View Full Version : Fisher Method at FisherMethod.com

06-10-2015, 12:37 AM
According to the Fisher Method website:

"The Fisher Method is not new at all. Universities around the world have been using this statistical formula for a long time. Why haven't private traders used this formula to their advantage? Because its very complicated to calculate in real time while trading. Thats why I have decided to make this brilliant formula into:

“The Most Profitable - No Technical Knowledge Required -
Binary APP On The Market Today”

You will soon understand why this is the most profitable and easy method to unlimited profits out there."

Pretty confident for a stock-photo guy with the fake name of Jacob Clark.

And let's not forget about the "Statical" Calculus: :duh:

"Great to meet you, I’m Jacob Clark
As a Professor or Statistics and honorary Professor of Mathematics I’ve have over 100 published research articles. All these papers are related to statical calculus and algorithms. I not only teach statistics, but have used it to earn over $5M trading Binary Options over the last 3 years. Now its time to make my Fisher APP™ available to the public.

Why am I Doing this Now?
You've seen the news. High unemployment, recessions, downsizing, and foreclosures are a daily topic. Right now is the best time to invest in yourself and start becoming financially independent.

You deserve it.
Welcome to your new life"

06-10-2015, 06:22 AM
Now its time to make my Fisher APP™ available to the public.