Tue, 11 Dec 2012 10:43 AM (4 hours 37 minutes ago)

Looks like our attorneys got things stirred up and got some things straighten out.
The e-wallets companies are now putting money back in your accounts.

I don't have all the details yet,you need to check your accounts in your e-wallets( NxPay,Payza,Solid Trust Pay) to see if you have had money put back in your account.

In NxPay account;
1. go to your accounts section
2. Click on blue link by rex venture
3. See if you have any funds in any of three categories.

I don't know anything else at this moment, I will let everyone know as more info comes in.

Your Servant for Success !

To Our Mutual Success
In Christ name,Matt 6:33

Greg Baker

Greg & Terri Baker


Greg Cell:813-508-9561


Yep, Fun Club attorneys are earning their keep yet again. Actualy I don't blame them, I blame the people who hired them and are lying about what the attorneys are doing. NX Systems released an email describing exactly what they are doing and they even set up a page on their website to refute the crap that Robert is spreading explain the situation to Zeek Rewards affiliates:

December 6, 2012


Dear ZeekRewards Account holder:In the last few months, NxPay® has been working diligently to complete the reconciliation of all NxPay® accounts associated with Rex Venture Group (d/b/a Zeek Rewards). This has been as trenuous process and we appreciate the patience customers have shown during this time and we understand that this has been a hardship for many.

As we are nearing the end of the reconciliation and anticipate having funds available within the next two weeks, we would like to take this time to provide clarification pertaining to many questions we have received and also to provide instructions on how to retrieve funds once they have been made available.

As we have indicated in previous emails, during the reconciliation process, your reflected available balance may have changed and reflected an amount of $0.00. The reconciliation has been performed manually outside our system. We are now in the process of updating the user interface to reflect the correct account balances that will be made available for transfer back to your bank. To do this, all account balances will reflect $0.00 until the correct amount of funds that will be made available for transfer has been corrected on the user interface (www.NxPay.com (http://www.NxPay.com)).

Only the funds that you placed onto the NxPay® account that were not subsequently used to purchase bids through Zeek Rewards will be placed back onto the NxPay® account and be made available for transfer. These are

Load from Bank Account

transactions that settled and were credited to your NxPay® account provided the funds were not used to make purchases through Zeek Rewards. These funds will be placed back onto the NxPay® accounts on or around Monday, December 10
th,2012 and made available for transfer.

If you had a “Load from Bank Account” that was Pending at the time that NxSystems, Inc was issued a directive from the United States District Court ordering a freeze of Rex Ventures (d/b/a Zeek Rewards) assets: Any NxPay® accounts associated with it and your Pending transaction were subsequently failed in NxPay®. We are diligently working to load those funds back onto your NxPay® account so that we can make them available for you to transfer the funds back to your bank account. To determine whether you had a pending “Load from Bank Account” that was failed, you can check the View Failed Transactions link in your transaction history inNxPay®.

If your funds were commission payouts made to your NxPay® account by Zeek Rewards or the funds in your NxPay® account were used to make purchases with Zeek Rewards (i.e. bids purchases, monthly subscriptions…), these funds were removed from your NxPay® account and turned over to the Temporary Receiver. You will be able to file a claim for these funds through www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/) once they had made a formal claims process available.

As of Monday, December 10 th, 2012, the ability to transfer funds from your NxPay® account to your bank account will be made available. Please note that as this service will be turned back on,fees pertaining to the NxPay® account will no longer be suspended. If you have a positive balance on your NxPay® account, you will be charged a Monthly Maintenance Fee of $2.00 for the month of December. There will also be a fee assessed to transfer funds from your NxPay®account to your bank account. A fee table is included at the end of this email listing all applicable fees pertaining to your NxPay® account.

We have implemented a Customer Support Chat Line (referred to as “Live Chat”) where you can access a Live Agent of NxPay® for any support questions or concerns. You can access Live Chat by visiting www.NxPay.com (http://www.NxPay.com) and clicking on the Support button. There will be a link on the top right-hand corner of the following page to enter Live Chat. Please be advised that if you wish to call NxPay® Support and speak with a Customer Service Representative, a charge of $2.00 will be applied to your NxPay® account. All calls placed to NxPay® support will be recorded.

Once services have been turned on, as indicated above, you will have the ability to transfer your funds back to your bank account. As we are no longer offering services to Rex Venture Group(aka Zeek Rewards) the Account To Account Transfer feature will not be made available and you will not have the ability to transfer funds into your NxPay® account or make any purchases using your NxPay® account. We will also automatically be closing all NxPay® accounts once funds have been retrieved therefore there will be no further action required by you.

The Sweep-To functionality, which is a service that allows for automatic transfers from yourNxPay® account to your bank account, will not be made available. You will need to manually initiate a transfer from your NxPay® account to your bank account. Instructions on how to add your bank account and transfer funds from your NxPay® account to your bank account are included with this email. Please note that you are NOT required to verify your bank account to transfer funds to your bank account. Please also be aware that if you incorrectly enter your banking details you will be subject to (at minimum) a $25 rejection fee. If you are unsure of your banking details, please contact your bank for additional information.

We have received several requests for a copy of the court order from the US District Court ordering a freeze of Rex Ventures (d/b/a Zeek Rewards) assets and any NxPay® ® accounts associated with it. If you would like to view a copy of the documentation, you can visit our Zeek Rewards Update page at Zeek Rewards Updates | NXSYSTEMS (http://www.nxsystemsinc.com/zeek-training) Any questions regarding the claims process or retrieval of funds you believe you are entitled to such as refunds,commissions, or any other payments from Zeek Rewards, you should direct to the Temporary Receiver through the website www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/).

We apologize that this process has taxing, but please rest assured that we value your business and continue to be committed to providing you and all of our customers with the highest standards of service.

The thanks for the above goes to Don Ryan over at ASD Updates (http://asdupdates.com/wordpress/archives/3043) and Troy Dooly put the document up on Scribd (http://www.scribd.com/doc/116441983/NXPay-Email-Blast). Because it bares repeating, here is the link on the NX Sytems website (http://www.nxsystemsinc.com/zeek-training/) which explains why Robert Craddock has been wrong about everything he's said about NXPay.

So, if money in your NXPay account came from your bank and was not pending transfer to Zeek, it's your money. If money in your NXPay account came from Zeek or was going to Zeek, talk to the court appointed receiver. I am waiting for Robert Craddock's inevitable effort to take credit for that happening (but he had it in writing).

12-11-2012, 07:38 PM
Maybe in 2 or 3 years people will look back and realize this whole process has been carried out exactly as required by law, as predicted, and that nothing Craddock and Co have done has made a single, solitary bit of difference.

Money going to or coming from Zeek was "tainted"

The whole purpose of the "freeze" was to allow NXPay and the receiver to determine EXACTLY which funds were involved, nothing more and nothing less.

12-11-2012, 08:08 PM
Kenneth Bell, Receiver is be hosting a one-hour web based conference call for ZeekRewards victims on Monday, December 17, 2012 at 5:00pm EST. You may access the video call by clicking on the link and following the directions below:
https://mcguirewoodsevents.webex.com/mcguirewoodsevents/onstage/g.php?d=669382018&t=a&EA=gcooper%40mcguirewoods.com&ET=be20abdd113582919838c5a9b73c73b6&ETR=5e4b1811fab80bf1575c1618f77b7fbc&RT=MiMxMQ==&p (https://mcguirewoodsevents.webex.com/mcguirewoodsevents/onstage/g.php?d=669382018&t=a&EA=gcooper%40mcguirewoods.com&ET=be20abdd113582919838c5a9b73c73b6&ETR=5e4b1811fab80bf1575c1618f77b7fbc&RT=MiMxMQ==&p)

Event password: rewards

If you are not near a computer and wish to join the call over the phone, please follow the directions below:
US TOLL FREE: +1-855-749-4750
US TOLL: +1-415-655-0001

Toll-free dialing restrictions: http://www.webex.com/pdf/tollfree_restrictions.pdf
Access code: 669 382 018
(This is a call-in number only and those calling in will not have an opportunity to ask questions)
You may join either the video or phone call 60 minutes prior to the start time.

12-11-2012, 10:57 PM
FCU files ...


I have put these on the Files website.

12-12-2012, 01:05 AM
For more information on the Receiver's conference Webinar and call, go here:

http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/12-11-12%20-%20Letter%20from%20the%20Receiver%20regarding%20Co nf%20Call.pdf

12-13-2012, 09:50 AM
As if Zeek wasn't bad enough, Craddock, Disner and Kettner are now pimping a new program called GoFunRewards.

12-14-2012, 03:19 PM
Go Fun Rewards is a clone of Zeek Rewards (needless to say) that was launched by eAdGear, which was previously involved in a lawsuit against an affiliate who went over to Zeek.

There's a preview on BehindMLM
MLM penny auction opportunity prelaunch roundup | BehindMLM (http://behindmlm.com/companies/mlm-penny-auction-opportunity-prelaunch-roundup/)

and PatrickPretty has a short report about eAdGear and its lawsuit

DEVELOPING STORY: New Mystery Emerges: North Carolina/Nevada Entity ZeekRewards.com Was Served With California Cyberpiracy, Infringement And Unfair Competition Lawsuit In Flushing, N.Y. (http://www.patrickpretty.com/2012/06/22/developing-story-new-mystery-emerges-north-carolinanevada-entity-zeekrewards-com-was-served-with-california-cyberpiracy-infringement-and-unfair-competition-lawsuit-in-flushing-n-y/)

12-14-2012, 07:48 PM
Craddock is pimping many other programs, including Global One, paradigm something. I heard he promoted a call on the Zteambiz website, and when people found out he was pimping a different program (OfferHubb), they were none too pleased. Craddock seems to be losing touch with reality.

12-14-2012, 08:01 PM
C Craddock seems to be losing touch with reality.

Only "SEEMS" ???

The Zeeklers should be starting to wake up to the fact that, despite all the huffing and puffing and all the latest news, not one, single, solitary thing has changed.

Anyone who cared to search will find the receivership is happening by the numbers, exactly as it should.

12-14-2012, 11:46 PM
New filings. Two affiliates are positioning themselves as Intervenors. They have Ira Solkin as their attorney, one of Madoff's former defense counsels. They are also trying to get the Receivership dissolved. The games have begun.

12-15-2012, 12:21 AM
Craddock is pimping many other programs, including Global One, paradigm something. I heard he promoted a call on the Zteambiz website, and when people found out he was pimping a different program (OfferHubb), they were none too pleased. Craddock seems to be losing touch with reality.

I think the opposite....He has at last worked out the reality and has a good grasp of it.....

We all know that Craddock can kick and scream all he likes but at the end of the day the receiver will have his way....Craddock will be forced to pay back his profit from zeek....

Same thing happened when CEP and ASD went down.....The big players went out the next week to pimp the next big scam....

Could be that Craddock plans to make as much as he can as fast as he can from the new scam so that it's less that he has to pay back from his pocket via clawbacks from the old scam....

JMO :RpS_smile:

12-15-2012, 04:02 PM
One redeeming thing is these two ladies filed an Opposition to Quilling being appointed as Examiner.. LOL

12-15-2012, 05:39 PM
That is pretty funny.
Scammers eating their own.

12-16-2012, 12:25 AM
That is pretty funny.
Scammers eating their own.

There is no honor among thieves...Never has been and never will be...

12-16-2012, 12:58 AM
That is pretty funny.
Scammers eating their own.

Mate, if you want to see "quick" in action, just watch a HYIPer turning on another HYIPer where there's a buck to be made.

12-17-2012, 02:15 AM
Offer Hubb was pimped by the same OH Brown who was head of USHBB, the same outfit who did the videos for ASD and Zeek, among many other scams like Narc that Car. He was at one time listed as "employee" and "official rep" by Zeek on their GetSatisfaction support board.

Oz just analyzed it on BehindMLM. It's basically ASD reworded as "daily deals", but in reality affiliates are expected to buy advertising for resale, then share in the profits.

12-17-2012, 03:26 AM

The O.H. Brown profile on Yatedo (http://www.yatedo.com/p/O.H.+Brown/normal/b3311ac076b63820d6106789c17c3a3c)

12-17-2012, 04:28 AM
Wasn't hard to track down where O.H. Brown lives, but darned if I can't seem to find out what his initials stand for. Oh well.

12-17-2012, 09:48 AM

The O.H. Brown profile on Yatedo (http://www.yatedo.com/p/O.H.+Brown/normal/b3311ac076b63820d6106789c17c3a3c)

And mascot of his former college is a pirate. Irony.

12-17-2012, 10:07 AM
O.H is an abbreviation for Obvious Huckster?

12-17-2012, 06:56 PM
I was able to be on the webinar with Ken Bell, the receiver for Zeek, and it was quite an interesting hour to say the least. The good news is that if you were unable to get on the call, they recorded it and as soon as it is ready it will be on the receiver's website.

Several things of note to tell from the webinar:

1. Many of the questions being asked are available on the receiver's website under their FAQ link. I highly recommend all Zeek members to go to this website and read the FAQ. You will get a lot of your questions answered if you do.

2. In regard to Zeek coming back. Ain't gonna happen. Right now Ken Bell is Zeek. So all of Robert Craddock's saying that Zeek is coming back is all BS as we all knew it was BS.

3. He went into a thorough explanation as to why the Cashier's Checks were cashed as he was required by law to do so as the appointed receiver.

4. They repsonded today to Quilling's motion to be appointed as Examiner for the receiver. In short words they are opposing his motion, and for that matter the one filed by Ira Solkin for the two ladies.

5. He also said that the comments going around that the SEC had admitted Zeek was not a Ponzi and there were no victims was all made-up and not true.

6. He said that as soon as they can complete a claims form and it is approved by the court, they will begin the filing process. He plans on making an initial distribution for the money they have already collected. Then after all the clawbacks are finished and assets sold, they will do a final distribution.

7. It makes no difference what country you live in, if you were a victim and file a claim you can prove, you will get paid.

8. They are working with 100 countries that have Zeek victims about clawbacks in their countries. Not all countries will comply, but he will do them in the countries that do.

9. For all you newbies who really don't understand the inner-workings of a Ponzi, this next piece of information will come as a shock to you, but not to us old-timers. The records of Zeek were a mess. Documents all over the place, inadequate electronic records, and boxes upon boxes of information all over the place including cashiers checks.

10. He also said that just because Paul Burks paid a $4 million dollar fine does not mean that if he still has money that belonged to Zeek, he will go after it.

11. If you were a victim of Zeek you do not need an attorney to represent you, that's his job. You may hire one if you want, but you are just wasting your money if you do.

12. The more records you provide them when you do make a claim will help them expedite your claim. But if you do not have records, they will work with you to confirm you are a victim. Just be sure to flie the claim and give them as much information as you can.

As I said before, I highly recommend everyone listen to the recording of his webinar as soon as it becomes available. There is a lot of really good stuff in there that will make things a lot clearer for you.

12-17-2012, 08:20 PM
Also of note is Mr. Bell said he is prepared to prove that Zeek Rewards was a Ponzi.

12-17-2012, 09:22 PM
Also of note is Mr. Bell said he is prepared to prove that Zeek Rewards was a Ponzi.

LOL...My dog could prove that zeek was a ponzi....

12-17-2012, 09:23 PM
8. [B]They are working with 100 countries that have Zeek victims about clawbacks in their countries. Not all countries will comply, but he will do them in the countries that do.

This is great news....

12-17-2012, 09:54 PM
This is great news....

Anyone who has failed to notice there's been a gradual hardening of attitudes to HYIP ponzis in the U.S.A. over the past couple of years is going to find out the hard way "the times. they are a changin'"

12-18-2012, 11:03 AM
SEC joins Receiver in Opposition to Appointment of Examiner


12-18-2012, 02:24 PM
SEC joins Receiver in Opposition to Appointment of Examiner


That's a pretty good bitch slapping of Fun Club and the rest of the "lucky twelve". The key statement in it is the footnote about the SEC may want to provide evidence in sealed filings. For those who don't know it, that's a code for "we have stuff that is being shared with other agencies in a criminal investigation" that we want to keep confidential in anticipation of indictments.

12-18-2012, 07:57 PM
More from Craddock, this may get him into deep poopie.....

December 18, 2012

Greetings Good People,

We just want to see an end to this ongoing extortion of this group by Kenneth Bell, as do you. Rodney and Michael or attorneys are crystal clear, no one should in anyway hand over any funds to Kenneth Bell, and he knows and has acknowledged he does not have the ability to win in a crawl back action. Read the filings http://www.zteambiz.net/filings.zip

Attention needs to be brought to the court about Kenneth Bell’s ongoing intimidation tactics against this group.

It’s obvious to me as I’m sure it is to others, that Kenneth Bell is using his position not to protect a victim(s), as he clearly knows there was none, until He was appointed as receiver, and took millions of checks and cashed them. But to use the US government as his personal agency, to steal and extort good honest business people out of their hard earned money. I know these are hard words, but people just look at the facts.

Because I and others have stood up to say this is not right, Kenneth Bell has sent me and others requests for information, knowing full well, he has access to all the information he is seeking with the database that once belonged to Rex Venture Group.

Kenneth Bell has full knowledge that my involvement was minor and the net gain as he would say was just $200.00 so for Kenneth Bell to waste money for an amount that is a small percentage of what he is spending is criminal in my opinion. How can the court allow someone being so reckless, with the truth and the funds he is in trusted with to continue?

Kenneth Bell in my opinion is unwilling to listen to any evidence of how we all worked to build and promote a legal penny auction, every breath coming from Kenneth mouth is saying we invested and we all know we bought bids. And last when he discusses the case he uses statements like big winners and losers. This is all design to pit people against each other, that jointly worked together to build a future for their families and friends.

Has anyone truly looked at Kenneth Bell’s Motivation for not wanting to allow the truth to come out about this case? Could it be that it would financially impact him and the law firm he is with, if he was simply honest, with the court about the true facts involving Rex Venture Group (Zeek Rewards).

Kenneth only hope is to scare and intimidate the people in hopes they would simply, give him their money, knowing once he received the funds, none of it will go to anyone in the Zeek Affiliated family, don’t allow him to confuse and mislead you.


12-18-2012, 08:14 PM
Mr Craddock has one thing right, though:

not have the ability to win in a crawl back action

Yep, Mr Bell will definitely not win any "crawl back" actions.

"Claw backs" on the other hand.............................................. .....................

12-18-2012, 08:21 PM
Mr Craddock has one thing right, though:

Yep, Mr Bell will definitely not win any "crawl back" actions.

"Claw backs" on the other hand.............................................. .....................

Got to wonder just how much the SEC will tolerate from Craddock....Wonder if they will look to indict him for maybe his promotion of a ponzi scheme or similar??...That is if they have the power to do so...

12-18-2012, 08:41 PM
Why would they bother ???

They have a lot more important things to worry about than the rantings of some delusional HYIP ponzi apologist.

He's a nothing, and all his B/S amounts to the same thing - nothing..

I wouldn't mind betting he won't be getting any favourable treatment from the receiver, just as I wouldn't mind betting the receiver, and therefore the true victims of Zeek, come out in front.

12-18-2012, 08:47 PM
More from Craddock, this may get him into deep poopie.....

December 18, 2012

Greetings Good People,

We just want to see an end to this ongoing extortion of this group by Kenneth Bell, as do you. Rodney and Michael or attorneys are crystal clear, no one should in anyway hand over any funds to Kenneth Bell, and he knows and has acknowledged he does not have the ability to win in a crawl back action. Read the filings http://www.zteambiz.net/filings.zip

Attention needs to be brought to the court about Kenneth Bell’s ongoing intimidation tactics against this group.

It’s obvious to me as I’m sure it is to others, that Kenneth Bell is using his position not to protect a victim(s), as he clearly knows there was none, until He was appointed as receiver, and took millions of checks and cashed them. But to use the US government as his personal agency, to steal and extort good honest business people out of their hard earned money. I know these are hard words, but people just look at the facts.

Because I and others have stood up to say this is not right, Kenneth Bell has sent me and others requests for information, knowing full well, he has access to all the information he is seeking with the database that once belonged to Rex Venture Group.

Kenneth Bell has full knowledge that my involvement was minor and the net gain as he would say was just $200.00 so for Kenneth Bell to waste money for an amount that is a small percentage of what he is spending is criminal in my opinion. How can the court allow someone being so reckless, with the truth and the funds he is in trusted with to continue?

Kenneth Bell in my opinion is unwilling to listen to any evidence of how we all worked to build and promote a legal penny auction, every breath coming from Kenneth mouth is saying we invested and we all know we bought bids. And last when he discusses the case he uses statements like big winners and losers. This is all design to pit people against each other, that jointly worked together to build a future for their families and friends.

Has anyone truly looked at Kenneth Bell’s Motivation for not wanting to allow the truth to come out about this case? Could it be that it would financially impact him and the law firm he is with, if he was simply honest, with the court about the true facts involving Rex Venture Group (Zeek Rewards).

Kenneth only hope is to scare and intimidate the people in hopes they would simply, give him their money, knowing once he received the funds, none of it will go to anyone in the Zeek Affiliated family, don’t allow him to confuse and mislead you.


I have loads of Orville Redenbachers Movie Theater Popcorn and my favorite adult beverage and I am going to sit back and watch this train wreck. Dare I say (hopefully) jail time coming sooner or later for craddock and some of his buds and buddettes! One can only hope.

12-19-2012, 12:27 PM
How interesting. Either he honestly believes this crap (which means he ain't firing on full thrusters), or he's sprouting so much bull**** to cover the bull**** he spread before you end up with a whole cesspool.

Neither bodes well for him.

12-20-2012, 01:04 AM

Docs are on the files website

12-20-2012, 03:30 AM
Craddock has stated he made less than $200, and he may be true in the same sense that Bill Clinton "never had sex with that woman". His lawyers objection makes a lot of boilerplate statements, most of them over and over again in response to each request from the receiver. But it gets more involved when he objects to definitions of persons, you, your etc.... in a way that makes me suspect that while Craddock may have only made $200 in his own name, that there may be an entity somewhere that made a bit more and he's trying to prevent being associated with it in court records.
Just a thought, but the objections to who he is or isn't wouldn't really serve any other purpose besides that.

12-20-2012, 11:33 AM
Craddock has stated he made less than $200, and he may be true in the same sense that Bill Clinton "never had sex with that woman". His lawyers objection makes a lot of boilerplate statements, most of them over and over again in response to each request from the receiver. But it gets more involved when he objects to definitions of persons, you, your etc.... in a way that makes me suspect that while Craddock may have only made $200 in his own name, that there may be an entity somewhere that made a bit more and he's trying to prevent being associated with it in court records.
Just a thought, but the objections to who he is or isn't wouldn't really serve any other purpose besides that.
Good Point! A lot of these scam mongers follow the teachings of supposed asset protection gurus with hastily established trusts, LLC's, or on/off shore corporations to hide assets from taxing or legal authorities.

Mitch McDeere
12-27-2012, 12:42 PM
The spelling & grammar mistakes in Craddock's emails make you cringe when you consider he is trying to play ball with the big boys. Perhaps it is like kschang has said with the Nigerian email scams - only those dumb enough to not be bothered by the spelling and grammar errors would believe what Craddock says and participate in Craddock's schemes.

Not only "crawlbacks" (which he repeatedly saws over and over) but I remember when he was giving legal advice about filing "pro say" which should be "Pro Se". Other minor errors like "Rodney and Michael or attorneys are crystal clear". There are many more errors throughput his letters which should give anyone with a clue reading them a hint that maybe he's a crackpot pretending to be an expert, a very dangerous thing when you're dealing with the court system, SEC, etc.

Similarly, the correspondence Hubpages over kschang's hub also had many pseudo-legal language that an uninformed reader may feel threatened by.

12-27-2012, 04:12 PM
The receiver has said there were many multiple accounts of the same person in more than one name. I agree with Gregg, I have thought for a long time that Craddock had more than just the one account in his name. It was part of the reason why he is fighting this so hard. I guess in his warped mind he thinks this will keep the receiver from finding out. What he has failed to recognize is that the receiver has already found out. Now the receiver wants Craddock to deny that he has other accounts that belong to him notarized and under the penalty of perjury, or to admit he did have more than one account. Just more nails in Craddock's coffin. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

What remains to be seen is how many others in the FunClub are in the same boat? My bet is there are many, if not all of the 12 who formed FunClub.

Mitch McDeere
12-27-2012, 04:32 PM
The "Response to Objection from Receiver' (dated Nov 20, 2012) is a good read if you haven't seen it: https://sites.google.com/a/asdupdates.com/files-website/home/zeek-rewards-sec-case

12-27-2012, 07:14 PM
Yes, I am familiar with that website.... :)

12-27-2012, 07:41 PM
Hiya Wizz,

in your travels have you come across anything out of the ordinary or not happening by the numbers in the Zeek case ???

For all the Craddock et al rhetoric, it doesn't appear from the outside their activities have made a single shred of difference to what was always going to happen.

12-27-2012, 11:22 PM
One thing that may be different is if Craddock was a small time player. If he REALLY only has $200 in profit he would have never brought any attention from the receiver for that amount. As it is, there's no way he's gonna get away with a penny now, and after FUN CLUB runs out of donations he's gonna spend more than his $200 in legal fees.

12-27-2012, 11:32 PM
One wonders at his mindset.

Did he wake up one morning and say to himself:

"Hmmn, I think I'm gonna take on the court appointed receiver for a ponzi scheme in which I was a "winner" and, just to make sure he gets the message I'm gonna do it in a public forum"

12-28-2012, 04:21 AM
I suspect my friend DRDave/Ken Russo was among the 1200 big winners, and if he was I'm guessing he's gonna very quietly find the cheapest way out of this as he can. The smart ones give up easy and more importantly quietly when they get caught. No need to advertise to the downline how much you had to give back.
For that matter, I'd have to say that the best schemes for the scammers themselves are the ones that collapse early and don't get a lot of attention. Better to fold up the tent in a few months or even weeks and run off with a few hundred thousand (I mean that's still a nice payday) because if you let if get to this scale, tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars...well, that just gets hard to ignore especially when it has a large footprint on US soil.

This is getting to look like the victims are going to get better than half back, which is good I guess. But a smart serial pimp may still negotiate a settlement. Say the Kettners had been smart enough to just cooperate and cut a deal. Although I've seen big time pimps pay pennies on the dollar (some of the CEP big winners paid back less than 10%) lets just say he cut a deal to pay back 90% and make it go away. Rounding off the couples winnings to $1.5 Million, they could have still profited $150,000 on an initial investment of less than $5000.
So Ken Russo's downline big shot who put in $10,000 and never took any out is gonna lose $5,000, and Ken and the others are getting to KEEP amounts like that.
I know that the receiver has to balance out that it would have cost him more than $150K to get every last dollar, but I sincerely hope he or the SEC refers this to some part of some government that will pursue criminal charges.

And by the way I was in Gettysburg this week and one of my friends there is a lawyer who I talked about this with. A few things that came up were that, say you are a victim and only get half back, you can with some confidence of winning, sue your upline, certainly if one of the big winners who settles still in profit is your upline. He seems confident that if you lost $5000 and your upline got to keep, say, $150,000, you'd have a very good legal case and a jury might indeed be pretty sympathetic to your circumstance. I'm gonna ask some of the JDs on Quatloos about this and Imay have my own "organize the victims" crusade about that, and I won't ask for donations, either.

Stay tuned!

12-28-2012, 05:45 AM
I don't know so much.

I've watched a gradual hardening of attitudes post C.E.P.

If I were a net winner in Zeek, I think the fact the Financial Action Task Force is behind this as it was behind the ASD case would not bode well for a happy and prosperous New year

12-28-2012, 10:30 AM

Mr. Bell has said the returns will be close to 2/3rds

12-28-2012, 11:29 AM
I would think they are compiling a database of the names that repeatedly come up in the scams.

Lil Ol' Radical Me
12-28-2012, 01:04 PM

Mr. Bell has said the returns will be close to 2/3rds

As they did not originally recover 2/3rds, that sounds delightfully like clawbacks.

01-02-2013, 11:25 AM
From Craddock, he is now out to save us all......


Happy New Year, today January 2, 2013 our attorneys will be filing a response to Kenneth Bell’s filing. It is clear that Attorney Ira Sorkin motion would be great for all of us if it is allowed to move forward. I have spoken to Michael Quilling and Michael intends to file a motion in support of Ira Sorkin as we agree that there is no need to continue this action as it is our belief that the government has not met the burden needed to continue the receivership and their actions are causing more harm than good.

As I continue to be sent links to pages by the MLM bloggers, that love to spend their time spinning the facts and causing disruption, intent on defaming good people and their efforts to help people earn an income and build retirements. I often wonder if these people don’t belong in a different part of the world, where the government tells you what kind of work you will do, where you will live, and how much you will make. If you look at the facts, we live in the greatest country in the world, and these online blogger people would like to villainized the very people that have been active in bringing you unique opportunities to earn money to support your family’s.

To listen to the MLM Bloggers you would think they would all be happy if we just worked at McDonald’s or held some government administrative job. The simple fact is the work most professional network marketers do is empower people, to take advantage of their full potential and reach for all the benefits this country offers everyone.

As we lead on to challenge the actions of a few, to strip everyone hard earned money away, let me leave you with one thought. We all have seen the news in the last week of the Fiscal Cliff, and the discussions of how our country is now hit the 16 trillion debt ceiling, and that our government is still not addressing the out of control spending.

If this was a MLM company doing this they would be stripping the bank accounts taking anything that was not nailed down, but because it is our government it is legal.

Guys, Social Security is a Ponzi by their definition, it pays out more than it takes in, and there are several other government programs that do the same this is why we are all in the crisis situation in this country. Now, let’s take Zeek, a company that creates income for a million plus people, has a positive cash flow (over 300 million in the bank) and the government wants it shut down and the MLM bloggers don’t see the irony.

To me it is important to bring the facts to light, as there are so many people that will fail to report the true facts and this cycle will continue

Guys what I’m trying to tell you is we are all being targeted as potential targets in which to extract money from, it not just MLM because our government is running out of money and this is quickly becoming a way to fund their agencies. Below is some links you may want to click on and read.

FEAR: Forfeiture Endangers American Rights (http://www.fear.org/)

Illinois Traffic Stop Of Star Trek Fans Raises Concerns About Drug Searches, Police Dogs, Bad Cops (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/31/drug-search-trekies-stopped-searched-illinois_n_1364087.html)

Forfeiture In The News: DOJ Flaunts Its Forfeiture Purse Power, Congrats To Radley Balko & NC5, NOAA Braces For More Revelations… (http://forfeiturereform.com/2012/10/03/forfeiture-in-the-news-doj-flaunts-its-forfeiture-purse-power-congrats-to-radley-balko-nc5-noaa-braces-for-more-revelations/)


Whistleblower Sues U.S. Marshals Alleging Forfeiture Misconduct - TalkLeft: The Politics Of Crime (http://www.talkleft.com/story/2010/12/27/34052/889)

As the MLM Bloggers continue to paint this group in a negative light they do not realize our efforts may someday protect them from the same type of abuses.


01-02-2013, 11:55 AM
The whole Sorkin thing was already thrown out right?

01-02-2013, 12:20 PM
The whole Sorkin thing was already thrown out right?

Nope. It's still a pending motion. The SEC and receiver will respond. It will be interesting to see how that goes. In the ASD criminal case, Andy Bowdoin's lawyers used a tactic similar to the one that Sorkin is using -- in essence, arguing that ASD was not selling securities and that ASD met none of the Howey Test prongs. The judge in the ASD case expressed doubts that such an argument could prevail.

The problem with the argument -- should it ever "work" -- is that if effectively will create a license to steal. There would be Zeeks and ASDs in every corner of the Internet, and even brick-and-mortar Zeeks and ASDs. I just don't see a judge going for this because it would be viewed as a means of making Ponzi schemes "legal." The security situation it would create would be even more untenable than the current untenable situation.


01-02-2013, 05:19 PM
New filings from Fun Club, on the Files website. (https://sites.google.com/a/asdupdates.com/files-website/home/zeek-rewards-sec-case) Docs 101 and 102

01-07-2013, 01:08 PM
From Craddock, he is now out to save us all......
Zeek, a company that creates income for a million plus people, has a positive cash flow (over 300 million in the bank)

And liability of over a billion...

01-07-2013, 01:18 PM
Read the "reply to SEC" (document 101). It's rather funny. They can't actually articulate a good reason for the appointment, as they just keep harping about the Stanford case, and how an examiner would represent the affiliates.

What SEC and receiver really need to do is stop referring to everybody as victims, and separate the affiliates into three groups: winners that are fighting, winners that are cooperating, and losers. Then the fighting winners can petition to court to pay for their own counsel. It's clear the receiver's job is to make whole the losers by f***ing the winners, who deserve to be f***ed. The ones that are collaborating gets lube, the fighting ones get it dry. ;)

01-07-2013, 02:30 PM
The liability was AT LEAST $3 billion and could have been as large as $6 billion.

01-07-2013, 08:46 PM
Date Filed # Docket Text
01/07/2013 105 MOTION to Seal by Paul R. Burks.Responses due by 1/25/2013 (Sussman, Jacob) (Entered: 01/07/2013)

01/07/2013 106 SEALED MOTION (Sealed - Attorney) by Paul Burks; (available to Paul R. Burks, Receiver for Rex Ventures Group, LLC, Rex Venture
Group, LLC, Securities and Exchange Commission)Responses due by 1/25/2013 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Subpoena (8/24/12), # 2 Exhibit Letter (10/17/12), # 3 Exhibit Letter (10/31/12), # 4 Exhibit Letter (10/31/12), # 5 Exhibit Log (11/16/12), # 6 Exhibit Subpoena (11/21/12), # 7 Exhibit Receiver's Response (1/4/13), # 8 Exhibit Letter (12/14/12), # 9 Exhibit Updated Log (12/14/12), # 10 Exhibit Letter (12/14/12), # 11 Exhibit Affidavit (1/7/13), # 12 Exhibit Affidavit (1/7/13))(Sussman, Jacob) (Entered: 01/07/2013)

01/07/2013 107 NOTICE of Appearance by Rodney E. Alexander on behalf of Robert Craddock (Alexander, Rodney) (Entered: 01/07/2013)

01/07/2013 108 RESPONSE in Opposition re 92 MOTION to Compel Production of Documents from Recent Movants by Robert Craddock, Fun Club USA, Inc., David Kettner, Mary Kettner, David Sorrells. Replies due by 1/17/2013 (Alexander, Rodney) (Entered: 01/07/2013)

01-09-2013, 02:50 PM
More from Craddock:


News update, if you had multiple accounts with Zeek Rewards you need to list each account as a separate registration, this will have multiple benefits for you in the coming weeks, be sure to list the username, the sponsor username and the sponsors, sponsor username also for each account.

As you go to register each account you do need to use a different email address as that is the way you login to and create a new account under Zteambiz.net

If you are confused why get with your leaders and they will explain the reason and how this will affect you in a positive way.



01-09-2013, 06:02 PM
Date Filed # Docket Text

01/07/2013 109 RESPONSE in Opposition re 92 MOTION to Compel Production of Documents from Recent Movants Exhibits A, B and C by Robert Craddock, Fun Club USA, Inc., David Kettner, Mary Kettner, David Sorrells. Replies due by 1/17/2013 (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit B, # 2 Exhibit C)(Alexander, Rodney) (Entered: 01/07/2013)

01/09/2013 110 Consent MOTION for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply re: 80 MOTION FOR AN ORDER REQUIRING RELEASE OF FROZEN THIRD-PARTY ASSETS by Securities and Exchange Commission.Responses due by 1/28/2013 (Bowers, John) (Entered: 01/09/2013)

01-11-2013, 07:42 PM
Date Filed # Docket Text

01/11/2013 111 ORDER granting 110 Motion for Extension of Time to File Response re 80 MOTION FOR AN ORDER REQUIRING RELEASE OF FROZEN THIRD-PARTY ASSETS Responses due by 1/12/2013. Signed by Senior Judge Graham Mullen on 1/10/2013. (Pro se litigant served by US Mail.)(eef) (Entered: 01/11/2013)

01/11/2013 112 RESPONSE in Opposition re 84 MOTION to Intervene and for an Order Dissolving the Appointment of a Temporary Receiver and Memorandum in Support Thereof by Receiver for Rex Ventures Group, LLC. Replies due by 1/22/2013 (Brenner, Irving) (Entered: 01/11/2013)

01/11/2013 113 MEMORANDUM in Opposition re 84 MOTION to Intervene and for an Order Dissolving the Appointment of a Temporary Receiver and Memorandum in Support Thereof by Securities and Exchange Commission. Replies due by 1/22/2013 (Attachments: # 1 Affidavit attaching true copy of ZeekRewards website)(Bowers, John) (Entered: 01/11/2013)

01-16-2013, 07:11 PM
Date Filed # Docket Text

01/16/2013 114 NOTICE by Receiver for Rex Ventures Group, LLC re 92 MOTION to Compel Production of Documents from Recent Movants Notice of Consent to Enter Order Granting Motion to Compel (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Brenner, Irving) (Entered: 01/16/2013)

01/16/2013 115 ORDER denying as moot 73 Motion to Quash. Signed by Senior Judge Graham Mullen on 1/16/2013. (Pro se litigant served by US Mail.)(eef) (Entered: 01/16/2013)

01-17-2013, 09:14 PM
Date Filed # Docket Text

01/17/2013 116 Consent MOTION for Protective Order by Receiver for Rex Ventures Group, LLC.Responses due by 2/4/2013 (Attachments: # 1 Proposed Order)(Brenner, Irving) (Entered: 01/17/2013)

01/17/2013 117 ORDER granting 92 Motion to Compel. Signed by Senior Judge Graham Mullen on 1/17/2013. (Pro se litigant served by US Mail.)(eef) (Entered: 01/17/2013)

01-18-2013, 09:27 PM
Did the zeek owner was charged with criminal charges?

01-18-2013, 10:45 PM
Did the zeek owner was charged with criminal charges?

Not yet to my knowledge, but in my opinion it will only be a matter of time.

01-19-2013, 07:28 PM
Date Filed # Docket Text

01/18/2013 118 RESPONSE in Support re 84 MOTION to Intervene and for an Order Dissolving the Appointment of a Temporary Receiver and Memorandum in Support Thereof by Trudy Gilmond, Kellie King. (Attachments: # 1 Declaration of Kellie King, # 2 Declaration of Trudy Gilmond)(Sorkin, Ira) (Entered: 01/18/2013)

01-19-2013, 07:29 PM
Did the zeek owner was charged with criminal charges?

What he said, it is a matter of time...

01-20-2013, 11:32 PM
Thanks for the reply.

It's incredible that you can run the widest spread ponzi in the history of the United States of America and still have no criminal charges after this long.

01-21-2013, 12:14 AM
Thanks for the reply.

It's incredible that you can run the widest spread ponzi in the history of the United States of America and still have no criminal charges after this long.

Nah, it's completely normal, stros.

It can take up to 2 years before criminal charges are laid in the case of a HYIP ponzi, even longer when it's as big as Zeek was.

ESPECIALLY when the people behind the fraud have either deliberately or carelessly not kept accurate records AND tried to hide as much as they could.


rest assured, when someone gets nailed for running a HYIP ponzi, they stay NAILED.

01-21-2013, 12:17 AM
Thanks for the reply.

It's incredible that you can run the widest spread ponzi in the history of the United States of America and still have no criminal charges after this long.

The Feds are also just part of the game....I bet they just love to make the admin sweat for a year or more b4 they bring charges....

01-21-2013, 01:01 AM
Nah, it's completely normal, stros.

It can take up to 2 years before criminal charges are laid in the case of a HYIP ponzi, even longer when it's as big as Zeek was.

ESPECIALLY when the people behind the fraud have either deliberately or carelessly not kept accurate records AND tried to hide as much as they could.


rest assured, when someone gets nailed for running a HYIP ponzi, they stay NAILED.

Thanks again for the info.

01-21-2013, 01:06 PM
Heard that Dawn Wright-Olivares finally popped up on the scope... having started some sort of radio / podcast with Peter Mingliss (sp?)

01-22-2013, 12:38 AM
Yes, you heard that right. Here's a link

Come Create Your Own Utopia @ the Dash 01/16 by The Dash | Blog Talk Radio (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thedash/2013/01/17/come-create-your-own-utopia-the-dash)

Mitch McDeere
02-01-2013, 04:55 AM
Yes, you heard that right. Here's a link

Come Create Your Own Utopia @ the Dash 01/16 by The Dash | Blog Talk Radio (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thedash/2013/01/17/come-create-your-own-utopia-the-dash)
If you click on that link and look at the pictures of Peter and Dawn... wow, I mean, I thought these were 6 and 7 figure earners and they have such terrible profile pictures, Dawn in particular. Peter looks like he just got lectured by a court judge and the makeup and lighting is terrible.

02-01-2013, 08:04 AM
Thanks for the reply.

It's incredible that you can run the widest spread ponzi in the history of the United States of America and still have no criminal charges after this long.

It's amazing that YOU can pimp most of the obvious ponzi scams in the history of the internet and not go to jail!

02-01-2013, 01:37 PM
It's amazing that YOU can pimp most of the obvious ponzi scams in the history of the internet and not go to jail!
Location, location, location.

02-01-2013, 02:17 PM
Speaking of jail, refunds, etc. Would any of you be interested in a small side bet? I'm willing to bet $5 that the admin will not go to jail and another $5 that no clawbacks from those outside of the U.S. will occur. Any takers?

02-01-2013, 02:34 PM
Speaking of jail, refunds, etc. Would any of you be interested in a small side bet? I'm willing to bet $5 that the admin will not go to jail and another $5 that no clawbacks from those outside of the U.S. will occur. Any takers?
LOL, proposing a little illegal internet gambling, huh...?

02-01-2013, 02:44 PM
A small bet between us girls would hardly constitute illegal gambling, but as you like. It was something in a way of putting money where your mouth is which none of you are ever willing to do.

02-01-2013, 05:42 PM
I'm in, on both. Paul Burkes going to jail is a gimme, I'll take the chance that at the very least overseas winners in the EU are gonna have to cough up some cash. I think it also likely some in supposed "overseas havens" in central america and some caribbean islands will allow clawbacks, Gietner has in the last year hinted that if these jurisdictions didn't start playing ball when the US had evidence he might just cut them off from access to the US banking system.

02-01-2013, 05:48 PM
Great. That's what I wanted to see, someone with guts. It doesn't even matter who wins. We all win if people can see we are not all talk.

02-01-2013, 06:43 PM
You do of course realize that it could be several years before we can say who did win.

02-01-2013, 06:58 PM
I dunno about you, but I've been around for over seven years despite my better judgement, so I'm not going anywhere any time soon.

02-01-2013, 07:13 PM
Let's see, $5 with 1.5% daily interest for five years.......


02-01-2013, 07:30 PM
He he he...I've been around for more than 10 years.

And to all the pimps, shills and such.... I HAVE NEVER BEEN WRONG about a program being a scam.

Not once.

Fat City, LA
02-01-2013, 08:26 PM
This is the ONLY time in almost a decade I have lost $.(a given I've had tons of profit stuck in tanked programs)

I have to give some $ back. I really thought the auctions/bids were real.

This one was brutal, broke up families. (guys getting 10k from in laws, etc)
Over the years Ive left alot of $ on table from not wanting referrals. Zeek reinforced the method in my non referral madness.

02-01-2013, 11:08 PM
Let's see, $5 with 1.5% daily interest for five years.......


But how they gonna decide which 1.5% daily program to "invest" in???? :duh:

02-04-2013, 07:50 PM
The Zeek Rewards receiver, Kenneth Bell has filed his "final liquidation plan" which can be downloaded .pdf format HERE (https://www.box.com/shared/static/a8m88e9px18lwpp6g6w5.pdfin)

Some interesting highlights:



Here ya go, 1million paid members, 80,000 net "winners"

The reality of HYIP ponzi frauds.




Mitch McDeere
02-08-2013, 10:47 PM
#3 in that filing could be a doosey for Dooly, especially when it's hard to plead ignorance when so many of you were posting on his blog.

In other news, net-winners could get screwed big time on taxes. Rex Ventures sent net-winners 1099's for 2012. So you pay taxes on 2012 on winnings that you will have to pay back say in 2013. In your 2013 tax return you can claim the clawback as a loss but not everyone will recover enough tax deductions. First of all, you have to have income sufficient to deduct against, you have to be itemizing deductions, and you have to not meet any of the various progressive tax system caps to limit itemized deductions.

Let's take a simple case - a retired person who made $50k in Zeek. In 2012 they have to pay taxes against it including self-employment. In 2013 they don't have any income, but pay back most of that $50k (depending on the settlement with the Receiver). Nothing to deduct the clawback against... ouch.

02-08-2013, 11:30 PM
#3 in that filing could be a doosey for Dooly, especially when it's hard to plead ignorance when so many of you were posting on his blog.

In other news, net-winners could get screwed big time on taxes. Rex Ventures sent net-winners 1099's for 2012. So you pay taxes on 2012 on winnings that you will have to pay back say in 2013. In your 2013 tax return you can claim the clawback as a loss but not everyone will recover enough tax deductions. First of all, you have to have income sufficient to deduct against, you have to be itemizing deductions, and you have to not meet any of the various progressive tax system caps to limit itemized deductions.

Let's take a simple case - a retired person who made $50k in Zeek. In 2012 they have to pay taxes against it including self-employment. In 2013 they don't have any income, but pay back most of that $50k (depending on the settlement with the Receiver). Nothing to deduct the clawback against... ouch.

Sounds fair to me....Hope all the net winners end up with a huge loss....

Fat City, LA
02-09-2013, 12:16 AM
#3 in that filing could be a doosey for Dooly, especially when it's hard to plead ignorance when so many of you were posting on his blog.

In other news, net-winners could get screwed big time on taxes. Rex Ventures sent net-winners 1099's for 2012. So you pay taxes on 2012 on winnings that you will have to pay back say in 2013. In your 2013 tax return you can claim the clawback as a loss but not everyone will recover enough tax deductions. First of all, you have to have income sufficient to deduct against, you have to be itemizing deductions, and you have to not meet any of the various progressive tax system caps to limit itemized deductions.

Let's take a simple case - a retired person who made $50k in Zeek. In 2012 they have to pay taxes against it including self-employment. In 2013 they don't have any income, but pay back most of that $50k (depending on the settlement with the Receiver). Nothing to deduct the clawback against... ouch.

I got the 1099. I have a career, work as an independent contractor.
It was about what I was claiming in gas deductions=no harm done.

Gray area as to how to treat Zeek. I'm just putting down as straight income, not going to mess w/trying to deduct monthly fee,advert cost, etc-just want closure.

I had no referrals, treated Zeek as HYIP. (to be honest, I thought their auctions actually were that profitable)
It wasnt till it tanked that I realized 24/7 scam/ponzi. When HYIP and religion become one it always ends horrible.

02-09-2013, 12:38 AM
I got the 1099. I have a career, work as an independent contractor.
It was about what I was claiming in gas deductions=no harm done.

Gray area as to how to treat Zeek. I'm just putting down as straight income, not going to mess w/trying to deduct monthly fee,advert cost, etc-just want closure.

Kinda like a bank robber who pays tax on the money he stole....But does not claim the gas in the get away car as a "business expense" :RpS_rolleyes:

Fat City, LA
02-09-2013, 12:44 AM
Kinda like a bank robber who pays tax on the money he stole....But does not claim the gas in the get away car as a "business expense" :RpS_rolleyes:

Under US tax code, that gas expense was 5 times what I made in Geek. Just counted differently.
Oh well, its over soon. Looking like most getting 1/2 of seed $ or more.

02-09-2013, 01:01 AM
Under US tax code, that gas expense was 5 times what I made in Geek. Just counted differently.
Oh well, its over soon. Looking like most getting 1/2 of seed $ or more.

Looks like half just in round 1.....Round 2 of refunds will include all the clawback money...

03-03-2013, 12:57 AM
Want to see how low these two can go...and how they work hand-in-hand together? For anyone who thinks the same PLAYERS aren't in most of these scams....Look below:

Amanda making 'pretty talk' with a poster on her site re Zeek:

Amanda says:
July 3, 2012 at 11:53 pm

...I think that “Zeek” is a business that you will be growing...

Amanda says:
July 4, 2012 at 2:01 am

...it’s all about building a business...

Amanda says:
July 4, 2012 at 4:23 am

...Yes, it is a REAL business…

'Amanda' and 'Deborah' working off one another to suck you into yet another scam:

Amanda says:
July 3, 2012 at 7:39 am
ZeekRewards Review Published!

Deborah says:
July 3, 2012 at 2:34 pm
In August I will meet my goal to withdraw a nice monthly sum from Zeek through nxpay and still be able to grow my account nicely. Frankly, I love Zeek. They will be around for years to come, have done everything top notch to become compliant (US regulations). I cannot say enough good things about them!

Amanda says:
July 3, 2012 at 11:46 pm
@ Deborah. Thank you for your valued comments. We’ll look forward to your help and input in the Skype room.

Amanda says:
July 4, 2012 at 12:30 am
For any of you who would like to ask questions or just discuss ZeekRewards we have opened a Skype room: Money Insider 2 Zeek
Just stop by and ask away!!

Deborah says:
July 4, 2012 at 5:39 pm
Yes I am here to help people get going with Zeek and will keep you informed with all updates from Zeek corporate in a skype room. So if you decide to do this, I will help you every step of the way. They are here for the long haul. It is an mlm yes but where do you find a business that takes 30 seconds a day to earn daily from? Where do you find a business where you give up to 1000 bids to your zeekler customers to play on the penny auction site to win something cool? Where do you find a business that does not rely on recruiting to earn from?
This is a REAL business...

Amanda says:
July 4, 2012 at 5:46 pm
@Deborah. Thank you so much. I hope there are those who use your expertise with ZeekRewards…I now I will!

Deborah says:
August 2, 2012 at 11:07 pm
Nice to be in a place with Zeek that I am bringing in monthly income now.

Deborah says:
August 3, 2012 at 4:59 am
If you have questions about Zeek and want to try a trial run for 60 days for free, contact me at:
Skype: heartworth9

Amanda says:
August 4, 2012 at 4:23 am
...Please let Deborah or I know if you need any help.

Deborah says:
August 4, 2012 at 5:21 pm
Rumors Shmovers….

Dirty little hands in everything, these two...

03-03-2013, 01:29 AM
August 4, 2012 at 5:21 pm Rumors Shmovers….

This is the date Zeek used its Blog to complain about "North Carolina Credit Unions." The SEC and the Secret Service moved against Zeek 13 days later.

On a side note, it was nice to see that a North Carolina credit union appears to have blocked a transaction designated for Profitable Sunrise.

August 4, 2012 at 5:21 pm Rumors Shmovers….

On another side note: Four years to the day earlier -- on Aug. 4, 2008 -- the Secret Service was planning the AdSurfDaily raid, which occurred on Aug. 5, 2008.


03-04-2013, 04:30 PM
And for those of us who have really missed Dawn's smiling face:


Hey, it's a more or less legitimate business which is a pleasant surprise coming from her.

03-29-2013, 02:21 PM
The Zeek receiver Ken Bell filed a motion for the approval of the victims claims process talking us one step closer to people getting their refunds. Thanks for the heads up go to Don Ryan and his ASD Updates blog (http://asdupdates.com/wordpress/archives/3952). PonziTracker Jordan Maglich has an update on this as well (http://www.ponzitracker.com/main/2013/3/29/zeek-receiver-seeks-approval-of-claims-process-notice-proced.html).

Blue Wolf
03-30-2013, 04:01 PM
What if somebody said, "I have NO conscience!"

And what if somebody said, "I am the scum of the earth!"

Disgusting, right?

Well, here's a quote that I also thought was absolutely disgusting. I find it hard to believe that somebody would say something like this.

I read about it on yahoo: (http://news.yahoo.com/authorities-600m-scheme-incubated-nc-town-135809168.html)


Authorities say owner Paul Burks was the mastermind of a $600 million Ponzi scheme — one of the biggest in U.S. history — that attracted 1 million investors, including nearly 50,000 in North Carolina.

The Securities and Exchange Commission, which closed the operation Aug. 17, said Burks was selling securities without a license. The Ponzi scheme was using money from new investors to pay the earlier ones.

Asked if he had anything to say to victims, he shook his head.

"I never told anyone to invest more money than they could afford," Burks snapped. "I didn't tell them to do that. Never."

He said if they lost money, "it's their fault. Not mine. Don't blame me."

03-30-2013, 06:15 PM
Nice of Burks to go on the record and call it an "investment" to an AP reporter, no less... Sort of proves the SEC's case for them.

03-31-2013, 06:03 AM
Ever wondered what HYIP ponzi fraudsters think of the people they've ripped off ???


Yahoo News (http://news.yahoo.com/authorities-600m-scheme-incubated-nc-town-135809168.html)

04-01-2013, 03:41 PM
Kenneth Bell posts "Letter to Net Winners" on receivership website:

http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/4-1-13-Letter from Receiver to Net Winners.pdf (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/4-1-13%20-%20Letter%20from%20Receiver%20to%20Net%20Winners.p df)

"The time for court action is drawing closer. I am sending this message to make sure that net-winners understand that there is an opportunity for settlement, but that the window for the opportunity is closing. To allow a reasonable time for all those who would like to pursue a settlement to do so, I am going to continue to make my team available to negotiate settlements for at least 60 more days. Therefore, if net winners want to pursue a settlement they should contact us by no later than May 31, 2013. After that date, I will assume that all net-winners that want to avoid the legal process by discussing settlement have done so, and I will move forward with court action, likely in June 2013, against the remaining net-winners."

04-02-2013, 02:08 AM
WFMY 2 News is reporting:

Watch the entire WFMY2 News video report HERE (http://www.digtriad.com/news/article/278078/57/Zeek-Rewards-Goes-After-Winners)

Zeek Rewards Receiver Tells Winners They'll Have To Reach Settlement Or Go To Court

Lexington, NC-- The Zeek Rewards Ponzi Scheme case has taken another turn. This time affiliates were given an ultimatum.

Zeek Rewards receiver Kenneth Bell, is urging winners to reach a settlement with him. If not, he'll take them to court.

There's a good chance you know someone who was affected by Zeek Rewards. If you go to Lexington, there's a really good chance.

Wanda Stafford works at a nearby lumber shop across the street from the building where Zeek Rewards used to be headquartered. She knows plenty of people who lost money.

"The lines would wrap around the building and people would just be standing out in groups and huddled and it would be before daylight the lines would start," said Stafford.

At one time, the doors didn't close at the Zeek Rewards building on Center Street in Lexington. That all changed in August when the SEC filed a complaint alleging that Zeek Rewards led by Paul Burks was a $600 million pyramid scheme.

A representative for receiver, Kenneth Bell (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/) told us that so far they've recovered $312 million since August. We'll know more the end of April, when a new report is released.

On Monday, the receiver issued a message (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/4-1-13%20-%20Letter%20from%20Receiver%20to%20Net%20Winners.p df) to people who made money by investing in Zeek Rewards.
Investors who profited from what's being called one of the largest ponzi schemes in US history will have to pay up.

Investors have until May 31st to negotiate a settlement with Kenneth Bell. If they don't contact him, Bell will take them to court.

Zeek Rewards attracted one million investors including nearly 50,000 just from North Carolina.

News 2 went to Paul Burks' home in Lexington on Monday. Last time we were there in August, there was a security guard out front. On
Monday, no one answered the door and a "for sale" sign was on the front lawn.

04-02-2013, 04:51 PM
Now here is a fine, upstanding victim:

(playfair @ Apr 2 2013, 10:59 AM)
To all those who lost money in ZeekRewards, be sure you are registered at the receivers' website for refunds. It is a proven fact that the legal wheel turns slowly, but surely!

After the 12Daily PRO receivership process, I got a $750 check in the mail. I believe that was a few years ago......2009 probably. Then on the 29th of March, I received another check for $141.97 in the mail.

AN accompanying letter notes:

"Dear 12DP Investor,

Please find attached a supplemental distribution of your pro rata share of funds available for 12DP Investors from the 12Daily Pro receivership estate pursuant to the Court-approved Distribution Plan. This is a distribution of the Remaining Amount of the Fund which includes unclaimed funds from the initial Distribution. This re-distribution of the unclaimed funds represents a supplement to the distribution you received on or after September 11, 2009. This distribution is being made to Investors who cashed their initial Distribution check and is in proportion to Investors' prior distributions.

You should consult your tax adviser to determine the tax consequences, if any, of this distribution.

You are advised to promptly negotiate (cash) this check. The check will become void after June 24, 2013. In addition, your Allowed Claim against the 12 Daily Pro receivership estate will be automatically and permanently extinguished if you do not cash this check by June 24, 2013. Thereafter, you will not be entitled to receive a distribution under the Distribution Plan or from the 12DP receivership estate."

Well, I thank God. I have been made WHOLE! Talk about a defective moral compass...!

04-26-2013, 02:42 AM
Receiver Ken Bell is pissed at some "class action" lawyers trying to hold up the claims process through procedural objections, like "we represent them so you can't contact them via mail!"

Ponzitracker - Ponzitracker - Zeek Receiver Blasts Objections to Claims Process (http://www.ponzitracker.com/main/2013/4/25/zeek-receiver-blasts-objections-to-claims-process.html)

05-08-2013, 06:01 PM
Judge Mullen Grants Claims Process, bar Date and Notice Procedures

All the docs are on the Files website, https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=YXNkdXBkYXRlcy5jb218ZmlsZXMtd2Vic2l0ZXxneDo3 N2JmMGNiYjc0ZTdjYTIz


Fat City, LA
05-08-2013, 09:02 PM
I see talk between Zeek Pimps that Bell is bluffing. Will never take that many to court.
In his position he has a fiduciary duty and it WILL happen. They just cant accept it.

05-09-2013, 06:44 AM

You can view the entire document here (http://www.patrickpretty.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/ZeekDoc144-main.pdf)

05-09-2013, 11:59 AM
Are these people cashing in on 'scammed already folks'? I question because I saw a 'friend' who gets involved with scam liking this:

05-09-2013, 12:14 PM
No, Rod Cook is merely pointing out how the receiver is going to organize the verification of victims as per

page 3, paragraph IV in the Approving Order.

05-10-2013, 09:02 AM
Thanks, but when I see these kind of ads, it raises flags IMO.





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05-10-2013, 09:23 AM
I dropped by the Zeek Facebook page and was going to drop a message about the court receiver, but they are all Empower this and that! I shrugged my shoulders and figured they were making so much money with the Daves that filling out some forms would actually cost them.

05-10-2013, 03:16 PM
Well, Rod "MLMWatchdog" Cook is a real guy, and he *does* write MLM comp plans for a living as "mlmconsultant.com". He's pro MLM, but anti-pyramid scheme and ponzi scheme. He's pretty quick to denounced what he calls "shaky and flaky" schemes, and Zeek was on his radar quite early.

05-10-2013, 03:26 PM
I see talk between Zeek Pimps that Bell is bluffing. Will never take that many to court.
In his position he has a fiduciary duty and it WILL happen. They just cant accept it.

Denialism is eternal. It's mostly associated with science (anti-vaccine) and history (Holocaust denial), but financial denial is real. It's a lot like conspiracy theory... anything you can say to these true believers will be twisted around as a bluff, a fake, and so on a so forth. The only question is do they actually believe the **** coming out of their mouth (i.e. their sanity / attachment to reality)

05-10-2013, 04:48 PM
Denialism is eternal. It's mostly associated with science (anti-vaccine) and history (Holocaust denial), but financial denial is real. It's a lot like conspiracy theory... anything you can say to these true believers will be twisted around as a bluff, a fake, and so on a so forth. The only question is do they actually believe the **** coming out of their mouth (i.e. their sanity / attachment to reality)

I have been reading elsewhere that a few of the pimps second class and in some cases pimps third class are not going to contact the receiver and just take their chances. This will be interesting indeed. I am already stocking up on popcorn and beverages.

05-10-2013, 06:13 PM
You mean judas goat 2nd class and judas goat 3rd class. :)

That advice probably came from the masterminds and judas goat 1st class. And their consultant(s).

05-10-2013, 06:19 PM
You mean judas goat 2nd class and judas goat 3rd class. :)

That advice probably came from the masterminds and judas goat 1st class. And their consultant(s).

LOL, I truly hope some carry out their promises when/if they are contacted. I do indeed.

05-10-2013, 06:51 PM
I dropped by the Zeek Facebook page and was going to drop a message about the court receiver, but they are all Empower this and that! I shrugged my shoulders and figured they were making so much money with the Daves that filling out some forms would actually cost them.

It's almost comical how these morons jump from scam to scam. They must be masochists.

05-11-2013, 03:33 AM
It's almost comical how these morons jump from scam to scam. They must be masochists.

No, they're merely the perfect target for "internet marketers"... 3 kinds of people are vulnerable to scams: risk-takers (I'll just try this...), grievers (just suffered a loss, emotional, financial, or physical), and debtors (in bad financial situation). Zeek Rewards victims would be all three rolled together. They are PERFECT low-hanging fruit for scammers. They just need a few judas goats to lead them toward whatever. And Craddock was the first with OfferHubb.

05-11-2013, 09:10 PM
I see talk between Zeek Pimps that Bell is bluffing. Will never take that many to court.
In his position he has a fiduciary duty and it WILL happen. They just cant accept it.

I have been reading elsewhere and I really hope some of the pimps keep their promises when Mr. Bell contacts them.

05-15-2013, 09:43 AM
The Zeek Rewards claims portal has opened on the Zeek Rewards Receivership website (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/)


and also on the ZeekRewards Online Claim Filing Website (https://cert.gardencitygroup.com/zrw/fs/home)


Eligible claimants are strongly urged to register with either site as soon as possible.

05-19-2013, 02:08 AM
Did that AC360 special EVER air?

Fat City, LA
05-19-2013, 12:58 PM
Anyone remember what each monthly membership level cost? Silver, gold, etc

How long were VIP points good for? 90 days?


Fat City, LA
05-19-2013, 02:21 PM
also, anyone remember what the 'compliance' class cost ?

05-19-2013, 03:13 PM
MSRP of $10, discounted to $5?

You can read Len Clement's full investigation on his website, should contain all the details you want. (insidenm.com)

He's not a friend here, guess he was roughed up a bit when he came to visit. :D But I think his heart's in the right place. :)

05-27-2013, 10:03 PM
‘Net winners’ seek to dissolve ZeekRewards receivership

Posted: Monday, May 27, 2013 2:56 pm | Updated: 9:37 pm, Mon May 27, 2013.

Richard Craver/Winston-Salem Journal

A request to end the receivership over Rex Venture Group LLC and ZeekRewards.com, made by “winning participants,” will be heard June 5 in U.S. District Court in Charlotte.

Rex Venture, ZeekRewards.com and Paul Burks, their principal owner, are accused by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission of raising money through unregistered securities from at least 2.2 million customers nationwide. That includes more than 230,000 customers in the United States and 47,000 in North Carolina.

The Lexington companies were shut down and their assets frozen Aug. 17.

Kenneth Bell, who was appointed receiver in August, said he has determined that about 80,000 user-identification numbers made money off ZeekRewards.com, and that about 840,000 user-identification numbers lost money.

Bell has given the “net winners” a deadline of Friday for reaching a settlement or else they will be sued. Bell defines net winners as participants who took more money out of the alleged Ponzi scheme than they had paid in.

Some net winners have attempted to keep their gains through filing motions to have the receivership dissolved. Some of those participants failed in an attempt to have a judge appoint an attorney to oversee Bell’s actions.

In January, Judge Graham Mullen approved requiring four large net winners to turn over all pertinent documents. Three of the four participants listed by Bell in his motion — David Sorrells, and David and Mary Kettner — “won” at least a combined $1.7 million.

Although it is not certain how Mullen will rule on the motion, Mullen allowed Bell to begin accepting participants’ online reimbursement claims earlier this month at ZeekRewards Receivership Website (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com).

Bell said he expects to receive claims from more than 1 million participants, with a filing deadline of Sept. 5. Participants must use the court-approved claims process to be included. Bell said online claims were chosen to minimize costs and accelerate processing claims.

Kenneth Bell said he expects to recover $312.1 million in assets. He said it could be well into the second half of the year before he gets court authority to begin paying refunds from the recovered assets, with participants likely to receive about 50 cents on the dollar.

“I recognize that many of the net winners also see themselves as victims of the scheme and are anxious to resolve their participation in Zeek without being drawn into court proceedings and the further cost and time involved in the legal process,” Bell said in April.

He said he has reached settlement agreements that would release his claims against net winners if the court approves the deals. The settlement amounts have ranged from 40 percent to 80 percent of the profits.

“'The settlements take into account the amount of the affiliate’s winnings, the nature of their involvement and their involvement of others, their cooperation, their ability to repay the money (and the time period in which the repayment can reasonably be made) and other individual factors and circumstances,” Bell said.


(336) 727-7376

05-28-2013, 07:38 PM
More silliness:

Hello Zeekers,

Well Praise the Lord , we have a hearing scheduled for June 5 ,2013 in North Carolina before Judge Mullins.

The judge requested that Ira Sorkin, his top assistant and Kenneth Bell appear before him to present oral arguments about the SEC not having any jurisdiction to shut down Zeek.

Please look at the web site www.fightforzeek.com (http://www.fightforzeek.com) and get information, I can't possibly answer all your e-mails, so I apologize in advance. Remember this is a decision that can BENEFIT ALL OF US THAT WAS IN ZEEK. This isn't just about NET WINNERS, it's about the majority of people that never had the chance to take anything out of ZEEK REWARDS and have become NET LOSERS because the SEC shut down Zeek before they could become NET WINNERS.

We all worked hard to build our businesses and people were in different degrees of building their businesses, let's pray for the TRUTH AND JUSTICE TO PREVAIL and that we can continue to build ZEEK. We need to pray for wisdom and discernment for Judge Mullins in making his decision

Please consider donating whatever you can to help fund this fight, I know that the majority of people don't have a lot to donate, however if all of us just gave what our budget would allow we can sustain this fight and possibly get ZEEK back up. Lots of people didn't BELIEVE we had a chance and we may still lose, I don't know the out come will be. The one thing I do know is if we don't stick together and support this effort we will definitely lose.

I believe in America and that their are still some great people in our country, but we have to make our voices heard and fight for at least our day in court.

Here's the latest update on Zeek and our attorney. Please pass this website information out to your leaders. www.fightforzeek.com (http://www.fightforzeek.com)


In Christ name,Matt 6:33
"Your Servant For Success"

Greg Baker

05-28-2013, 08:19 PM
Silly scammer... refund is for victims, not self-delusional evangelical judas goats.

05-28-2013, 09:53 PM
The judge requested that Ira Sorkin, his top assistant and Kenneth Bell appear before him to present oral arguments about the SEC not having any jurisdiction to shut down Zeek.

lmao....yeah.....I don't think so.

05-31-2013, 12:07 AM
the Motion to release third party Funds, filed by David Sorrells and David and Mary Kettner has been denied. Seems they never files a reply to the SEC and receiver's response to their motion. Ooops

Guess it is time to put up or shut up.... the doc is on the Files website....

06-27-2013, 06:51 AM
That's the ticket, Dawn.

If you're embarrassed by your history as the Zeek mouthpiece, just leave it off your CV.

Pity about the thousands who believed every word you said, though.


Dawn (Wright-Olivares)de Brantes' hippiediva profile on LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/in/hippiediva)

06-27-2013, 10:12 AM
Oh, how quickly we forget:


Yep, that's her spruiking her involvement with iWowWe

06-27-2013, 11:55 AM
She listed her Zeek days as "Free Store Club", which ran FSC Auctions, predecessor of Zeekler / Zeek Rewards.

06-30-2013, 11:15 PM
In the most recent Motion filed (upon consulting with the SEC), Kenneth Bell has established the threshold for qualification of a “Net Winner” as winning $1,000 or more.

Documents are on the Files website (https://sites.google.com/a/asdupdates.com/files-website/home/zeek-rewards-sec-case)

07-23-2013, 07:00 PM
Well the hearing was today for the motion to intervene by Ira Sorkin on behalf of his two clients. The court issued this ruling:

This matter is before the Court upon the Proposed Intervenors’ Motion to Intervene and for an Order Dissolving the Appointment of a Temporary Receiver. A hearing was held in this matter on July 23, 2013. For the reasons stated in open court, IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the Motion to Intervene and for an Order Dissolving the Appointment of a Temporary Receiver is hereby DENIED.

Now it remains to be seen if they appeal. They will get the same answer if they do. Hopefully Ira Sorkin can talk some sense into these two dingbats, but I seriously doubt it. This is not about what is good for the Zeek members, but two biddy's trying to keep their ill-gotten gains. Only sorry they can't charge them. I hope the receiver takes them to court and they have to pay it all back, plus court costs and attorney fees.

07-24-2013, 06:12 AM

07-25-2013, 10:09 AM
I spoke to a reporter for The Dispatch, and he said he would be talking to the Receiver and ask Mr. Bell about the upcoming claw back lawsuits. I hope that Bell does not file cases in every District Court, as my PACER bill would be huge.

Also, The Dispatch will be doing a "One Year Anniversary" story about the Zeek Rewards closure. it should be posted on their website August 17th.
Lexington NC news, weather and classifieds | The-Dispatch.com | Lexington NC (http://www.the-dispatch.com/)

07-26-2013, 09:03 PM
Senior U.S. District Judge Graham C. Mullen of the Western District of North Carolina has approved a plan submitted by the Court Appointed receiver to settle with some of the Zeek winners at a discount:


07-29-2013, 12:31 AM
Remember when Robert Craddock and the gang of 12 claimed they had this great SEC Lawyer and they were going to file against the SEC and the receiver and kick their butt in court to get Zeek back? They begged for donations so they could take this legal action and get Zeek back since it was not a Ponzi. And the final result was a big fat zero except that Robert got the engine in his plane overhauled at all the people dontating money expense. Here's the big announcement to set up a defense fund for any suits by the receiver against the winners in Zeek because they did not settle as they had the ability to do:


Did you see the update from the Fight For Zeek website? It is below the Fight For Zeek URL (below) if you have not seen it yet.

I think we should raise the money so that the first person being sued can fight using Ira Sorkin and the money we have raised.

If everyone who reads this would contact Trudy Gilmond and Kellie King (Fightforzeek @ outlook.com) and ask them to post a new message encouraging everyone to get a message sent out to all their former down line for everyone to put $10:00 into a new Fight For Zeek fund, then the first person who is sued can use this money that is collected by Trudy and Kellie to set a precedent. This precedent can then be used in a legal letter by all those who get sued after the first ones.

What I understand is that the judge told Trudy Gilmond and Kellie King that he would hear their case after they were sued. So the SEC will stay away from Trudy Gilmond and Kellie King and they will prey upon those who do not have the money to defend themselves first. After the SEC sets a precendent with these weaker people then they will go after those who have more money. But if a precedent is set first to the SEC's advantage, then it will be harder for the later ones to win against the SEC.

So, we need millions of Zeek members to email Trudy Gilmond and Kellie King and ask them not to think about just themselves but to think about the first people who are sued. Ask them to raise the money that can be used by the first people who are sued to set the precedent that all of us can benefit from. Trudy and Kellie will benefit from the first successful court case also. In the process they will be helping others besides themselves.

IF WE DO NOT ACT NOW by contacting these girls to help raise the money for the first ones sued, then we may lose this fight. We have to raise the money now for the first people who will be sued.

Copy and paste this message above and send it to everyone in your former Zeek down line.

Here is the message in quotes from Trudy's and Kellie's website:

From www.fightforzeek.com (http://www.fightforzeek.com)


July 24, 2013

We were very disappointed to hear that on July 23, 2013 Judge Mullen denied the Motion to Intervene due to not filing the motion on a timely basis. The Motion to Intervene was filed on December 14, 2012.

However, the judge did leave the door OPEN to challenge whether this was a security/ponzi scheme. If a Qualified Affiliate was sued by the receiver, the judge will consider arguments. Ira Sorkin has stated that if any Qualified Affiliates would like to retain him as their personal counsel, that he would be willing to discuss your situation. Mr. Sorkin already has a wealth of information regarding the specifics of the case. Please call him at 1-212-262-6700 if you find yourself being sued by the receiver for the SEC, Mr. Kenneth Bell.

Your donations were very generous. However at this time, we are no longer asking for donations for this motion as it has been denied.

Thank You From The Bottom of our Hearts For Your Support.

Trudy Gilmond and Kellie King"

Fightforzeek @ outlook.com

Very Sincerely Yours,

(name removed)

Anyone who is dumb enough to send them money deserves to lose it. If Sorkin had a case, the judge would not have ruled against his motion. While he may know a lot about Zeek, he obviously did not know enough to convince a judge it was not a Ponzi. You deserve to be sued if you did not agree to a settlement with the receiver. That's the only reason why you will be sued. What part of being part of a Ponzi do all of you not get?

Of course the judge will hear the case if you are sued, because it is in his court the case would be tried as he was the issuing judge against Zeek and Paul Burks. Sheesh, it doesn't take Ira Sorkin to tell you that.

I hope these two end up in jail.

Fat City, LA
07-29-2013, 12:30 PM
Stupid today=stupid tomorrow. Some will cough up $.

07-29-2013, 05:25 PM
Denial is a powerful force. And I don't mean the river. ;)

The only proof that it's not a Ponzi is... what exactly? Nothing. Absolutely NOTHING.

Giving money to them is money down the drain. It will not reduce any tax bills, and it's for a lost cause. It can't even be morally justified as "the right thing to do". It's pure selfishness. "The money's in my bank account and I'm gonna keep it!"

Enough whining already, sheesh.

07-31-2013, 09:56 PM
Some edited highlights of the Zeek Rewards Receivership quarterly status report (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/QuarterlyStatusReportQ22013.pdf)


08-05-2013, 08:31 PM
Letter from Zeek Receiver:

August 2, 2013

To Affiliates and Other Creditors of Rex Venture Group, LLC:

On May 15, 2013, the claims process for Rex Venture Group, LLC d/b/a ZeekRewards (“ZeekRewards”) commenced pursuant to the Order Approving (I) Claims Process, (II) Setting of Bar Date, and (III) Approving Notice Procedures. Approximately 30 days from now, on September 5, 2013, the claims process will close and you will no longer be able to submit a claim.

To date, while more than 100,000 claims have been submitted or are in the process of being submitted through the Claims Process, hundreds of thousands of affiliates of ZeekRewards and other entities that hold potential claims against ZeekRewards have not filed claims. Perhaps you are one of these affiliates who has not submitted a claim because you believe that fully completing and submitting a claim will take too much time, the Claims Process is too
complex, the amount of your claim is too small, or that your potential recovery will not be in a large enough amount to make the effort of pursuing your claim worthwhile.

Regardless of these concerns, I would encourage you to submit your claim prior to the close of the Claims Process if you believe ZeekRewards owes you money for amounts that you invested in ZeekRewards. I anticipate that a substantial percentage of valid claims will be refunded. Moreover, I have made every effort to make the Claims Process as simple and user friendly as possible for all claimants and have only sought the information necessary to enable us to establish the amount each claimant is owed by ZeekRewards. Please also remember that even if you do not have all of the information requested, you may still complete and fully submit your claim. Any deficiencies with a particular claim will be addressed in the claim determination process.

If you have not completed and fully submitted a claim through the Receiver’s online Claim Portal or through alternative means expressly authorized by me in writing prior to 11:59pm prevailing Eastern Time on September 5, 2013, your claim will not be counted and you will not receive a distribution on account of any amounts that Zeekrewards may owe you.

You may still request permission to submit your claim using a method other than the Receiver’s online Claim Portal by sending an email to claims@zeekrewardsreceivership.com. However, permission to submit a claim outside the Receiver’s Online Claim Portal will be granted only in rare
instances, will be in my sole discretion, and will be evidenced by a written acknowledgment from me.

As always, thank you for your continued patience in this process. I continue to be dedicated to returning to you the greatest percentage of the amount of your claims as is possible.


Kenneth D. Bell

Receiver for Rex Venture Group, LLC d/b/a ZeekRewards

09-06-2013, 01:21 AM
On May 8, 2013, Judge Graham C. Mullen issued an Order (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/%28144%29OrderApprovingClaims%20Process[1].pdf) approving (I) Claims Process, (II) Setting of Bar Date, and (III) Approving Notice Procedures. Pursuant to that order, the claims filing period opened May 15, 2013 and closed September 5, 2013.

The Zeek Rewards claims portal has now officially closed.

09-07-2013, 03:04 AM
Latest update from the Zeek Rewards Receivership (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/ZRWUpdatefromReceiver9.6.13.pdf)



You can view the original document on the receivers' website HERE (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/ZRWUpdatefromReceiver9.6.13.pdf)

09-19-2013, 05:57 PM
yes what is this zeek rewards thingy here??? Is this thing legit seriously??? Just asking k.. thankxxx

09-30-2013, 05:02 PM
This is,...... disappointing (http://www.sec.gov/litigation/admin/2013/33-9460.pdf?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter):

The Securities and Exchange Commission (“Commission”) deems it appropriate that cease
and desist proceedings be, and hereby are, instituted pursuant to Section
8A of the Securities Act of 1933 (“Securities Act”), against Adam Troy Dooly
(“Dooly” or “Respondent”).

Troy was a paid consultant to Rex ventures group, I think we all knew that. What we didn't know is:

Under two successive contracts, RVG agreed to pay Dooly $6,000 per month to provide various consulting and public relations services that included, among other things, responding to negative press about RVG and ZeekRewards;
providing live reporting from company events; conducting video chat interviews to “promote company, founders, officers, products and culture”; and providing media exposure to facilitate market penetration and improve
public perception.In furtherance of the foregoing, Dooly promoted ZeekRewards on his website,
MLMHelpdesk.com; posted blog entries and youtube.com videos giving publicity to ZeekRewards;
and conducted at least one radio interview promoting the company.

Well, Troy will be a few grand lighter when he pays his fines. I wonder how typical this is of his consulting service.

(And thanks to FC for the link)

10-01-2013, 03:59 AM




10-01-2013, 01:48 PM
I wonder how typical this is of his consulting service.

Here's the part that bothers me the most - and, IMHO, has the most implications for the reliability of his "consulting service":
In each instance of public relations or promotion in various media outlets, Dooly failed to disclose to his readers and listeners that RVG was paying him for such publicity ... in at least one instance, Dooly denied (or misled his audience about) receiving compensation from RVG (apart from reimbursement of expenses) when asked about his compensation during a public radio program.If the guy were to tell me that the sun rose in the East, I'd go out and look.

10-01-2013, 02:38 PM
What bothered me was his constant defense and promotion of Zeek claiming it was not a Ponzi as many of us were saying it was. This caused thousands of people to join all the while denying he was being paid to defend Zeek. He should be thanking his lucky stars this fine wasn't 10 times as much, which in my opinion it should have been.

10-01-2013, 02:59 PM
Here's the part that bothers me the most - and, IMHO, has the most implications for the reliability of his "consulting service":If the guy were to tell me that the sun rose in the East, I'd go out and look.

EXACTLY. If it is found that someone has lied, misled or allowed misconception, can what they say be trusted?

10-01-2013, 07:59 PM
There is also discussion going on with Troy Dooly participation at Patrick's blog

BULLETIN: SEC Sanctions Troy Dooly For Zeek-Related Work; MLMHelpDesk Blogger Ordered To Pay More Than $6,000 In Disgorgement, Penalties And Interest (http://www.patrickpretty.com/2013/09/30/bulletin-sec-sanctions-troy-dooly-for-zeek-related-work-mlmhelpdesk-blogger-ordered-to-pay-more-than-6000-in-disgorgement-penalties-and-interest/)

10-01-2013, 09:29 PM
Moreover, it's completely unethical to run a help desk which purports to assist people in navigating the MLM world and take money to glad-hand clients. That sort of site requires a neutrality that Mr. Dooley clearly does not have.

I'm sorry, but I've always felt from the way he spins and dodges and ignores obvious problems that he's a shill, plain and simple. I formed that conclusion after watching a number of his videos upon running across Rippln.

At no time has he discussed the ethical appropriateness of his actions. If he does that, I may give him some leeway.

Funny thing: day before the SEC announcement I'd tweeted him to ask if he was taking money from rippln since he referred to them as clients and seemed awfully chummy with people he was purported to report objectively on.

So far there has been no direct yes/no response, which I believe is telling.

10-02-2013, 03:20 AM
Yeah, I had a comment on my blog too... Can MLMHelpDesk EVER be trusted again?

He kept saying that he's under NDA... How can you be under NDA when you're getting PAID by them? Does FTC allow such an NDA to exist? No! NDA would be ILLEGAL!

And M_Norway, Glim, I, and others have been telling him, FOR MONTHS that Zeek is a security and SEC will slap it! He had TONS of lawyer friends! He should have checked! He COULD have checked!

Sorry, not buying that "I was under NDA" excuse.

Frankly, when Receiver took over he could have come clean. Receiver is not going to sue him for breaking NDA. Receiver don't give a **** about NDA from RVG/Burks, who's now MIA.

And it's not as if admitting fault to the public is going to affect his deal with the SEC, is it?

The fact we had to wait until SEC announced it via twitter... THEN he made a video about it. Feels TOO MUCH like PR SPIN CONTROL.

Judas goat, indeed.

10-02-2013, 09:36 AM
Yeah, I had a comment on my blog too... Can MLMHelpDesk EVER be trusted again?

He kept saying that he's under NDA... How can you be under NDA when you're getting PAID by them? Does FTC allow such an NDA to exist? No! NDA would be ILLEGAL!

I completely share your disgust at Dooly pretending to issue impartial evaluations while failing to disclose an obvious conflict of interest - in fact, as obvious as a conflict can get, secretly being paid by the subject to say what you're saying. Moreover, the conflict had to be clear to Dooly from the inception, and therefore his "I couldn't disclose due to the NDA" apologia is disingenuous at best, abject bullshit at worst. Still, I don't agree that the non-disclosure agreement is unlawful. This particular ethical cesspool isn't Zeek's - for a change - but rather Dooly's.

I don't see Dooly needing to worry about the FTC. Rather, he should worry about people who paid him for "membership" and pissed away money on Zeek per his recommendation. Those are the folks to whom he owed a duty of disclosure, since they're paying him. A suit against Dooly by such a person would be an interesting one to follow.

Hint, hint.

Finally, of course, any agreement Dooly had with Zeek ended once the SEC shut them down. I kinda doubt, for example, that Dooly kept getting his $6K/month. That was over a year ago. The Zeek-Dooly agreement only comes to light, however, when the SEC makes the consent order public.

Where ya been, Troy? Mowing your lawn?

10-08-2013, 09:41 AM
What's that old thing about "Once bitten, twice shy" ??


The start of a trend ?? (http://www.scam.com/showpost.php?p=867221&postcount=794)

10-08-2013, 10:16 AM
I read it, and did not report. I[t] was a true wake up call for me to realize, friendships are great, but facts must be delivered even if it means friendships may be stretched.

Hey, friendships are one thing, but money's something else entirely. Stretch a friendship if you have to. But never stretch a source of funds, even if it means that facts don't get delivered.

Either that, or Dooly "wakes up" really slowly.

Nice find, LRM.

10-08-2013, 07:15 PM

you're welcome. considering a great majority were buying his I-did-due-diligence-on-zeek bullshit at the time and even give him the benefit of the doubt now for some reason. He and the other scumbag clements are only in it to rip people off from both ends.

10-10-2013, 12:20 PM
A comment I wrote today (http://www.patrickpretty.com/2013/09/30/bulletin-sec-sanctions-troy-dooly-for-zeek-related-work-mlmhelpdesk-blogger-ordered-to-pay-more-than-6000-in-disgorgement-penalties-and-interest/#comment-) on the Patrick Pretty blog:

I really don’t know how many ways a person can say, I take full responsibility or I apologize. But I have done it over and over!

Perhaps I can be of assistance.

You haven’t really “done it over and over”. You have claimed over and over to have been unaware of SEC rules regarding securities. Fair enough. But take a step back.

I’m a lawyer. You retain me to advise you on whether a certain transaction would be a good idea for you. You don’t know that I’ve also been retained by the folks with whom you’re dealing, and I don’t tell you because I have a non-disclosure with them. Do you have a problem with that? Don’t you think that – law and regulation aside – basic ethical considerations of fair-dealing require disclosure of conflicts of interest?

You’ve never even acknowledged that conflict, let alone apologized for it. Instead, you’ve offered the politician’s apology, pretending that you merely unintentionally violated some technical rule instead of breaching the trust of your members. Pretending to be impartial while you secretly accept money from someone you write about is not a technicality. Perhaps, if you apologize for the real offense, people with a brain might trust you again.

Or perhaps not. So maybe it’s best to keep stonewalling, so at least you may hold onto the people without a brain.

10-10-2013, 01:42 PM
Well, he has done it over and over because he keeps getting caught over and over.

10-12-2013, 06:01 PM
New "Update" on ZteamBiz website, Craddock Lives!!!!

Zeek Rewards update newsletter with ZteamBiz.net (http://zteambiz.net)

11-14-2013, 06:27 AM

What, no apologies for misleading people and taking money under false pretenses ???

Nah, shoot the messenger.

That's the HYIP ponzi biz for ya.

11-14-2013, 06:34 AM

11-14-2013, 10:34 AM
And the clowns ARE:


11-14-2013, 03:52 PM
And the clowns ARE:

Oh, my! Throwing Dooly under the bus after all he tried to do for them!!!

11-14-2013, 09:09 PM
Well, the got 2 right anyway.

11-15-2013, 03:36 AM
I'd like to offer my hearty congratulations to those singled out, and I'm also disappointed to not have been so honored!

Now I know how Hunter S. Thompson felt when he wasn't named on the "Nixon's Enemies List".

12-12-2013, 12:41 AM
Zeek receiver files Leave to Institute Actions. Look whose names are on the proposed Order:


12-19-2013, 07:16 PM


Court grants receivers' request to institute action (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=YXNkdXBkYXRlcy5jb218ZmlsZXMtd2Vic2l0ZXxneDoy NmRmYTA3MWExMDEwMzE4) against named defendants and sets initial conference

12-19-2013, 10:34 PM


Court grants receivers' request to institute action (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=YXNkdXBkYXRlcy5jb218ZmlsZXMtd2Vic2l0ZXxneDoy NmRmYTA3MWExMDEwMzE4) against named defendants and sets initial conference

This is just getting better and better! I have Mr. bell on the top of my Christmas Card list!

12-19-2013, 11:26 PM
This is just getting better and better! I have Mr. bell on the top of my Christmas Card list!How about if we run him for President?

12-20-2013, 02:01 PM
SEC Charges Woman and Stepson for Involvement in ZeekRewards Ponzi and Pyramid Scheme

The SEC alleges that Dawn Wright-Olivares and Daniel Olivares, who each now live in Arkansas, provided operational support, marketing, and computer expertise to sustain ZeekRewards.com
“Wright-Olivares was a marketing and operational mastermind behind the scheme and Olivares was the chief architect of the computer databases they used,” said Stephen Cohen, an associate director in the SEC’s Division of Enforcement. “After they learned ZeekRewards was under investigation by law enforcement, they accepted substantial sums of money from the scheme while keeping investors in the dark about its imminent collapse.”
To settle the SEC’s charges, Wright-Olivares agreed to pay at least $8,184,064.94 and Olivares agreed to pay at least $3,272,934.58 – amounts that represent the entirety of their ill-gotten gains plus prejudgment interest. Payments will be made as part of the parallel criminal proceeding in which additional financial penalties could be imposed in a restitution order.

more: SEC.gov | SEC Charges Woman and Stepson for Involvement in ZeekRewards Ponzi and Pyramid Scheme (http://www.sec.gov/News/PressRelease/Detail/PressRelease/1370540530681)

12-20-2013, 07:16 PM
SEC Charges Woman and Stepson for Involvement in ZeekRewards Ponzi and Pyramid Scheme

more: SEC.gov | SEC Charges Woman and Stepson for Involvement in ZeekRewards Ponzi and Pyramid Scheme (http://www.sec.gov/News/PressRelease/Detail/PressRelease/1370540530681)

Oh My,
Better and Better

12-20-2013, 07:19 PM
This receiver just gets better and better...

12-20-2013, 09:00 PM

SEC press release (http://www.sec.gov/News/PressRelease/Detail/PressRelease/1370540530681)

12-20-2013, 11:10 PM
Extracts from the SEC Litigation complaint (http://www.sec.gov/litigation/complaints/2013/comp-pr2013-270.pdf)





12-20-2013, 11:40 PM










Extracts from the SEC Litigation complaint (http://www.sec.gov/litigation/complaints/2013/comp-pr2013-270.pdf)

12-21-2013, 01:56 AM
Puts banners broker scam in perspective.

12-21-2013, 10:28 AM
My, my, how things change:

Here's a real Zeek Rewards Blast from the past

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WQK9yu5mmw&amp;list=PL3345C9B955ED894A&amp;featur e=player_detailpage

12-21-2013, 08:07 PM
Dawn Wright-Olivares' Plea agreement with the Department of Justice (http://www.justice.gov/usao/ncw/forms/dawnolivarespleaagreement.pdf)

Certainly doesn't bode well for her co-conspirators or leave any wriggle room for her.


12-21-2013, 10:03 PM
Dawn Wright-Olivares' Plea agreement with the Department of Justice (http://www.justice.gov/usao/ncw/forms/dawnolivarespleaagreement.pdf)

Certainly doesn't bode well for her co-conspirators or leave any wriggle room for her.


I can't wait to see just how far down the authorities reach and charge the referral pimps. As I have posted before, Mr. Bell is at the top of my Christmas Card list. May he reach really deep and far down and squeeze the pimps extremely hard!

12-21-2013, 10:42 PM
never mind what the receiver does,

this is the US Department of Justice, these are CRIMINAL charges and, under the terms of the plea agreement she has to reveal EVERTHING she knows about anything to do with Zeek Rewards, AND, she was there from the beginning.

As has been pointed out here before, the whole HYIP ponzi game has changed.

Once these guys are involved, it's all over red rover.

The includes representatives from a broad range of federal agencies, regulatory authorities, inspectors general, and state and local law enforcement who, working together, bring to bear a powerful array of criminal and civil enforcement resources. The task force is working to improve efforts across the federal executive branch, and with state and local partners, to investigate and prosecute significant financial crimes, ensure just and effective punishment for those who perpetrate financial crimes, combat discrimination in the lending and financial markets, and recover proceeds for victims of financial crimes.

US Department of Justice Olivares press release (http://www.justice.gov/usao/ncw/pressreleases/2013/Charlotte-2013-12-20-olivares.html)

That is the same PFFETF which was involved in the prosecution of AdSurf Daily and Legisi.

The PFFETF does NOT miss

Task Force Members

The Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force is the broadest coalition of law enforcement, investigatory and regulatory agencies ever assembled to combat fraud.
The task force is composed of senior-level officials from the following federal departments, agencies and offices:

Department of Justice (http://www.justice.gov/)

U.S. Attorneys' Offices (http://www.justice.gov/usao/districts/)

Department of the Treasury (http://www.treasury.gov/Pages/default.aspx)
Department of Commerce (http://www.commerce.gov/)
Department of Labor (http://www.dol.gov/)
Department of Housing and Urban Development (http://portal.hud.gov/portal/page/portal/HUD)
Department of Education (http://www.ed.gov/)
Department of Homeland Security (http://www.dhs.gov/)
Securities and Exchange Commission (http://www.sec.gov/)
Commodity Futures Trading Commission (http://www.cftc.gov/)
Federal Trade Commission (http://ftc.gov/)
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (http://fdic.gov/)
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (http://www.federalreserve.gov/)
Federal Housing Finance Agency (http://www.fhfa.gov/)
Office of Thrift Supervision (http://www.ots.treas.gov/)
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (http://www.occ.treas.gov/)
Small Business Administration (http://www.sba.gov/)
Federal Bureau of Investigation (http://www.fbi.gov/)
Social Security Administration (http://www.ssa.gov/)
Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigations (http://www.irs.gov/compliance/enforcement/index.html)
Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (http://www.fincen.gov/)
United States Marshals Service (http://www.usmarshals.gov/)
United States Postal Inspection Service (https://postalinspectors.uspis.gov/)
United States Secret Service (http://www.secretservice.gov/)
United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (http://www.ice.gov/)
Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board (http://www.recovery.gov/About/board/Pages/TheBoard.aspx)
National Credit Union Administration (http://www.ncua.gov/)
North American Securities Administrators Association (http://www.nasaa.org/home/index.cfm)
National Association of Attorneys General (http://www.naag.org/)
National District Attorneys Association (http://www.ndaa.org/)
Offices of Inspectors General and related Federal entities, including:

Department of Justice (http://www.justice.gov/oig/)
Department of the Treasury (http://www.treasury.gov/about/organizational-structure/ig/Pages/default.aspx)
Department of Housing and Urban Development (http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/program_offices/oig)
Department of Homeland Security (http://www.dhs.gov/xoig/index.shtm)
U.S. Postal Service (http://www.uspsoig.gov/)
General Services Administration (http://www.gsa.gov/portal/content/104660)
Small Business Administration (http://www.sba.gov/office-of-inspector-general/)
National Science Foundation (http://www.nsf.gov/oig/index.jsp)
Federal Housing Finance Agency (http://www.fhfa.gov/Default.aspx?Page=122)
Troubled Asset Relief Program (http://www.sigtarp.gov/)

such other executive branch departments, agencies, or offices as the President may, from time to time, designate or that the Attorney General may invite.

Presidents' Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force members (http://www.stopfraud.gov/members.html)

12-22-2013, 02:16 AM
Extracts from the S.E.C. complaint against Dawn Wright-Olivares and Daniel Olivares, giving vital insights into the realities of how HYIP ponzi fraud schemes actually work:

Moreover, Wright-Olivares and other RVG personnel failed to disclose that more than 90% of all Zeek Rewards revenues (and hence net profits) were derived from new investor deposits (in the form of VIP Bid purchases and subscription fees) rather than actual retail revenues. Based on his experience working with the company databases, Olivares also knew that the majority of Zeek Rewards revenues were derived from investments by new affiliates

Both Defendants also learned and Wright-Olivares and other RVG failed to disclose,that without new investor deposits (in the form of VIP Bid purchases and subscription fees), revenues would dwindle substantially as only approximately 2% of daily revenues came from actual retail sales, and the scheme would likely collapse

Wright-Olivares knew, and Olivares learned in the course of working for RVG, that daily award payments from the Retail Profit Pool –which were credited to investor accounts, supposedly making such sums available for cash withdrawal –were unsustainable absent a constant influx of new investor money.

Based on the average 1.5% daily dividend on 3 billion Profit Points outstanding by the time ZeekRewards was shut down in August 2012, Zeek Rewards would owe nearly $45 million per day in profit share awards to investors (Zeek Rewards Qualified Affiliates) if all investors requested cash rewards instead of points. Both Wright-Olivares and Olivares knew that the company’s actual daily revenues--which averaged approximately $5 million per day(based almost entirely on new affiliate subscriptions and VIP bid purchases)at the time Zeek Rewards was shut down –could not support such daily cash payouts, but neither did anything to warn investors.

In order to discourage investors from withdrawing too much cash from the scheme, Wright-Olivares and other RVG personnel encouraged affiliates
to reinvest at least 80% of their daily awards into a point compounder, and to withdraw no more than 20% in cash. By convincing affiliates that they could compound their earnings by reinvesting daily awards, RVG slowed the outflows of cash and sustained the Zeek Rewards fraud for longer.

Despite encouraging affiliates to purchase and giveaway VIP Bids to promote and drive traffic to the Zeekler penny auction website, Wright-Olivares and other RVG personnel failed to disclose,that few of the VIP Bids given away by Qualified investors were actually used on the Zeekler penny auction website.
Of approximately 10 billion VIP Bids purchased by or awarded to investors, less than one-quarter of one percent were actually used in auctions on the Zeekler penny auction website.Thus, both Wright-Olivares and Olivares learned that the VIP Bids did little or nothing to actually promote Zeekler.com or RVG’s retail business

Although Zeek Rewards paid out hundreds of millions of dollars to Qualified Affiliates through the Retail Profit Pool and the Matrix, by July 2012 the company had insufficient deposits to satisfy future awards based on outstanding Profit Points and Matrix commissions and bonuses. Thus,the scheme was nearing collapse at the time it was shut down in August

Aware that the Zeek Rewards was under investigation by several law enforcement agencies and that the business was in serious trouble in 2012, Wright-Olivares,
Olivares and others accepted, substantial sums of money from the scheme (or had prior loans forgiven) before it was shut down without advising investors

12-24-2013, 02:47 AM
The Dispatch.com (http://www.the-dispatch.com/article/20131223/NEWS/312239990/1005?Title=Forfeited-funds-to-benefit-net-losers-with-Zeek) is reporting:

The potentially millions of dollars to be forfeited by two top Zeek Rewards conspirators will eventually benefit those who lost money through the alleged Ponzi scheme, a U.S. Attorney's Office officer confirmed Monday.

Former chief operating officer Dawn Wright-Olivares and master programmer Daniel Olivares, her stepson, will plead guilty or settle to criminal and civil charges for their roles in perpetuating the Lexington-based operation.

As part of proposed settlements to the civil charges, filed Friday in U.S. District Court in Charlotte, the Olivareses agreed to forfeit a total of more than $11.4 million. The payments will be made as part of the criminal cases, which will likely impose more financial penalties as well as possible prison sentences.

Lia Bantavani, a U.S. Attorney's Office public affairs officer, said any funds collected from the Olivareses will ultimately be paid to those who lost money.

A federal judge agreed to appoint receiver Ken Bell as a special master in the criminal cases, whose duties would include recommending which Zeek Rewards users are owed money and how much they are owed.

Bell, an attorney with McGuireWoods in Charlotte, was appointed receiver last August after the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission shut down Zeek Rewards and parent company Rex Venture Group. Bell's team of attorneys, forensic database experts and law enforcement officials have collected more than $320 million for what will likely be more than 100,000 valid claimants, including some in Davidson County and thousands in North Carolina.

"The pleas and civil charges do not impact my duties, except to make it easier to recover funds from Wright-Olivares, Olivares and the other former insiders and 'net winners,'" Bell said in an email Monday.

In an effort to recover more funds, the receivership is preparing to sue insiders, including the Olivareses, as well as dozens of the largest profiteers who made money through the program. It's estimated that more than $290 million was "fraudulently transferred" to Zeek Rewards' "net winners," Bell said.

Wright-Olivares, 45, of Clarksville, Ark., is expected to plead guilty to investment fraud conspiracy and tax fraud conspiracy while Olivares, 31, also of Clarksville, will plead guilty to investment fraud conspiracy, according to plea agreements signed earlier this year. Each charge carries a maximum prison term of five years and a $250,000 fine.

Former chief executive officer and Davidson County resident Paul Burks will likely be asked to give up money he made from the company. Burks, who has not been charged criminally, settled with the SEC's original charges last year for $4 million.

Burks was referenced in court documents filed with the Olivareses cases last week, which labeled company owner "P.B." as a co-conspirator who diverted $10.1 million to personally enrich himself.

Authorities believe Zeek Rewards raised close to $850 million from nearly 1 million users throughout the world. Through the program, which was marketed as an advertising division of Zeekler.com, company officials allegedly used newer-investor payments to finance older-investor payouts, what SEC officials called a "classic" Ponzi scheme.

While it's estimated that about 840,000 users lost money, the amount of actual people is expected to be much less, as some investors used multiple user accounts. About 170,000 total claims were submitted through an online portal this year, making up a gross total of about $600 million.

You can read the full story on The Dispatch.com (http://www.the-dispatch.com/article/20131223/NEWS/312239990/1005?Title=Forfeited-funds-to-benefit-net-losers-with-Zeek) website

12-28-2013, 07:45 PM

Zeek Rewards receivership website (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/)

12-28-2013, 07:51 PM

SEC Litigation release (http://www.sec.gov/litigation/litreleases/2013/lr22898.htm)

12-28-2013, 08:41 PM
No mention of Zeek Rewards and I guess this will change pretty soon


Dawn Wright-Olivares' hippiediva profile on LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/in/hippiediva)

01-09-2014, 11:34 AM
Government accuses Four Oaks Bank of turning blind eye to illegal activity

Four Oaks, N.C. — The U.S. Justice Department filed suit Wednesday against Four Oaks-based Four Oaks Bank and its parent company, alleging that they allowed a third-party payment processor to debit people's accounts for illegal activities, including payday loans, online gambling and a Ponzi scheme.

The government is seeking the maximum allowed penalties in the civil suit, as well as an injunction prohibiting Four Oaks Bank from working with the Texas-based payment processor.

The suit alleges that the bank has, since 2009, provided the unidentified processor direct access to the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta in exchange for sizable fees. The arrangement allowed the processor to debit customer accounts without authorization.

"Four Oaks Bank officials recognized that its business model with (the processor) created a significantly increased fraud risk for the bank and for consumers," the suit states.

Bank executives turned a blind eye to repeated complaints from people who said payday lenders were racking up exorbitant fees and interest on loans that were supposedly paid off, according to the suit, and they also ignored a notice from the Arkansas Attorney General's Office that some people in that state were being charged for payday loans even though they are illegal in that state.

The suit alleges that the Texas processor also became a conduit for other third-party processors, include Redfall, which federal prosecutors linked to online gambling, and Rex Venture Group, which processed $60 million in transactions through Four Oaks bank in a Ponzi scheme known as ZeekRewards.

Reported on WRAL.com (http://www.wral.com/government-accuses-four-oaks-bank-of-turning-blind-eye-to-illegal-activity/13283616/)

01-09-2014, 08:18 PM

Four Oaks Bank press release (http://www.snl.com/irweblinkx/file.aspx?IID=1137105&FID=21586509)

Fat City, LA
01-18-2014, 11:38 PM
ZeekRewards Receivership Website (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/)

We have recently added a link on Zeekrewardsreceivership.com that will allow you to check the status of any timely, fully submitted claim(s) that you filed through the Claims Portal (the “Status Check Link”). The Status Check Link can be accessed at the following address: https://cert.gardencitygroup.com/zrwdet/fs/home. The Status Check Link will allow you to log in to a webpage using the userid and password you selected when you registered on the Claim Portal. After logging into the Status Check Link, you will be brought to a webpage that will inform you whether your claim determination has been issued and will also permit you to confirm or update your contact information, as necessary. Please make sure that any contact information that you submitted is up to date so that when a claim determination for your claim is completed, you will receive notice that your claim determination has been completed. If your claim has been determined, upon logging in, you will be prompted to review your claim determination.
If, after logging in, the Status Check Link shows that your claim has not yet been determined, please be patient. We are working hard to determine all fully submitted claims of Affiliates as quickly as possible. Please do not call or email me to request the status of your claim as this will slow the claim determination process for all parties. Moreover, all entities making such requests will, to the extent they receive a response from the Receivership Team, be directed to the Status Check Link to obtain such status.
If you cannot log in after following the Status Check Link because you cannot remember your userid or password, you will be able to recover these items from the website.
If you receive the following message, it indicates we do not believe you finally submitted a timely claim:
We have located the account associated with the Registration ID and password which you have tried to use to log in to check the status of a claim. However, our records indicate that no claim was finally submitted for this Registration ID.
Before contacting the Receivership Team however, please confirm that you do not have a separate Registration ID under which you have filed a completed claim by clicking on the link below and selecting “Forgot Registration ID” and entering the email address that you have used to register. An email will be sent to the email address which you provide and that email will contain a list of Registration IDs associated with that email address.
Thank you.
If you believe this is an error, please contact us through the address listed in that message and we will evaluate your assertion.

02-02-2014, 11:43 AM
The Zeek Rewards receiver has released his 2013 Third quarter status report (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/Quarterly%20Status%20Report%20Q3%202013.pdf)


"On July 29, 2013, the Receiver deposited $5,592,529.49 seized by the USSS from a credit card processor, ePaymentAmerica, and $812,433.96 seized by the USSS from Eagle Bank, into the Seized Asset Account. On September 5, 2013, the Receiver deposited $3,650,614.46 seized by the USSS from one of the e-wallet providers, NxSystems, Inc., into the Seized Asset Account. The Receiver also deposited $2,350,799.63 into the Affiliate Account, the vast majority of which was received from various financial institutions for checks on which payment had previously been stopped.
In addition, the Receiver deposited $843,342.84 into the Settlement account during the third quarter.
As of September 30, 2013, the Receivership Estate held approximately $87.3 million in the Affiliate Account, approximately $230.2 million in the Seized Asset Account, approximately $1.1 million in the Pre-Filing Account, and approximately $1.4 million in the Settlement Account"

"On July 22, 2013, the Receiver, through counsel Erwin, Bishop, Capitano & Moss, P.A (“EBCM”), sent demand letters to more than 700 financial institutions to seek reimbursement for more than 7,500 cashier’s checks and bank money orders payable to Rex Venture Group on
which banks or credit unions were believed to have improperly stopped payment under Section 3-411 of the Uniform Commercial Code and in violation of the Freeze Order. One hundred eighty institutions failed to respond to the July 22 letter, and EBCM confirmed addresses and
officer names for the non-responsive institutions and sent a second round of demand letters on a rolling basis throughout September."

The Receiver’s June 30, 2013 report indicated that there were potentially $17 million in stop payment claims. The information on which the $17 million figure was based included many thousands of items that, unknown to the Receiver at that time, had been previously paid, or were
personal checks and personal money orders for which the Receiver has no claim. As of September 30, 2013, the Receivership has deposited a net total of $2,304,799.63 into the Affiliate Account from payments made after July 1, 2013 by financial institutions that were responsible for these stopped payments. The amount recovered consists of the face value of stopped payment instruments, plus reimbursement for returned item fees incurred by the Receivership as a result of the stopped payments. EBCM anticipates the gross recovery from the
cashier’s check and bank money order claims will exceed $3 million, but is not likely to reach $5 million.

It is anticipated that these collection efforts will continue for approximately another 60 to 90 days and, if there is no litigation, should be complete before the end of 2013.

During the third quarter, the Receiver continued to investigate the extent to which there are any recoverable funds from the Receivership Defendant’s former e-wallet vendors. Specifically, the Receiver has been working with the USSS to investigate and secure additional Receivership Assets connected to NxPay and LST transactions from their accounts at Four Oaks Bank. These funds include $5.2 million in improper credit card chargebacks and fees paid out after the August 17, 2012, Freeze Order issued.
In addition, the Receiver Team has persisted in its efforts to recover approximately $10 million from Payza and to confirm whether SolidTrustPay holds any additional Receivership Assets.

In addition to the assets seized from ePaymentAmerica, NxSystems, Inc. and Eagle Bank noted above, Planet Payment recently reported that it discovered another approximately $13,000.00 that it believes belongs to the Receivership Estate, and the Receiver is working to coordinate the transfer of those funds to the Receiver’s Seized Asset Account. The Receiver continues to investigate whether there are additional outstanding recoverable assets subject to seizure for the Receivership Estate.

During the third quarter, the Receiver continued working to recover the funds associated with the previously-reported foreign account. The Receiver Team is investigating this foreign account and finalizing the reconciliation of the holder’s account records. At this time, the Receiver Team estimates that this account holds approximately $10 million in Receivership

In addition, the Receiver Team, working with the USSS, identified a foreign account held by Cyber Profit Ltd. containing an undetermined sum of money. The Receiver Team and USSS are working to determine the amount of money held in that account and coordinate the transfer of those funds to the Receiver.

Between July 1, 2013 and September 30, 2013, the Receivership Estate deposited $13,344,047.46 and disbursed $2,647,879.17. The Schedule does not include additional funds that were collected by the USSS on behalf of the Receivership Estate, totaling approximately
$856,000. Therefore, the Receiver marshaled total assets of approximately $329.2 million during the period between August 17, 2012 and September 30, 2013, while disbursing approximately $9.3 million during the same period.

As of September 30, 2013, the Receiver estimates that net winner Affiliate-Investors received over $283 million in fraudulent transfers from the Receivership Defendant.The Receiver Team intends to recoup as much of this money as possible for the Receivership Estate, but it is unable to estimate the portion of this amount that may be reduced to judgment and eventually collected.

The first clawback claims are now imminent, and a lawsuit against multiple named defendants along with a class of net winners will be filed during the fourth quarter of 2013.

In an attempt to resolve as many claims against net winners as possible prior to litigation, the Receiver has encouraged net winner Affiliate-Investors to voluntarily enter into settlement discussions with the Receiver. The Receiver has now reached settlement agreements with more than 155 net winners. These promised settlement payments total approximately $2,235,000 on net winnings of $3,940,000, an approximate 56.7% return. The individual settlements range from approximately 45% to 100% of a given individual’s net winnings, reflecting the different circumstances of the various winners and the Receiver’s judgment as to the appropriate amount, taking into consideration the amount won, the winner’s financial resources, the extent and nature of the winner’s recruitment of others to join the Scheme, when the settlement was sought, and other individual situations. During the third quarter, the Receiver entered into settlement agreements with 21 net winners, who agreed to return approximately $418,000. The Receiver will next seek the Court’s approval of the more recent settlement agreements, which the Receiver entered into subsequent to filing his June 28, 2013 Motion to Approve Settlement Agreements and for Leave to Settle Certain Claims Against Net Winners (Doc. No. 150).

As of the closing of the Claims Portal on September 5, in excess of 174,000 entities had submitted in excess of $596 million in claims against the Receivership Defendant. Approximately 99% of the entities filing claims have asserted that they were Affiliate-Investors or retail auction users of ZeekRewards. The purported Affiliate-Investors or retail auction users filed approximately 94% of the dollar amount of all claims filed against the Receivership Defendant. The remaining 1% of entities has filed claims across all of the remaining categories of creditors, with the vast majority of dollar amounts of such claims having been asserted by purported trade creditors.

02-05-2014, 09:19 PM
Dawn Wright-Olivares and Daniel Olivares pleas, setting of release conditions and bond were today agreed upon by the US District court, Western District of North Carolina


ASDUpdates files (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=YXNkdXBkYXRlcy5jb218ZmlsZXMtd2Vic2l0ZXxneDph Njg2ZDc4NmIxMTUxZDg)

03-04-2014, 12:00 AM
The Zeek Rewards receiver, Kenneth Bell has filed a 40 page Complaint Against Insiders (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/Complaint_against_Insiders.pdf)



Mr Bell alleges:

"Paul Burks received payments of more than $10 million from RVG. On information and belief, Burks used investor money to provide cash gifts of more than $250,000 to his son, and more than $30,000 to his daughter"

"Wright-Olivares misappropriated over $7.8 million through the scheme.With these investor funds, she repaid personal loans, renovated her home, purchased an RV, bought multiple vehicles, and engaged in several other suspicious transactions"

"In addition, Wright-Olivares looted RVG of significant funds after it had become apparent that the scheme would soon end. In August 2012, she received over

$1.7 million from RVG, with most of this sum being paid directly to an account held by her shell corporation, Wandering Phoenix LLC. Wright-Olivares then redistributed more than $1.2 million of these funds to her personal account and de Brantes’ personal account, as well as to others involved with R

VG, including OH Brown, Robert Mecham, Peter Mingils, Aaron Baker, and Barbara Ghent. These payments were sometimes accompanied by invented one-year “consulting agreements” for the respective individuals’ purported services."

"Further, Wright-Olivares paid out $150,000 to Jonathan Wright, Suzanne Wright, and Ben Powell Construction on August 17, 2012, the day ZeekRewards was shut down and the freeze order took effect. Moreover, even a week after the freeze order was in place, Wright-Olivares was still redistributing the illicit funds, paying over$90,000 to Aaron Baker, John Wright, and her own accounts on August 24, 2012"

03-04-2014, 12:13 AM
The Zeek Rewards receiver, Mr Kenneth Bell has filed a 40 page Net Winner Class Action (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/US_Net_Winner_Class_Action_Complaint.pdf)




03-04-2014, 12:41 AM
Perhaps we should all go and play a game of "Spot the familiar name"

The receiver has put up a list of over 9000 $1000+ net winners (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/Net_Winners%203.1.14.pdf) in .pdf format.

You can read or download it HERE (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/Net_Winners%203.1.14.pdf)

03-04-2014, 02:25 AM
Ken Russo is on the list of the 9,000, but surprisingly Faith Sloan isn't. That was a shock. Also was thrilled to see Aaron and Shara Andrews named in the top 10 winners.

03-04-2014, 02:33 AM
More interesting highlights from the Complaint against the insiders.pdf (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/Complaint_against_Insiders.pdf)


03-04-2014, 02:36 AM

03-04-2014, 02:40 AM

03-04-2014, 03:05 AM
Ever had one of those moments you'd give ANYTHING to go back and do over ???


03-04-2014, 08:32 AM
I see only US people, which is normal because filled in US court.

Will there be more docs for international winners?

Perhaps we should all go and play a game of "Spot the familiar name"

The receiver has put up a list of over 9000 $1000+ net winners (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/Net_Winners%203.1.14.pdf) in .pdf format.

You can read or download it HERE (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/pdf/Net_Winners%203.1.14.pdf)

03-04-2014, 09:43 AM
I see only US people, which is normal because filled in US court.

Will there be more docs for international winners?

The receiver has previously indicated the bulk of international winners are in countries which are signators to The Hague Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters and he intends where practical to institute similar action/s against non US nett winners

03-04-2014, 04:23 PM

Found at least one "friend" whose name is on that list and she can't say I did not warn her...

03-04-2014, 05:55 PM
Ken Russo is on the list of the 9,000, but surprisingly Faith Sloan isn't. That was a shock. Also was thrilled to see Aaron and Shara Andrews named in the top 10 winners.

What about mmgcjm(chris) who started the thread at MMG and who has pimped dozens of failed scams??.....I just can't remember his last name....

03-04-2014, 06:39 PM
What about mmgcjm(chris) who started the thread at MMG and who has pimped dozens of failed scams??.....I just can't remember his last name....

morrell. Don't see his name on there. There is someone with a different first name.

03-04-2014, 08:23 PM
morrell. Don't see his name on there. There is someone with a different first name.

Thanks :RpS_smile:

03-04-2014, 11:01 PM
What about mmgcjm(chris) who started the thread at MMG and who has pimped dozens of failed scams??.....I just can't remember his last name....

I was surprised too, but Chris is from Massachusetts and the Morrell on the list is from Ohio. Our exchange at MMG in the Zeek thread was what got his mod title taken away. I wanted the exchange to continue as he was driving traffic to our website, but when he got his mod title taken away he stopped posting.

Fat City, LA
03-04-2014, 11:36 PM
The names we dont see...settled already?

03-05-2014, 01:37 AM
The names we dont see...settled already?

Very possible, or they used a shell corporation, business name or spouse's name. Hopefully the Receiver will post the names of those who settled with him in the future.

For example, Freebidsat Limited is listed from Bryan, Ohio, and I am sure that is Nanci Jo Frazer of Profitable Sunrise fame as she was in Zeek.

03-05-2014, 11:02 AM
URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Zeek Receiver Sues Alleged Insiders, Winners; Emails, Skype Chats Helped Expose Fraud; ‘We (http://patrickpretty.com/2014/03/03/urgent-bulletin-moving-zeek-receiver-sues-alleged-insiders-winners-emails-skype-chats-helped-expose-fraud-weve-already-attracted-a-great-many-big-fishes-wright-olivares-exci/)

A big applause to our own Glimdropper for his participation as expressed in PPBlog. Looks like a RealScam made enough noise to help get this one exposed and brought down. Way to go RS members!!

03-05-2014, 05:08 PM
The names we dont see...settled already?

Which IMO is why Chris Morrow is not on the list.....Most likely he settled.....

03-05-2014, 05:33 PM
I was surprised too, but Chris is from Massachusetts and the Morrell on the list is from Ohio. Our exchange at MMG in the Zeek thread was what got his mod title taken away. I wanted the exchange to continue as he was driving traffic to our website, but when he got his mod title taken away he stopped posting.

I didn't know you were taking credit for that :RpS_unsure:

03-05-2014, 08:08 PM
I didn't know you were taking credit for that :RpS_unsure:

Only because I was told that was the case. There were a lot of his posts that were deleted for name-calling and personal attacks against me, as well as my replies to him. Just as there were warnings to all the others who were doing it too. I got a warning for thanking him for posting Eagle's URL. They thought I was goading and egging him on. I replied that I truly was sincere as I appreciated the increased hits to Eagle's site and the warning was removed. Actually I was shocked his mod privileges were removed. I sure didn't report him because I never report anyone to the mods.

There were several posters who got warnings about name-calling and personal attacks against me in the Zeek thread as well, so he wasn't the only one. All of them were doing everything they could to get me banned. What was so funny was they were complaining I was name-calling and doing personal attacks when I was responding to their posts. Somewhere in the MMG Zeek thread one of them addressed this issue and stated he was told if he didn't back off he would be banned.

While it is true that Jim was providing Eagle's URL, the post in question was regarding his posting my profile from LinkedIn, which I was very appreciative that he did. You can read both posts here: MMG: Page 593 Post #8888 and Page 596 Post #8932.

Yippee took out all the posts between Jim, waynegm and several others including my posts in reply. Her post was on Page 577 Post #8647. Too bad because there were some great ones that got removed. If my memory serves me correctly, it was waynegm who posted about his warning if he didn't stop posting about me. But that was 2 years ago now, and I may be mistaken since those posts are all gone now.

Fat City, LA
03-05-2014, 09:37 PM
Very possible, or they used a shell corporation, business name or spouse's name. Hopefully the Receiver will post the names of those who settled with him in the future.

For example, Freebidsat Limited is listed from Bryan, Ohio, and I am sure that is Nanci Jo Frazer of Profitable Sunrise fame as she was in Zeek.

When PONZI JO SCAMMER was deposed for PS. (i'm paraphrasing)
She was asked : You didnt think that return (from PS)was insane/not possible without ponzi?
PONZI JO replied: We know now after this whole PS thing.

THAT was a mistake. She had long before already lost a ton of peoples cash with Zeek peomising same return. She knew it was wrong.
It will come back to haunt her.

03-10-2014, 10:47 AM
Jimbo Allen from Adlandpro may not have been a Zeek promoter but his strong support for his Zeek promoting friend Mary Evelyn Simpson has come back to hit him in the face. Has Mary Evelyn already settled with the Zeek receiver Jimbo?

Quote Jimbo Allen

"Hello Scratchy Cat and P2P,

Yes I am addressing you, as I now know you cannot resist reading our posts here at AdlandPro a Classified Ad Site, Forum and Social Community for NETWORK Marketers

I really feel sorry for you two has beens, I really do. You never researched any business for real, you have no real clue what a comp plan is and how it works. I saw you blasting ZeekRewards, what a couple of losers you are. I am not involved with Zeek, but based on the quality of people and the quantity of ads being place web wide, on TV, and in print. I would say its a legit business as legit as any on Wall St. these days. IMO

03-10-2014, 11:16 AM

Found at least one "friend" whose name is on that list and she can't say I did not warn her...

She has been around for long enough to know that most opportunities on Scamland are ponzis or pyramids.

You would have thought that the Zeek fiasco would have taught her a lesson but now she is promoting Telex free.

QUOTE from her own Adlandpro profile.

"I assist quality minded individuals to attain the life style they deserve.

Every one who joins Telexfree gets paid."

I wonder who recruited the "silly moo" into Zeek and Telexfree.

Type http:// then community.adlandpro.com/members/274504.aspx

03-16-2014, 01:12 PM
Very possible, or they used a shell corporation, business name or spouse's name. Hopefully the Receiver will post the names of those who settled with him in the future.

For example, Freebidsat Limited is listed from Bryan, Ohio, and I am sure that is Nanci Jo Frazer of Profitable Sunrise fame as she was in Zeek.

Wonder where was that inc. at, as I'm not finding anything in Ohio, Nevada, or Delaware?

03-16-2014, 02:27 PM
Wonder where was that inc. at, as I'm not finding anything in Ohio, Nevada, or Delaware?

It may have been done as a sole proprietor, so would not show up in corporate listings. Why would she bother registering it when she faked her Focus Up Ministries as being a nonprofit?

05-04-2014, 05:21 PM

Zeek Rewards Receivership website (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/)

05-30-2014, 06:03 AM
UPDATE FROM THE RECEIVER – May 29, 2014 (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/)


You can view the original document on Zeek Rewards Receivership.com (http://www.zeekrewardsreceivership.com/)

06-25-2014, 08:15 PM
The court appointed receiver in the Zeek Rewards case, Kenneth D Bell has filed a complaint against attorney Kevin Grimes and the Grimes & Reese law firm, alleging malpractice, negligence and breach of fiduciary duty.


The complaint can be viewed online by courtesy of ASD updates (http://asdupdates.com/wordpress/) HERE (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=YXNkdXBkYXRlcy5jb218ZmlsZXMtd2Vic2l0ZXxneDo2 Mzk2ZTJhNGI5NjQyMjU)

The receiver has also filed a civil complaint against all defendants viewable HERE (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=YXNkdXBkYXRlcy5jb218ZmlsZXMtd2Vic2l0ZXxneDpm OGQ4MzQxOWEwMjI1MjI)


Our thanks go to Don at ASD Updates (http://asdupdates.com/wordpress/) for providing access to the court documents

06-25-2014, 09:31 PM
Some extracts from the complaint against Grimes and Reese P.L.L.C. and Kevin Grimes:

"16.This Court also has personal jurisdiction over the Defendants pursuant to N.C. Gen. Stat. §1-75.4 because, inter alia, the Defendants provided legal services to

RVG, which operated in North Carolina, and they received payments from RVG through its banks located in North Carolina. By voluntarily assisting the operation of the ZeekRewards scheme, including numerous communications with RVG and/or meetings in North Carolina, the Defendants created a substantial connection to North Carolina such that the exercise of personal jurisdiction over them is fair and just. "

"32.Grimes knew or should have known that insufficient income from the penny auction business was being made to pay the daily “profit share” promised by Zeek Rewards. Grimes knew or should have known that the money used to fund Zeek Rewards’ distributions to Affiliates came almost entirely from new participants rather than income from the Zeekler penny auctions"

"33.Further, Grimes knew or should have known that the alleged “profit percentage” was nothing more than a number made up by Burks or one of the other Insiders. Rather than reflecting the typical variances that might be expected in a company’s profits, the alleged profits paid in Zeek Rewards were remarkably consistent, falling nearly always between 1% and 2% on Monday through Thursday and between .5% and 1% on the weekends, Friday
through Sunday"

"36.It was or should have been obvious to Grimes that Zeek Rewards succeeded because it promoted this lucrative “compensation plan,” offering large amounts of passive income to entice individuals to participate in the scheme. Grimes knew that participants in the Zeek Rewards scheme invested money in the scheme expecting that they would receive profits from the Zeekler penny auction or other Zeek efforts. Thus, Grimes knew or should have known that RVG,with his assistance, was promoting an unlawful unregistered security."

"37. Finally, Grimes knew or should have known that the Zeek Rewards compensation plan was paying Affiliates to recruit other Affiliates in an unlawful pyramid-style payment system. ZeekRewards openly referred to this system as the “Matrix"

"40. Simply put, Grimes knew or should have known that affiliates were rewarded merely for recruiting new investors without regard to any efforts by the Affiliates to sell bids or products or otherwise materially support the Zeekler retail business."

Grimes & Reese, P.L.L.C. and Kevin Grimes Played an Integral Role

"41.Defendants played an indispensable role in the scheme. Because of the lucrative, seemingly “too good to be true” claims being made by RVG and ZeekRewards,many potential investors were skeptical of whether the scheme was legal and legitimate. So, RVG enlisted the aid of Grimes and other legal counsel to assist in promoting and legitimizing the scheme. "

"42. Grimes helped in several ways. First, despite his knowledge that Zeek Rewards was a fundamentally flawed and unlawful pyramid and/or Ponzi scheme and was selling unregistered securities, Grimes offered to create and did create a so-called “compliance course” specifically designed to encourage investors and potential investors to believe that if they satisfied the course then it would be a lawful enterprise. Thus, Grimes knowingly allowed Zeek to portray a false appearance of legality through his bogus “compliance” course"

"43 Grimes profited personally from the compliance courses while allowing Zeek Rewards yet another source of investor money. Upon information and belief,
Grimes received payments from Zeek Rewards not only for his legal counsel, but also for sales of his compliance course to Affiliates. Upon information and belief, Grimes provided the compliance course to Zeek Rewards for $5 per affiliate, while allowing Zeek Rewards to charge affiliates $30 each for the course, personally profiting from it and allowing RVG yet another means of extracting money from unsuspecting Affiliates"

"46.In addition to Grimes’ February 2012 email expressing concerns over Zeek’s legality, one affiliate who had completed Grimes’ compliance course wrote to him on June 8, 2012: I have completed your compliance course with Zeek and really loved it. I am a great advocate of Zeek and have signed up 31 people whom I feel responsible for. . . . One of my downline is asking questions . . . there is a tremendous amount of income going intoZeek and he is concerned the profit share is coming from the new affiliates – which would make it a ponzi scheme. Can you direct me as to what is the best way to confirm this is not a ponzi scheme[?]
This email apparently gave Grimes no concern. He forwarded it to Dawn Wright-Olivares, stating: “Do you want me to forward these types of communications to you or anyone else, or would you prefer that I simply discard them? I get several of these each week.”"

"47.Nonetheless, Grimes took advantage of the situation, creating and marketing a compliance training course as window dressing for this illegitimate scheme,allowing the course to be sold to the Affiliates for his own profit"

"48. Also, beyond his “compliance courses,” Grimes further enhanced the legitimacy of the scheme by allowing his name and reputation as a self-styled legal expert on MLM and direct selling programs to be used in connection with the promotion of the program"

"50. Also, Grimes appeared on Zeek Rewards “leadership calls” with Dawn Wright-Olivares on three separate occasions, promoting Zeek Rewards to Affiliate leaders and furthering the false impression that the scheme was legitimate"

"51. And, Grimes knew these Affiliates were relying on his implicit endorsement of the program. In an email to Dawn and Paul, Grimes wrote: “Because of my involvement in your conference calls, as well as the announcements on Zeek Rewards News, quite a few of your affiliates and prospective affiliates have been attempting to contact me via email or phone. Most of the inquiries have been about the legality of Zeek Rewards’ program.”

"53. Grimes also edited and allowed his name to be used in a Zeek Rewards promotional article in the Network Marketing Business Journal, which upon information and belief was distributed to tens of thousands of Affiliates and prospective Affiliates. As that article states: “Zeek hired . . . the leading direct sales law firm of Grimes & Reese as compliance attorneys.”

"54.Grimes continued representing RVG and billing it for his services until at least August 16, 2012, the day before ZeekRewards was shut down"

06-25-2014, 09:55 PM
You can bet this got the attention of Gerald Nehra and the attorneys representing him in the TelexFree Class Action case. If I remembered correctly, at one time Gerald Nehra was also providing Zeek Rewards with legal advice. If he was, I wonder how long before Bell goes after him too? I bet Keith Laggos is also sweating bullets about right now. Now this is a Receiver!

I only hope the US Attorneys Office is paying attention to how it is done, and they get the same kind of Receiver for when TelexFree gets to that stage.

06-25-2014, 11:38 PM
More extracts:

"59. Defendants’ negligence and breach of this duty proximately caused an injury to RVG in an amount in excess of $100 million."


WHEREFORE, the Receiver respectfully requests that the Court:

1. Enter Judgment against each of the Defendants jointly and severally for the losses suffered by RVG and the Defendants’ unjust enrichment in an amount to be determined at trial.

2. Award the Receiver just and reasonable attorney fees, subject to Court approval, which are justified in light of the costs to the Receivership Estate in bringing this action.

3. Award prejudgment and post-judgment interest, costs and such other and further relief as the Receiver is entitled to recover"

"DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL Pursuant to Rule 38 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, Plaintiff demands trial by jury in this action of all issues so triable"

06-26-2014, 03:58 AM
In further news, the Zeek receiver has received approval and filed a complaint against Howard N Kaplan, who served as legal counsel to RVG from around January 2012 until August 2012, when RVG was placed into receivership.

The Receivers' complaint alleging Kaplan engaged in: legal negligence, legal malpractice, breach of fiduciary duty and aiding and abetting breach of fiduciary duty (by Zeek Rewards and its management)




The Western District of North Carolina (Charlotte) CIVIL DOCKET FOR CASE #: 3:14-cv-00352 and relevant files can be found on the ASD Updates, files website (https://sites.google.com/a/asdupdates.com/files-website/zeek-rewards-bell-v-howard-kaplan) provided courtesy of Don from ASD Updates (http://www.asdupdates.com/)

06-26-2014, 04:55 PM
Remember when Robert Craddock got K Chang's blog taken down and crowed about how Kevin Grimes would have a field day with K Chang and his blog? Bet he is not so cocky now, and may be sweating bullets especially after getting his dressing down by the SEC for all his nonsense comments and group he formed to sue the SEC. I bet the people who were conned into donating to the "cause" are really ticked about now. If not, they should be. They should be demanding their money back for it was obtained under false pretenses.

06-26-2014, 07:27 PM
Perhaps that info should find it's way to Mr. Bell. :RpS_smile:

06-28-2014, 12:36 PM
Craddock is hired help of Caldwell. The real target is White Hat Solutions.

07-02-2014, 07:37 PM
With the June 30 deadline having passed for reply to the summons and complaint issued to Darryle Douglas, the Zeek Receiver has now applied to the court for a default judgement:


View the original Entry of default (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=YXNkdXBkYXRlcy5jb218ZmlsZXMtd2Vic2l0ZXxneDo0 MmZjMjE3MzA0OWVkM2Ez) courtesy of ASD Files website (https://sites.google.com/a/asdupdates.com/files-website/)

07-02-2014, 07:41 PM
With the June 30 deadline having passed for reply to the summons and complaint issued to Todd Disner, the Zeek Receiver has now applied to the court for a default judgement:


View the original Entry of default (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=YXNkdXBkYXRlcy5jb218ZmlsZXMtd2Vic2l0ZXxneDoy NTBkYmMxZWNjN2Q3MzZh) courtesy of ASD Files website (https://sites.google.com/a/asdupdates.com/files-website/)

The receiver has previously indicated he believes Disner received more than $1.875 million from Zeek Rewards.