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01-19-2011, 05:34 PM
Does anyone remember Candi May? Sure you do, she's "the former owner of several very successful brick and mortar travel agencies" before she saw the light and joined YTB to make her millions in the internet travel business. Of course that never happened and so now it seems she's involved in a couple of thousand other ventures. She just released her "Decade in Review" and surprisingly there is no mention of YTB or ZamZuu. Shocking!

I've taken the liberty to bold a few highlights of her stunning 2010 year of accomplishments.

2010 a Year in Review

2011 January 14 by Candi May

Okay January is half over and I have not posted my year in review.

When you journal or blog you can always go back and see where you were a year ago. Last January was the beginning of a new decade and I was looking back through my past ten years and writing a decade in review. That blog led me to write this blog about where my newsletter had taken me.

I met a great new friend and embarked on a very interesting adventure this time last year. Can’t wait to see what 2011 holds.

2010, a year in review ( in no particular order).

- Met a complete stranger from my newsletter. Invested in his new business and became a partner in his business. Made a 40% return on my investment. Not bad!! And better than that I have a wonderful new friend.

- Invested in my first PPM (private placement memorandum) Very exciting.

- Sang for two months with the praise team for Sunday morning worship. I loved this. Am doing it again this year.

- Got to watch my first grandson, Jake play in his first basketball and football league. He is awesome!!! Check the videos on my youtube channel.

- Ventured out into a new MLM. Loved the product, but did not make money. I still use the product, but do not work that business.

- Formed a company with some of my blogging associates for local business marketing. Acquired several accounts. Decided it was too much work. It was like a job exchanging hours for wages. I want passive income and so do they.

- Attended my first Frank Kern Seminar in California.

- Participated in my first Affiliate launch. Kajabi. Ranked #4 on the leader board after Mike Filsame, I was very proud but again not enough multiplication. MLM is much better income for the same work.

- Invested in Commodities for the first time. Nice 22% return in 70 days. I’ll take it

- Did some currency trading for the first time. Still waiting to see if this is good.

- Went to Snowbird with complete strangers that I met on Facebook. Spent the weekend together. Formed an LLC on the spot and started planning a national event.

- My first grandson Jake received Jesus into his heart. This was the most important event of my year!!

- Tried a different new MLM that had great Internet marketing and international components and did great…really great. So excited. Opened even more new doors.

- Flavius and I had our first couples massage and I road my first jet ski in the ocean at the “Top Earners Retreat”.*

- Hired a personal consultant for real estate investing.

- Cruised the Caribbean and Mexico with friends and family including my two grandsons Sam and Jake.

- Swam with the Stingrays. (Did you know any of them personally?)

- I Invested in a total of six new businesses all with different partners most of which I met through social media marketing.

- Mobile Home Park Investment company – Met these partners through the “Get Motivated Seminar” (Probably the best move she ever made. This is where she'll meet the majority of her future vicitims. They seem to congregate at trailer parks.)

- Connect and Assist for local marketing – Met these partners at MLM and Blogging meetings.

- Real SavVy Success Events – Met these partners totally on Facebook

- Access One Services for the Deaf. This partner came from my newsletter.

- Access Management – licencing – Totally worked together on Facebook.

- A private company I cannot really discuss – Totally from Facebook connection. more on that later. (Red flag)

- God is good!!! Life is such a great adventure. I can’t wait to see what 2011 holds. As you can see one of my biggest problems is “focus”. But I can never be accused of not being diversified. (or sleazy)

2010 a Year in Review | Candi May's Blog (http://candimay.com/blog/2010-a-year-in-review/)

*You can see Candi at the Top Earners Retreat here: YouTube - Top Earner Retreat June 2010 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfPgLcM98Uk)

So how many ventures does it take to become a millionaire with this woman? 10, 15, 2,000 or more? She's got her hand in so many and had promised her former YTB people that she could turn them into millionaires. At least she seems to have learned how to reference Jesus, God, and religion into her recruiting. That's the way it usually works to sucker in the unsuspecting. I wonder from which seminar she learned that trick? She's such a saint.

And on a final note to this post, DoucheBag Bankrupt Doug Bauknight still recommends her blog and teachings on his own site. He doesn't seem to be too active lately.

01-20-2011, 07:25 AM
Let's not forget she had an "award winning" B&M agency! Funny thing though, we could never get her to tell us just what those awards were...

I can't wait for the decade in review...

And our friend Doug seems to forget that YTB was not the first travel MLM to exist. They've been a bane to the biz as long as I can remember.

01-20-2011, 10:12 AM
We love Candy! :RpS_laugh:
Candy May... :RpS_unsure:
Candy may not...:RpS_cursing: