View Full Version : Digital Tycoons pimps try a little reverse psychology

07-11-2018, 12:21 PM
The negative publicity they're getting must be spooking the guys over at:


They're trying to project an air of confidence as if the publicity is working in their favour


And, if you believe THAT, you'll believe anything

HINT: when you're being exposed as pimping ponzis that keep collapsing, any publicity is definitely NOT "good publicity"

07-11-2018, 07:51 PM
The only people that would believe $40 can knowingly be multiplied 170% before a year has begun are in fact gullible, naive, and unintelligent. They are capable of making decisions, unfortunately insufficiently equipped to make them effectively.
That would hold true some random Facebook contact spun this 170% tale as a one off, if they've peddled it before http://www.realscam.com/f9/usi-tech-claims-its-sale-unregistered-securities-us-legal-4873/index34.html#post122437 OMFG gullible, naive, and unintelligent don't even begin to cut it.