View Full Version : China Scam Alert - ESL/TEFL Teacher Job & Visa Agents With Chinglish Names - Beware!

Insider Guest
06-12-2016, 09:25 AM
I clipped and pasted this here below from my China Scam Patrol newsletter (June/2016) seems like such a simple scam that most people would never even notice it. Yet an average of 18 expats a month get burned burned by identity thieves for an average of $12,000. This may only be 5% or 10% of the foreigners finding jobs with agents, but what the hell, if we can save some grief for them, its worth spreading the word I think.


Actually this warning applies to anyone seeking ANY job or internship in China, the land of endless scams. To be fair, about half of the scam artists in China are now fellow foreigners but those that are Chinese use Chinglish names that are totally fabricated. What is a "Chinglish" name? An English first name combined with a Chinese last name like "Victor Li" or "Anna Chen". They tell you these names because you will not even think they are fake names and when you finally do realize you were cheated months later and go to the cop shop in China with your complaint, you will not even have a real name to give to the police!

Therefore, if you are dealing with a Chinese agent of any sort (recruiter, visa agent, or job agent) demand to see their original Chinese national ID card (plastic like a credit card that is identical to the one below). Copy both sides of it and make sure the photo matches the person you are dealing with. If you are not meeting face to face with the person then be sure to have a video skype call with him or her and snap their photo BEFORE you ask them for a color scan of the below ID card. If they say their camera is not working, just say good by because they are a scammer.


No matter how nice and friendly they may be with you, remember that they do this every day for a living and they know how to win your confidence with Skype interviews that may even be real, and testimonial videoa and online reviews that are not. They may actuall make you a job offer but it will be for some remote location or with a salary that is well below the 16.000 monthly average. They may be one of these guys here who will cause you at least a $10,000 loss - http://chinascamwatch.wordpress.com.

To be extra safe, check the CFTU white and blacklists before you send anyone your resume or passport scan related to anything in China. Here are links you should keep handy;


China Foreign Teacher News, Updates, & Scam Alerts (http://www.chinaforeignteachersunion.com)

Home (http://chinascamwatch.org)