View Full Version : Spinding scam

03-22-2014, 01:53 PM
Really surprised there isn't a thread for this one yet. Anyways, this ponzi was started by Paul Nash, who was instrumental in the GoFunPlaces ponzi scam.

It is being majorly pimped by Jamie Strickland and other well know ponzi scam artists.

Now, to make this seem legit, there is a rule that you have two active members referred in order to earn from the ponzi plan. Since that is in place, there are the typical scumbag ponzi players telling everyone they can qualify to earn by PIF'ing two in or they can just buy positions below themselves. Here is a video that is getting pushed now as a way to qualify, which seems very illegal and can put the "company" in the government's crosshairs. SpinDing - Make $13,984 Profit By Following The "Paying It Forward" Game Plan - YouTube (http://youtu.be/X3FmLXnlflc)
This Darren Barton clown should be thrown in the slammer! I am so sick of this ponzi conartists!

Notice absolutely NO mention of products. It's all about the ponzi money!

03-22-2014, 05:10 PM
Here is Paul Nash's latest seriously hyped (and honestly, totally pathetic) email just sent out.

Here's your latest installment of the SpinDing TOP TEN!

Today's Question:
What do you do with 6000 new paid members in 4 days?

Number 10. Have a weenie roast.

Number 9. Ask them to help with Customer Support.

Number 8. Flash Mob!

Number 7. Play "Where's Waldo?"

Number 6. Heeyyy Macarena!

Number 5. Do a Hangout and bring Google down.

Number 4. Ok it's payday... EVERYBODY SINGLE FILE!

Number 3. Two Words: Musical Chairs.

Number 2. Who's running for coffee? Anyone??

and (drumroll)

The number 1 thing to do with 6000 new paid members in 4 days:

YOU get a car!.... and YOU get a car!..... And YOU AND YOU AND YOU get a car!...

Seriously, there is something special going on. People from over 130 countries are joining the most important new company in decades. We are running our first commission run on Wednesday morning, and we are paying "BACK PAY" for all your efforts in helping us grow. So jump on the bandwagon with everybody else and secure your future with just a few clicks.
It's simple. Login. Pick your Marketing Suite for as little as $30. TURBOCHARGE your position with any of our larger packages. Spread the word. And then watch. Oh yeah... car payments, rent money... you name it. IT'S ALL YOURS.
And don't forget the Merchant Ad Network. We begin the push after our first commission run next week. So take your position now and be a part of the hottest comp plan, the hottest company, and the hottest group of people on the planet!
Login to SpinDing here and see our new products and features!
SpinDing Affiliate Login (http://www.spinding.com/mbo/login.php)
Looking forward to seeing you on the inside!
With Best Wishes for a successful 2014!

Paul Nash
SpinDing LLC

Notice the lack of any real "product" talk in this hype?

03-22-2014, 06:31 PM
The biggest launch in history? Well that is what they are saying on TalkGold. Just listen to some of the TG Sales spiel.

Sounds more like a SpingDin. Some would say a cacophony.

SpingDin or cacophony (http://www.spinding.com/proreflex)

03-25-2014, 06:24 PM
Has anyone been watching the MMG thread? It is so laughable! It is so obvious that the members are struggling to find two referrals to qualify. They are all stressed attempting to PIF 2 people in and it is very obvious that a lot of them are just signing up family members (most likely their family don't even know they are part of this).

03-27-2014, 12:00 PM
Get the popcorn ready. The show is just about to begin! Once all the idiots that PIFd (not really PIFd, but bought more positions for themselves to qualify their ponzi positions, using family members names and info) more spots to qualify for their earnings realize that this scam is a basic, simple ponzi where 98% will lose! There should be a major uproar from the sheep that believed people like Ken Russo, Jamie Strickland etc!

03-27-2014, 07:48 PM
Oz over on his excellent Behind MLM (http://behindmlm.com/) blog has covered Spinding in the following articles:

Spinding launch delayed due to compliance issues (http://behindmlm.com/payment-processors/spinding-launch-delayed-due-to-compliance-issues/)

Paul Nash “hopes” Spinding isn’t a Ponzi scheme (http://behindmlm.com/companies/paul-nash-hopes-spinding-isnt-a-ponzi-scheme/)

SpinDing Review: $30 – $1890 cycler positions (http://behindmlm.com/companies/spinding-review-30-1890-cycler-positions/)

03-27-2014, 11:52 PM
nobody is SpinDing any money on this scam. lol

03-28-2014, 03:06 PM
I decided to open the eyes of the gullible over at MMG thread, so can't wait to read the responses. I'm sure it will be nothing more than a personal attack as always from the usual Ponzi pimps. Since Ken Russo bailed on this, you can count this dead on arrival, if it ever arrives that is.

03-30-2014, 03:40 PM
I decided to open the eyes of the gullible over at MMG thread, so can't wait to read the responses. I'm sure it will be nothing more than a personal attack as always from the usual Ponzi pimps. Since Ken Russo bailed on this, you can count this dead on arrival, if it ever arrives that is.

It looks as if Ken Russo has tried to delete evidence of his involvement in this ponzi.

Bad luck Kenny boy. I found the web site where you were promoting it.

Russo pimping spinding. (http://www.spinding.com/krusso/)

Take a look at the bottom of the page in the centre to see your marketing partner. None other than Kenny boy Russo.

03-30-2014, 08:38 PM
It looks as if Ken Russo has tried to delete evidence of his involvement in this ponzi.

Bad luck Kenny boy. I found the web site where you were promoting it.

Russo pimping spinding. (http://www.spinding.com/krusso/)

Take a look at the bottom of the page in the centre to see your marketing partner. None other than Kenny boy Russo.


Ah, well,

looks like we won't have to discuss Spinding for much longer, now that it has received the Ken Russo "Kiss o' Death"

04-02-2014, 07:57 AM
Here is the latest update posted by the pimp, Jamie Strickland on the MMG forum:

Here's the list of updates I made from tonight's call.
Lot's of activity going on with the commission run to
optimize the data and processing. Once the commission
run is complete it will be real-time.

- Marketers are putting together massive marketing campaigns.

- Please do not submit multiple support tickets, they are
processing them in order of priority and focusing to respond
as quickly as possible.

- Auto-Upgrade will be enhanced to enable you to have it stop
auto-upgrading once it hits a certain level.(Being developed)

- Take a closer look at the compensation plan for the retail side
Paul says this is what SpinDing was made and will be fueled
by merchants and people using the app. You can earn up to 7
levels deep within your team.

- Paul is working with developers to release a beta version of
SpinDing app.

Notice, that there is NO PRODUCT and who knows when there will be one! This is a PURE PONZI now.

04-08-2014, 06:20 PM
WOW!!! Over the first 3 weeks of SpinDing Operations, we have paid almost TWO MILLION DOLLARS in commissions and bonuses to over 24 THOUSAND PAID affiliates from all over the world! THIS IS OFF THE HOOK! Don't forget to get your share of the biggest and most exciting opportunity that network marketing has ever seen!!!

If you are new to SpinDing or need to get reacquainted, set aside a few minutes tonight and learn why leading marketers worldwide are choosing our company first when they decide to put money in their pocket.

We are having an update call tonight to discuss commissions, payout schedules, cycles, support and THE APP! Please take a few minutes tonight to join us for the company UPDATE CALL at 9pm eastern. PLEASE BE ON THE CALL AND INVITE ALL OF YOUR TEAM!


Please join us tonight at 9pm eastern time for a SpinDing update call.

Please call in here:
The conference line is 712-432-0075
The conference ID is 585718#
9pm eastern time.

2 million dollars and still NO product!

04-08-2014, 07:01 PM
And to be fair........because we know nobody made more than anyone else right?...........Everybody got paid a whopping $83

Just sayin'

04-14-2014, 01:24 PM
I really hope this scam gets shut down soon! There are NO products available. Wait, I am wrong, all the pimps are so excited that there are some products now, products that any moron would know are a total joke and a ruse to make this scam look legit. The products consist of things you can offer from any site that creates t-shirts, etc with your logo on it. Total joke!

04-15-2014, 05:19 AM
Well, spinding's great IT team is in deep doo-doo. The website is tossing this: SpinDing. Coming Soon. (http://www.spinding.com:443) is vulnerable.

04-15-2014, 08:01 AM

Ah, well,

looks like we won't have to discuss Spinding for much longer, now that it has received the Ken Russo "Kiss o' Death"

Ken Russo and "THE BIGGEST LAUNCH IN HISTORY" scam speak.

04-18-2014, 04:18 PM
My take- Paul has said this is different it is not a pyramid scheme- there is a product- that's what makes it different.

It is in the infant stages and there are going to be hiccups and stalls as they ensure the best processes are in place to make the app launch a success and the significant compensation plan for Affiliates on both the Merchant and 2 required direct affiliate side. The compensation plan is outstanding. With 2 payments having been made already- Spinding has proven its success. This baby is about to walk and reach 10 cycles a day from now to eternity.

Darren Barton has been instrumental in Spinding's marketing success. He is the train behind the affiliates with his task of the day.

04-18-2014, 05:10 PM
My take- Paul has said this is different it is not a pyramid scheme- there is a product- that's what makes it different.

It is in the infant stages and there are going to be hiccups and stalls as they ensure the best processes are in place to make the app launch a success and the significant compensation plan for Affiliates on both the Merchant and 2 required direct affiliate side. The compensation plan is outstanding. With 2 payments having been made already- Spinding has proven its success. This baby is about to walk and reach 10 cycles a day from now to eternity.

Darren Barton has been instrumental in Spinding's marketing success. He is the train behind the affiliates with his task of the day.

NO there is NO product. You only have the PROMISE of a PRODUCT! Big Difference. Right now they are definitely an illegal pyramid scheme as the only thing that is happening is you are being paid from others becoming members and if that stopped, this would collapse immediately. It is nothing more than a member matrix program in its current form. This is illegal period.

You just should cut out Paul from the middle and pay each other because that is all you are doing. You are allowing Paul to be your bookkeeper and allowing him to be paid for the privilege but he gets the biggest piece of the pie.

04-18-2014, 07:15 PM
My take- Paul has said this is different it is not a pyramid scheme- there is a product- that's what makes it different. .

Having a product does not mean something is not a pyramid. Pyramid: Yes or No (http://www.mlmlegal.com/pyramidyn.html)

My take, your take will come only from other suckers that get recruited before this weenie roasts.


04-21-2014, 06:53 PM
You have to love the latest BS update from Paul Nash. It mainly focuses around money, more money etc and one little blurb about the life-changing app.

"I would first like to say thank you for your patience.
I would also like to give a quick update as to what
is going on currently with Spinding.
We have several things on the table right now, and
prioritizing is posing the most difficult problem right now.
Here are the things that have been on table this week:

★ Log In Errors
★ Next Commission Run
★ Renewal Subscriptions
★ Mastercard Integrations
★ The Spinding App

All of those things are high priority, but when time is
given to one of those things, the others are put on hold
for a little bit.

So the main error, was the login issues. Nothing is more important
than being able to log into your back office.
So we dedicated some time to correct those errors, and the main
thing was that there were some passwords that had weird characters in
it other than letters and numbers, and that was causing some problems
in the script of the webpage.

We had to manually handle several of those.
In the middle of it all, we were able send out the next week
commissions, and move a little closer to handling mastercard.
The big issues is the RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS and the ability
to upgrade from one level to another with PIF and spinding balances.
The reason there hasn't been a message put out is because
it is rather complex and we didn't want to confuse anyone, but
it has been going on a few days so I wanted to give my best attempt
at explaining this.

The system was set up to enable members to auto upgrade and
upgrade through the different levels. That was working good but
once the upgrade happened, that pushed the renewal subscription
date out further. So for example.

"Let's say you came in at a bravo on 2/15, and you upgraded to delta
on 2/20. Now that is a total of $90 but it was split up on 2 different dates.
And then the renewal subscription has been pushed out until 3/20.
Well the original date of the bravo was on 2/15 and now that renewal
will not be expected until 3/20 because of how the upgrade script was
written. Now what if an upgrade to foxtrot happened on 2/28. Now the
renewal will not be until 3/28 and bravo and delta are not being renewed
on their original 30 day anniversary."

So you can see how that presents a cash flow issue. So
Paul has feverishly putting something together so that it is all tied

I'm sure you can imagine that undertaking.
It is almost complete, and I believe that it will be out today
and subscription renewals will begin and we can see what
month #2 will do for this thing.

★★★ I just ask that you please remain patient. This is a huge undertaking with a comp plan that has never been seen before.
★★★ You will not miss out on anything. Everything is logged and going
on in the back ground.

★★★ The good thing about it, is that we are an open book. We
are walking you guys through it with us.

★★★ Lastly, the final stages of the SpinDing APP are happening and it will be out as soon as it is done.
Thank you again for your patience... from SpinDing Team"

The authorities should jump in and stop this scam before Paul Nash gets away with a lot of cash!

04-25-2014, 02:52 PM
Seems I have hit a nerve with softsor, Jamie Strickland:

If you keep on posting all these negative messages about these programs then I would suggest you remove your signature referencing your amazon book. There are a lot of people that do not like what you are posting and may go to your amazon book page and post negative comments about your book.

My response was: Seriously? :RpS_lol: :RpS_lol: :RpS_lol: Can't wait for his reply.

04-26-2014, 06:43 AM
Seems I have hit a nerve with softsor, Jamie Strickland:

If you keep on posting all these negative messages about these programs then I would suggest you remove your signature referencing your amazon book. There are a lot of people that do not like what you are posting and may go to your amazon book page and post negative comments about your book.

My response was: Seriously? :RpS_lol: :RpS_lol: :RpS_lol: Can't wait for his reply.

sofstor is Michael Collucci, not Jamie Strickland

05-14-2014, 06:32 PM
Here is the latest Bulls*t update from Spinding! Looks like they are going to try and milk more money out of the suckers! I seriously doubt there are 2000 new people activating accounts every day. That is a total crock! And, the PS at the end about the non-existent app!


We are making a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT for SpinDing about our compensation plan and you will not want to miss it....

Over the last few weeks, we have been talking about enhancing our compensation plan to eliminate the concerns people have about the number of cycles, and bottom line, the amount of income that people see from their efforts.

We have huge momentum. We get approximately 2000 people a day activating their accounts. By any measure, this is a fantastic number and it only continues to grow.

But here's the kicker. We've developed a way to translate this huge growth into DIRECT MONTHLY PERSONAL INCOME FOR YOU as you continue to promote for us and help us build our teams. Our solution includes placing each of our paid affiliates in a pay plan with a built-up downline of paid members brought to you by your upline, the company or yourself. This is an exciting solution that creates IMMEDIATE MONTHLY INCOME from the work we have already accomplished with this fantastic growth of ours.




Please join us THURSDAY NIGHT at 9pm eastern time!

The Conference line: 712-432-0075
Conference ID: 585718#

You can also access this call over the internet using FLASH PHONE. Go to Free Conferencing | Web conferencing |freeconferencing.com (http://www.freeconferencing.com) and follow the instructions for using the FLASH PHONE TO LISTEN FOR FREE.

To Your Success!
The SpinDing Team

PS. The App is almost ready to go too. Don't Forget!

05-14-2014, 07:35 PM


Do "huge announcements" work better on Thursdays or something ??

Do they do "minor announcements" any day of the week, but reserve "huge announcements" for Thursday nights ??

05-14-2014, 07:53 PM
Do "huge announcements" work better on Thursdays or something ??

Do they do "minor announcements" any day of the week, but reserve "huge announcements" for Thursday nights ??

I don't get it either. There isn't any excuse in there that explains why they can't do it any day but has to be on Thursday. Wacky scammers. Can't even use the full moon as an excuse as that was last night (Tuesday).

05-21-2014, 06:04 AM
Wow, this ponzi becomes more and more obvious as time goes by. Where the F is the APP? I hope this ponzi gets slammed shut by the feds ASAP! Here is the latest update, it is all about the ponzi money and Nothing about the product (the mysterious app)

We made a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT last Thursday about SpinDing and how we are bringing the compensation plan to the next level...

In case you haven't heard, we are putting all of our active accounts in a "3-BY" forced matrix, with a killer pay plan that will literally CHANGE LIVES. WHY?...

With over 60,000 paid members, and with each active account taking a PAID position in the matrix, this will be the LARGEST MATRIX BUILD OF PAID ACTIVE POSITIONS IN THE HISTORY OF NETWORK MARKETING!

And everyone knows that the way to earn income in this kind of pay plan is to have a bunch of PAID ACTIVE MEMBERS in your downline. This new Enhanced Pay Plan is the first of its kind, requires no special purchases or special hoops to jump through. Every active member get their position on June 1... THAT'S IT!!! And if you joined SpinDing early, you get a position at the top of the matrix.

Where will all these 60,000 other members go? Think about it!

So... we know there are questions. We want to address them on the call tonight and help everyone understand just how powerful this opportunity is, and why you need to be telling your team all about it!



Please join us TUESDAY NIGHT (tonight) at 9pm eastern time!

The Conference line: 712-432-0075
Conference ID: 585718#

You can also access this call over the internet using FLASH PHONE. Go to Free Conferencing | Web conferencing |freeconferencing.com (http://www.freeconferencing.com) and follow the instructions for using the FLASH PHONE TO LISTEN FOR FREE.

To Your Success!
The SpinDing Team

05-23-2014, 08:26 PM
Here is a link to show the scumbag Ken Russo's ponzi scam earnings so far

Spinding - Spinding.com (http://www.moneymakergroup.com/index.php?s=&showtopic=463714&view=findpost&p=1108826174)

05-23-2014, 08:57 PM
Of course, seeing it's notorious serial HYIP ponzi pimp Ken Russo making the income claims, believe them at your own risk.


06-02-2014, 11:08 AM
still no app. This is an outright ponzi scam!

06-02-2014, 05:13 PM
What is truly interesting is that this is the second time that MasterCard has stopped things dead in their tracks after all the hype by Paul that MasterCard was onboard with SpinDing. Guess all those pesky questions requiring proof of your business model were too tough to overcome once again. It will be interesting to see if Visa follows suit.

06-03-2014, 05:56 PM
Latest update:


We received our software for our final matrix spill and we are processing positions as we speak. This process will continue and we do not want to delay its release due to a call tonight. So we are moving our call to Thursday so that we can talk about position results, income results and gateway results at that time.

Please join us THURSDAY NIGHT at 9pm eastern time!

The Conference line: 712-432-0075
Conference ID: 585718#

You can also access this call over the internet using FLASH PHONE. Go to Free Conferencing | Web conferencing |freeconferencing.com (http://www.freeconferencing.com) and follow the instructions for using the FLASH PHONE TO LISTEN FOR FREE.

To Your Success!
The SpinDing Team

One question - WHERE IS THE LIFE-CHANGING APP????????????????

06-03-2014, 08:22 PM
so in this scam, a simple phone call somehow shuts down a website and IT department from performing their task?

06-07-2014, 05:05 AM
The MMG thread is an absolute riot now! Everyone's complaining about the new super duper ponzi matrix. It is too funny. Where is Jamie Strickland now?

06-11-2014, 06:21 PM
Has anyone found the missing super duper world-changing Spinding App? I haven't been able to find it, oh wait, it is non-existent! What a joke!

06-27-2014, 06:00 AM
I am so glad to find this forum!
I joined Spinding back in Jan when it first pre-prelaunched but resisted upgrading until they came out with this secondary 3x matrix with promises to enter each person into the matrix in order of first joining. It turns out that they DIDNT which I thought was fishy. When I attempted to download their "product", which is supposed to be a mobile app. the app just takes you back to the matrix join page. So with NO product, it is a money exchange, and with the "sponsorship required to earn" clause, it is doubly illegal in every sense of the word.
I requested a refund, and immediately got a response with a link to a zenhelpdesk link. they asked for my spinding log in info, but says my email does not exist in the system. I have written repeatedly to them with no response, of course.
I CANNOT understand how tens of thousands of people don't question why they have no product.
I HATE thieves, and clearly, Paul Nash is one!

06-27-2014, 06:24 AM
I CANNOT understand how tens of thousands of people don't question why they have no product.

* Your first question should be "are there tens of thousands of members" as is being claimed

* Lies and lying are part and parcel of get-rich-quick schemes. Dig deep enough and you'll probably find nothing you've been told by Spinding is 100% true.

* One of the hallmarks of get-rich-quick schemes such as Spinding is that a large percentage of so called members are, in fact, serial players of money games. If you check out HYIP forums such as Talkgold and MMG, you will find thousands of these players who jump from money game to money game.
To them, it's all about the money they think they can make via recruiting suckers. Product is of no importance

06-27-2014, 09:15 AM
I am so glad to find this forum!

I joined Spinding back in Jan when it first pre-prelaunched !

Welcome to the forum.

"Pre-Launch" I have come to find out is code for recruiting scam. We actually have one pimp here who has been defending a program that has been in pre-launch for over a year and a half. It is very easy to make something sound legitimate while still in the planning phase. Or to claim something will be the next Twitter or Facebook. Then just have ten or so excuses ready why the program must be delayed, rinse and repeat.

I requested a refund, and immediately got a response with a link to a zenhelpdesk link. they asked for my spinding log in info, but says my email does not exist in the system. I have written repeatedly to them with no response, of course.

It is worth trying to see if your bank or credit card company will do a charge back since this clearly an illegal pyramid.

07-01-2014, 03:51 PM
This is one of the funniest scams around! Once again, I guess Thursdays are the day for BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS (well, according to the scammers at Spinding). Watch out, here comes a huge update. LMAO!


We're putting all the pieces and parts in place to support a major re-launch... The matrix and upline payment process, additional marketing videos supporting the app and the opportunity, and a strategy moving forward that everyone's going to LOVE! We have the best marketers in the business. And the most exciting business model seen in years. You won't want to miss this call!

Please join us THURSDAY NIGHT at 9pm eastern time!

The Conference line: 712-432-0075
Conference ID: 585718#

You can also access this call over the internet using FLASH PHONE. Go to Free Conferencing | Web conferencing |freeconferencing.com (http://www.freeconferencing.com) and follow the instructions for using the FLASH PHONE TO LISTEN FOR FREE.

To Your Success!
The SDTeam

07-04-2014, 08:43 PM
Dead, but refusing to lay down, Spinding is making yet another comeback attempt:

As reported by OzSoapbox on his BehindMLM blog (http://behindmlm.com/)

Spinding set to relaunch (http://behindmlm.com/companies/spinding/spinding-set-to-relaunch-where-is-the-app/#more-18400)


Read the complete article on BehindMLM HERE (http://behindmlm.com/companies/spinding/spinding-set-to-relaunch-where-is-the-app/#more-18400)

07-05-2014, 12:47 AM
There hasn't been a post at TG since June 3, and the natives are saying scam at MMG. The kiss of death for this one. But then this was never going to be anything other than a straight line cycler and moving to a matrix illegal pyramid. The App was the sizzle that was to be, but never was.

07-05-2014, 01:13 AM
Anyone thinking of giving Spinding any money now should save themselves the time and trouble and just throw their hard earned in the garbage.





Spinding thread on the MMG HYIP ponzi forum (http://www.moneymakergroup.com/Spinding-Spindingcom-t463714.html&pid=1108874717&st=2205#entry1108874717)

07-05-2014, 07:33 AM
I am surprised that Jamie Strickland (DopplerMkt) is getting a free ride in that thread. He is also a conartist and is very close to Paul Nash and vouched for him from the start.

07-05-2014, 02:12 PM
I am surprised that Jamie Strickland (DopplerMkt) is getting a free ride in that thread. He is also a conartist and is very close to Paul Nash and vouched for him from the start.

You can't go after them because they consider it name-calling, off-topic, denigrating a member of MMG. While this is enforced "selectively" at times, I have seen the mods at MMG starting to delete posts from members who do it to me or remove the offensive remark. In the past, that was not the case. They could call me anything they liked and it stood.

09-28-2014, 06:37 AM
Well, I guess this removes the need for any further debate over the legitimacy or otherwise of the Spinding scam:


spinding.com (http://www.spinding.com)