View Full Version : Banners Broker shills - where are they now ?

01-28-2014, 09:05 PM
A thread to keep those Banners Broker shills fresh in everyones' minds.

Remember - Bruce Lamb and Derek Overington ?

Here are the lads discussing life after Banners Broker:


Here's Brucey on Blogger.com (https://www.blogger.com/profile/05586205239082119474)


Bruce Lambs' brucelamb profile on LinkedIn (http://uk.linkedin.com/in/brucelamb)


Derek Overingtons' derek-overington profile on LinkedIn (http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/derek-overington/19/527/829) is still promoting Banners Broker


While Derek himself is on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jkebF3J02s) pushing the My Advertising Works HYIP ponzi


01-28-2014, 10:01 PM
What is your forecast for these fellows as far as their plans?

01-28-2014, 10:20 PM
What is your forecast for these fellows as far as their plans?

Experience tells us, until they are either warned off or prosecuted, they will continue to promote the "next big thing" HYIP ponzi fraud without a second thought as to the victims they leave behind.

Hopefully though, by keeping their names at the top of search engines, this and other forums like it can give consumers at least a fair chance of avoiding falling into the web of deceit and lies they continue to spin.

01-29-2014, 01:58 AM
Simon Stepsys.

We all know Simon Stepsys, 2012 Banners Broker Affiliate of the Year.


One wonders if Her Majesties Revenue and Customs are as aware of Mr Stepsys and his involvement with Banners Broker and his income claims as is the HYIP ponzi fraternity



Today ??

Courtesy of Simon Stepsys Banners Broker (https://www.facebook.com/SimonStepsysBannersbroker/posts/561991260543937) page on Facebook, Simon has apparently moved on to his next lot of victims err....fields anew


01-29-2014, 06:28 AM
One wonders if Her Majesties Revenue and Customs are as aware of Mr Stepsys and his involvement with Banners Broker and his income claims as is the HYIP ponzi fraternity

We could make them aware :RpS_smile:

www.hmrc.gov.uk/tax-evasion/hotline.htm (http://www.realscam.com/www.hmrc.gov.uk/tax-evasion/hotline.htm)

01-29-2014, 06:38 AM
Remember Mary Bosveld, self proclaimed "SuperGranny" and long time Banners Broker shill from Tasmania ??


01-29-2014, 06:42 AM
Mary Bosveld is continuing to promote Banners Broker, ignoring the fact members haven't been paid for upward of 12 months.

Mary is now promoting the Mandura "Health Beverage" and weight control MLM company.


There you go, contact Mary Bosveld to have your wallet AND your butt lightened.

01-30-2014, 03:09 AM
Ah, yes, Debbie Kemp,

another Banners Broker soldier fighting against truth, integrity and honesty.


Debbie Kemps' debbie.kemp.509 profile on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/debbie.kemp.509?hc_location=timeline)

Debbie is hanging in there with Banners Broker as we speak,

and just about every other get-rich-quick and shady scheme she can find:


Debbie Kemp @ Debbiek on Twitter (https://twitter.com/Debbik)

01-30-2014, 05:52 AM
Another name permanently associated with the Banners Broker fraud is that of Simon Martin


What more do you want from life

https://yt4.ggpht.com/-vnYuVUxksUo/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/fyJLVk-ACFY/s48-c-k-no/photo.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrmtYUgtWOB4ajgyVBAruxg?feature=watch)Simon Martin (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrmtYUgtWOB4ajgyVBAruxg?feature=watch)·5 videos (http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrmtYUgtWOB4ajgyVBAruxg/videos)

As to what Simon Martin is doing today, that's easy, ponzis, ponzis and more ponzis, courtesy of his SimonPaulMartin.com (http://simonpaulmartin.com/costs.html)


01-30-2014, 06:29 AM
Iain Sherriff, leading UK Banners Broker promoter who describes anyone who speaks out against his favourite HYIP ponzi frauds as being a "terrorist"


Undeterred by the fact Banners Broker has not paid the great majority of its' members for over 12 months, Iain Sherriff has moved on to new HYIP ponzi and pyramid schemes, AdHit Profits and DSDomination


The iain-sherriff profile on LinkedIn



Iain Sherriffs' No Meerkats website (http://nomeerkats.com/?page_id=39)

01-30-2014, 10:36 AM
Who could forget Ian Driscoll, former Banners Broker UK leader / manager ??


Banners Broker explained by Ian Driscoll (http://scale7shrine.wordpress.com/2013/05/27/the-trick-about-banners-broker-explained-in-three-ian-driscoll-uk-leadermanager-with-banners-broker/)

Ian Driscoll has eliminated any mention of Banners Broker from his ian-driscoll profile on LinkedIn (http://uk.linkedin.com/pub/ian-driscoll/3/b25/928)


Instead, Mr Driscoll is focusing all his efforts on the Turkish discredited "pay-to-play" pyramid scheme, FlexKom. (http://behindmlm.com/companies/flexkom-review-merchant-network-and-recruitment/)



Ian Driscoll Introduction To Flexkom

https://yt4.ggpht.com/-uYubDv3mdUY/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/FHMJDlhHVDs/s48-c-k-no/photo.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/user/flexkominformation?feature=watch)Ian Driscoll (http://www.youtube.com/user/flexkominformation?feature=watch)·

01-30-2014, 11:39 AM
Can we post pictures of the people who basically donated their unemployment checks and tax returns?

Selfless people like that should be honored for their very generous charity.

01-31-2014, 11:30 AM
Another well known and currently active Banners Broker shill is Helen Wright


Helen Wrights' helenwright220854 profile on LinkedIn (http://uk.linkedin.com/in/helenwright220854)

Amega Global makes a perfect fit for a serial HYIP ponzi promoter.

It's products include the infamous "Zero point energy Amega Wand" and various other nonsense "wellness products"


While AdHit Profits is just your normal, common garden variety hybrid pyramid / ponzi / get-rich-quick scheme currently on all the usual suspect HYIP ponzi forums


02-01-2014, 12:01 AM
Soozi Scoones,

once proudly boasting she was one of the Banners Broker "Advisory Board" and moderator of the Banners Broker forum, Ms Scoones is madly sanitizing her internet reputation and removing any references to her involvement with the Banners Broker fraud.

No mention of Banners Broker on her soozi profile on LinkedIn (http://uk.linkedin.com/in/soozi)


one of the links she provides leads to:


EasyMoneyMethod (http://easymoneymethod.biz/)

while the other leads to the pyramid scheme du jour:


Soozi Scoones DSDomination webpage (https://dsdomination.com/sp/pro/?application=sp&module=pro&aid=soozi)

02-01-2014, 10:43 AM
didn't she even come here to defend the banner broker scam?

02-02-2014, 02:22 AM
didn't she even come here to defend the banner broker scam?

She threatened Poyol at one stage, but that was off the forum.

02-02-2014, 02:25 AM
Simon Stepsys again with yet ANOTHER opportunity to avoid.

Rule of thumb: If Simon Stepsys is promoting it, keep your money in your wallet, it is GUARANTEED to go belly-up before you can make money.


UvioO Great Way To Make Money

https://yt3.ggpht.com/-SGBsQq2aus0/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/pM6LhnEsrhg/s48-c-k-no/photo.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/user/simonsuccessstepsys?feature=watch)Simon Stepsys

02-02-2014, 02:42 AM
A name often associated with the Banners Broker (non paying) fraud is that of Pinakee Naik:


So, what is Pinakee pimping these days, now that Banners Broker is no longer paying ??

SURPRISE, SURPRISE, it's another get-rich-quick pyramid scheme disguising itself behind selling useless products and claiming to share 100% of its' profits.


What a lot of nonsense Pinakee is trying to foist on unwary victims recruits this lot is:



Pinakee may have stiffed you once, don't let it happen again.

02-02-2014, 08:26 PM
Bardur Gunnarson

Remember ex Iceland IC for Banners Broker, Bardur Gunnarson ??


Bardur Gunnarsons' "iceman" profile on IBOSocial (http://www.ibosocial.com/iceman)


Bardur Gunnarsons' bardurgunnarson.com (http://en.gravatar.com/bardurgunnarsson)

It's easy to tell when a "next big thing" has collapsed, it's promoters have moved on and have to resort to using more outlandish lies and improbable scenarios to try and keep their victims interested and attract new money

Here's Bardur Gunnarson promoting his newest "recommendation" with some of the most outrageous B/S ever spouted in pursuit of more victims:


Only REAL desperado HYIPers accepted into this one, I'm afraid

Fat City, LA
02-03-2014, 12:50 AM
15-20% monthly?

If you could get that legally PER YEAR=on Wall Street handling billions of dollars.

02-03-2014, 02:21 AM
Forever associated with the failed Banners Broker HYIP ponzi fraud, MARK GHOBRIL is still out there sucking in new victims and denying the bleedin' obvious fact Banners Broker is dead in the water.


Mark Ghobril in full Banners Broker mode on the MarkGhobril page on Slideshare (http://www.slideshare.net/MarkGhobril)


Mark Ghobrils' markghobril profile on LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/in/markghobril)


Mark Ghobril @ MarkGhobril on Twitter (http://imageshack.com/a/img208/245/n962.jpg) with yet another "next big thing" that wasn't


Mark Ghobrils' mark.ghobril page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/mark.ghobril)


The many faces of Mark-Ghobril on Wink.com (http://wink.com/p/Mark-Ghobril-p:u7dk6pccl0soe)


Mark Ghobril promoted Numis Network on his Mark Ghobril page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Mark-Ghobril/116632828419435) back in 2011


More than a little bit of poetic license from Mark Ghobil on the Elite 6 Figure Alliance website (http://elite6figurealliance.com/)


Mark Ghobril as he appears on Google Images (https://www.google.com.au/search?q=mark+ghobril&client=firefox-a&hs=w7t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&tbm=isch&imgil=7heBcGyka09pjM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252F encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9 GcRWGKvVptXrfmBCx_HJhfkn6PsDZ7QeVut2r0DR7ef0nAN9DT wsKQ%253B500%253B375%253BKG6agyCQi7cYyM%253Bhttps% 25253A%25252F%25252Ftwitter.com%25252FMarkGhobril&source=iu&usg=__O31OEa_YRPQDVYVIJBrIGAIUQmg%3D&sa=X&ei=-zjvUv3YIoqIkwX8sIDADA&ved=0CEAQ9QEwBA&biw=1280&bih=827&dpr=1#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=7heBcGyka09pjM%253A%3BKG6agyCQi7cYyM%3Bhttps %253A%252F%252Fpbs.twimg.com%252Fprofile_images%25 2F1308581550%252Fme__2_.jpg%3Bhttps%253A%252F%252F twitter.com%252FMarkGhobril%3B500%3B375)

02-03-2014, 02:44 AM
Looks as if serial ponzi pimp, Iain Sherriff has decided there is more money to be made at the organizational end of HYIPS:


Ad Hit Profits info (http://www.ahpinfo.com/members/index.php)

02-03-2014, 10:04 AM
Here's a couple of likely lads, organizers of the Banners Broker East Yorkshire group (http://bannerseastyorkshire.co.uk/) in the UK


And what do the boys do when they're not making money from recruiting others into the failed HYIP ponzi fraud, Banners Broker ??


Simon Cartwrights' Think Positive Coaching.com (http://www.thinkpositivecoaching.com/about-us/)


Robin "LION" Shaws' robinshaw LION profile on LinkedIn (http://uk.linkedin.com/in/robinshaw)


Simon Cartwright and Robin Shaws' HumberPropertyNetwork page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HumberPropertyNetwork)

02-04-2014, 08:55 PM
You won't have to search very far to find what



The name behind the Banners Broker World page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/bbrokerworld)


and the owner of the hafeez-unpredictable-akram (https://www.facebook.com/notes/hafeez-unpredictable-akram/banners-broker-simplified/10152338416660548) page on Facebook


is now pimping.


Hafeez Akrams' My Advertising Pays page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/hafeezakram?fref=pb&hc_location=profile_browser)

02-05-2014, 03:13 AM
"Love is in the air
Everywhere I look around
Love is in the air
Every sight and every sound"


Bizapedia. Canada (http://www.bizapedia.com/canada/JETSETTER-DATING-LTD.html)

C'mon now, admit it, you're starting to believe us now, aren't you ??

02-05-2014, 06:13 AM
Many of the UK Banners Broker victims will remember: CAROL REED, one of Mark Stokes' early BB interviewees



Carol is one of the mainstays of the bbrokerworld Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/bbrokerworld/posts/306242222813750)


Carol Reeds' personal carol.reed.3760 page on Facebook


Like many other former and current Banners Broker shills, Carol Reed has moved on to Rev Star Global


Carol Reeds' carolreedrevstarglobal profile on LinkedIn (http://uk.linkedin.com/in/carolreedrevstarglobal)

02-06-2014, 12:29 AM
It seems our erstwhile friend, "Ian Driscoll of the Banners Broker online fraud" has seamlessly morphed into "Ian Driscoll of the FlexKom online fraud"

Is FlexKom REALLY 'the future of business' or just another hopeless 'get rich quick' scheme?

Feb 06, 2014 00:00 (http://www.mirror.co.uk/by-date/06-02-2014)
0 Comments (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/flexkom-really-the-future-business-3116205#comments)

by AndrewPenman (http://www.mirror.co.uk/authors/andrew-penman/)


Cynics might suggest anything that looks too good to be true will only end up enriching those at the very top


You can read the complete story HERE (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/flexkom-really-the-future-business-3116205) on www.mirror.co.uk (http://www.mirror.co.uk)

02-06-2014, 01:48 AM
I wonder how UK Banners Broker members feel about Ian Driscoll now when they read quotes from him like this:


You can read the complete story HERE (http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/flexkom-really-the-future-business-3116205) on www.mirror.co.uk (http://www.mirror.co.uk)

02-07-2014, 12:18 PM
Here is an interesting Lady ~ Annegrete Krings

Her blog warns people about scammers -especially Sweetheart Scams. Seems sensible.

Then you notice she is in The Reverse Matrix since 2010 and Banners Broker since 2010!
That is really early BB!

Annegrete Krings - Denmark, networker, team-builder, entrepreneur | about.me (http://about.me/annes) lists about FIFTEEN HYIP memberships as well as Google Plus facebook Linkedin Twitter UTube

passiveincomeoptions.blogspot is missing but
kringsenterprises.blogspot.com is still around
where she will tell you such gems as
I Tell You To Never Give Up!: Banners Broker a Scam! (http://kringsenterprises.blogspot.com/2013/01/banners-broker-scam.html)

How can a worldwide company, going on a World Tour be a scam?
Any company going into any Country have to follow the rules there are in each Country they open an office in. If they don't follow rules, they will soon be out of business. Just like we will in any business if we don't follow rules, that goes for Banners Broker as well.

Funny then how the BB rules are "no other HYIP promotion" and yet she has at least FIFTEEN going!
but there is more

Personally I have sponsored 100+ people into Banners Broker and I find it for an honour to support "my" people. Because I am so visible online I often get questions about different things concerning Banners Broker when people see me commenting or promoting Banners Broker.

I wonder how her 100 "people" are doing?

and here is another gem

What if YOUR money ended in another persons wallet? Who would you blame for that?

Let me guess
Given BB are stealing it ....who to blame?????

She continues

people were bombarding support with all sorts of simple plain questions, thus overloading the support system. With the fast growth of Banners Broker support started to fall behind.
Now we also know that to educate people takes time. So, with a growth like Banners Broker has, the number of tickets send in and the time it takes to educate support staff, we need to understand, it is about priorities and your money comes first.

The cheek of people asking "simple plain questions" e.g. "where is my money" and asking them of the CUSTOMER SUPPORT to which the same people were directed by Banners Broker who stated they had set this system up which could answer every question to satisfaction and who BB also CHARGED people to access!

She doesn't seem to notice the contradiction. Basically in 2010/11 she and BB were saying "we have a great way to make rapid gains on your money based on our knowledge of the internet which we guarantee will continue to double over very short periods and sustain massive growth and massive payments"

but then also apparently rapid growth means you have to "educate" people ( in spite of you claiming to have an expert IT based system) which means the faster the growth the more you "fall behind" in payments.

She continues

My point here, is that people need to understand their own business

In spite of her contradictory definitions she does not state the truth - there isn't any business!

And to cap it all this gem

Rajiv Dixit has been involved in scams before.

And so what?
So have I and millions of people. I too have promoted scam in the faith that it was legal and well functioning. I mean who hasn't?!

LOL Classic!
I would have thought that being Danish she would be aware
"We were only carrying out orders in good faith. We already had laws saying Jews and Gypsies did not have the same rights as us and they were to be rounded up for deportation. We didn't know about the gas chambers."
isn't an excuse!

Does that mean that I am a scammer?


That I am not able to tell the truth from scam?

Yes. Either you are incompetent or a liar.

That I am not worth listening to?

Based on the last answer most certainly yes.

That I am not able to become successful?

I am sure maybe anyone can become "successful" as a suicide bomber, a rapist, a terrorist or just a simple thief. That won't make doing it the right thing to do right though, will it?

02-08-2014, 11:05 AM
Sandra and Rick Krytenberg from Queensland in Australia are right into Banners Broker.

They even have their own Banners Broker website Rick and Sandra Krytenbergs' My BB Details.com (http://mybbdetails.com/)


Rick and Sandra have even have their own video playing on the Crush Slavery BBFacts website (http://crushslavery.bbfacts.com/)


Here's a teaser of the video:


In their spare time, Rick and Sandra Krytenberg promote the Highly suspicious Dubli get-rich-quick scheme (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dy6ukqvuhZY')

02-08-2014, 01:49 PM
that dubli scam is steal alive? amazing

02-08-2014, 07:58 PM
Here is an interesting Lady ~ Annegrete Krings

Her blog warns people about scammers -especially Sweetheart Scams. Seems sensible.

Then you notice she is in The Reverse Matrix since 2010 and Banners Broker since 2010!
That is really early BB!

Annegrete Krings - Denmark, networker, team-builder, entrepreneur | about.me (http://about.me/annes) lists about FIFTEEN HYIP memberships as well as Google Plus facebook Linkedin Twitter UTube

passiveincomeoptions.blogspot is missing but
kringsenterprises.blogspot.com is still around
where she will tell you such gems as


02-10-2014, 11:31 AM
Here is an interesting Lady ~ Annegrete Krings

Her blog warns people about scammers -especially Sweetheart Scams. Seems sensible.

She had given me some stuff for my thread on Romance Scams and we had chatted a little as both of us knew Anne Jackson (who got busted running a reload scam). I am in a few scam groups over on Facebook and someone was saying she sent a lot of spam. I don't know her capacity but she is focusing on something called Green City Limited (http://www.greencity.co.ug/) which is sort of a planned community. I have not really looked into it, but my first thought was a foreign reincarnation of Mantria Corporation. The Biggest Green Scam in America | 5280 (http://www.5280.com/magazine/2011/07/biggest-green-scam-america)

02-10-2014, 12:59 PM
Here is an interesting Lady ~ Annegrete Krings

Her blog warns people about scammers -especially Sweetheart Scams. Seems sensible.

Then you notice she is in The Reverse Matrix since 2010 and Banners Broker since 2010!
That is really early BB!

Annegrete Krings - Denmark, networker, team-builder, entrepreneur | about.me (http://about.me/annes) lists about FIFTEEN HYIP memberships as well as Google Plus facebook Linkedin Twitter UTube

passiveincomeoptions.blogspot is missing but
kringsenterprises.blogspot.com is still around
where she will tell you such gems as
I Tell You To Never Give Up!: Banners Broker a Scam! (http://kringsenterprises.blogspot.com/2013/01/banners-broker-scam.html)

Funny then how the BB rules are "no other HYIP promotion" and yet she has at least FIFTEEN going!
but there is more

I wonder how her 100 "people" are doing?

and here is another gem

Let me guess
Given BB are stealing it ....who to blame?????

She continues

The cheek of people asking "simple plain questions" e.g. "where is my money" and asking them of the CUSTOMER SUPPORT to which the same people were directed by Banners Broker who stated they had set this system up which could answer every question to satisfaction and who BB also CHARGED people to access!

She doesn't seem to notice the contradiction. Basically in 2010/11 she and BB were saying "we have a great way to make rapid gains on your money based on our knowledge of the internet which we guarantee will continue to double over very short periods and sustain massive growth and massive payments"

but then also apparently rapid growth means you have to "educate" people ( in spite of you claiming to have an expert IT based system) which means the faster the growth the more you "fall behind" in payments.

She continues

In spite of her contradictory definitions she does not state the truth - there isn't any business!

And to cap it all this gem

LOL Classic!
I would have thought that being Danish she would be aware
"We were only carrying out orders in good faith. We already had laws saying Jews and Gypsies did not have the same rights as us and they were to be rounded up for deportation. We didn't know about the gas chambers."
isn't an excuse!


Yes. Either you are incompetent or a liar.

Based on the last answer most certainly yes.

I am sure maybe anyone can become "successful" as a suicide bomber, a rapist, a terrorist or just a simple thief. That won't make doing it the right thing to do right though, will it?

She is sensible so far you don't touch the core of the problem and the problem is her fanatic support to scams till the very last drop of her energy.We exchanged few mails and she was quite ready to answer my questions.I noticed after few words that she is very combative as she was defending a nation not an activity.Of course I tried to be as polite as possible but I was quite irritated with amount of her defiance .More I described scams,more nervous and rude she was...this "Lady" is a real truck almost all the time in stand by mode......I can understand her devotion ,what I can not understand is readiness to touch the bottom of stupidity and readiness to show brightness and emotions of a 5 years old kid angry that he is not allowed to destroy a toy...yes..she is an older person full of defiance ,deep in herself very rude and selfish but mouth full of sweet words about success and positive thinking..in one word..immature

02-23-2014, 06:16 AM
Another person who seems to be in love with Banners Broker is Jamie Waters - he is also one of the mods in TalkingBB forum.
His replies to some questions border on insanity, like he truly believes that BB is wonderful! He is in the close group associated with Chris Smith.

02-23-2014, 06:33 AM
Some Idiot did not get a memo (or memos)
and on February 22, 2014 posted an Ad in Polish online newspaper in Finance section advertising Banners Broker as a great investment and leaves his phone number to contact him:

URL: Og (http://wadowice24.pl/component/adsmanager/?page=show_ad&adid=99798)

Title: Guaranteed Investments banners broker

Looking for people willing to cooperate . Namely it comes to investing in the system banner broker
If you meet the very famous reading Robert Kyosaki , surely you already know what it is quadrant flow of money . It divides people who depend on their own work and those who depend on the fact that their money work . You probably know very well that at the present time there are many ways to multiply the money and you can do it without restriction , but first you need to first have the money to have at multiply , and secondly you need to know how wisely and well to make a trading his own money . These are the reasons why you have money can relatively quickly become very wealthy , and those who are a little less too can become wealthy people , but it takes a little longer.
The necessary condition is always the same - first you have to invest your money where it will work effectively . Then the money raise profits for you and you begin to get rich .
It is obvious that the more money you start , the more and faster you can earn . Eventually there comes a point that you no longer work at all , and your fortune is still growing and growing and you can afford a comfortable , perfect life, and money is never short . But either you have a lot of money right from the start (you know - then it is easier) , or you start SMART TURN THESE MONEY THAT YOU HAVE , EVEN IF SMALL - ALSO BECAUSE THEN you get to the amazing results , BUT MAY TAKE A LITTLE LONGER . And do not let them tell you that this is not for you , because I do not know how to do it and do not have much to start. Often, just a little, but delayed and rotated from month to month will bring you results faster than you think and more than you bargained for .
So to build a solid income are needed : time , capital and knowledge . Perhaps this knowledge is important, more important than money and time, because it is thanks to it we can effectively multiply the money over a set period of time and build more and more wealth , even if at the beginning we small money - that is , knowledge is the key to wise management of their and launching a profitable rotation, so as to effectively and efficiently worked for us .

You are already determined ?

If you decide that you want to invest in Banner Broker, Think what capital you are able to invest and I will help multiply your money .

I invite specific people

793 602 519

02-23-2014, 06:34 AM
Welcome to REALSCAM.com (http://www.realscam.com) searcher.

Young Mr Waters is an old favourite of ours.

See what a simple search throws up:

http://www.realscam.com/search.php?searchid=13051 (http://www.realscam.com/search.php?searchid=13051)

02-23-2014, 06:47 AM
Welcome to REALSCAM.com (http://www.realscam.com) searcher.

Young Mr Waters is an old favourite of ours.

See what a simple search throws up:

http://www.realscam.com/search.php?searchid=13051 (http://www.realscam.com/search.php?searchid=13051)

Thankyou littleroundman

02-23-2014, 10:00 PM
Our Old friend Richard "I believe you have my Stapler" Arblaster

couple days ago showed how to use MyAdvertismentPays


And also recently mumbled something about Income Boost 2014: Income Boost 2014 - YouTube (http://youtu.be/T6wA-fwc9yM)

03-01-2014, 05:47 AM
Duncan Wood's shiny new website.

Can I Trust MLM | Duncan Wood (http://duncanjwood.com/can-i-trust-mlm/)

Maybe that particular page should be titled Can I Trust Duncan Wood? :RpS_wink:


03-01-2014, 06:01 AM
Who to trust ??

Duncan Wood 2014 or Duncan Wood 2013 ??

Was he lying then or is he lying now ??


I haven't seen Duncan apologizing to those who joined Banners Broker because of what he said, perhaps I missed it.

03-01-2014, 11:23 PM
Just in case anyone forgets him or is keeping a record of the "opportunities" he is offering and how long they last:



03-01-2014, 11:30 PM
Simon Stepsys was just spotted at MyAdvertisementPays pimping event
Filmed by Richard Arblaster


03-02-2014, 06:16 AM

Simon Stepsys' BannersBrokerGroup (https://www.facebook.com/SimonStepsysBannersbroker) on Facebook

03-02-2014, 09:57 AM
Poor old Roland Millward desperately trying to pimp his own little scheme on Twitter....



Not having much luck it seems.


03-02-2014, 10:07 AM
Not having much luck it seems.

I think this is one occasion where Roland Millward could truthfully say "Google is NOT my friend"

03-02-2014, 10:50 AM

03-02-2014, 01:36 PM
Really after watching this who wouldn't Sign up under Richard Arblaster?



03-06-2014, 06:17 AM
Our young friend Jamie Waters is struggling at the minute:

He's been pimping Rippln:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzK6G4XUfQ0&feature=player_detailpage&list =TLbu4VCmUCVz2aKpzs2mOMk47kwyO5aEoe

That would the same Rippln featured on BehindMLM.com (http://behindmlm.com/)

Rippln to resurrect initial recruitment model? (http://behindmlm.com/companies/rippln/rippln-to-resurrect-initial-recruitment-model/)

Rippln is sunk: How NOT to close an MLM company (http://behindmlm.com/companies/rippln/rippln-is-sunk-how-not-to-close-an-mlm-company/)

Rutherford: Rippln dead in the water (http://behindmlm.com/companies/rippln/rutherford-rippln-dead-in-the-water/)

Rippln sued for trademark infringement (http://behindmlm.com/companies/rippln/rippln-sued-for-trademark-infringement/)

Has Rippln done a runner? (http://behindmlm.com/companies/rippln/has-rippln-done-a-runner/)

Rippln CEO apologizes for "failed expectations" (http://behindmlm.com/companies/rippln/rippln-ceo-apologizes-for-failed-expectations/)

Facebook bans Rippln Blitz recruitment links (http://behindmlm.com/companies/rippln/facebook-bans-rippln-blitz-recruitment-links/)

First the failed Banners Broker HYIP ponzi fraud and now the failed Rippln pyramid scheme.

Jamies' reputation IS taking a battering at the minute

03-06-2014, 12:15 PM
Ballentyne points to this story on 23rd Feb
at the same time he is pimping White Rhino/BB clone Bank on Traffic while Black Rhino Banners Broker is going extinct!

Here is another comical hypocritical post from Jan 26th

03-06-2014, 12:51 PM
Terry stern ~ Ex mouthpiece for BB now

no doubt using his BB experience with Strategy India "a premium consulting agency that has helped numerous national and international Direct Selling companies makes their foray into India. "

Team - Executive Vice President, Chief Strategist (http://www.strategyindia.com/team.html)
Which also boasts David hooker

Strategy India also provide a list of Scam companies
Guess who are not listed under "B"

Guess what a little more digging reveals


A search under this term brings up warnings on BB from 2012 when Hooker was pimping BB
Strategy India Blog - Scam Alerts (http://www.strategyindia.com/blog/scam-alerts/?search=B)

*ank on traffic
*anners Broker
*anners Broker International
And No "Stellar Point under" "S"

Here The “Ponzi” Fact | Strategy India - Blog (http://www.strategyindia.com/blog/2013/12/the-ponzi-fact/)
is their wonderful brief on Ponzis with such gems as

In a nutshell, a Ponzi scheme is a fraudulent investment operation that has been designed to pay investors a large return on their money, unfortunately this can only be sustained by using the money being paid in by new investors. The schemes do not generate any profit so therefore only the initial investors have any chance of making a return.


The Internet is rife with Ponzi schemes. Terms such as “High Yield Investment Program mes” (HYIP) and “Offshore Investment Opportunities” are used to conceal Ponzi schemes and mislead the buying public.

Some Ponzi schemes offer long term opportunities with only medium rates of return. This is still unsustainable as no profits are being generated.

Any scheme that offers high income returns for your investment must be carefully investigated and researched before parting with your hard earned cash.

But it was not TYerry wrote this since it is attributed to David Hooker Executive Vice President Strategy India :) ROTFLOL

Maybe we should use their "Report a Scam" link to list Banners Broker Canada,UK and Isle of Man, as well as Stellar Point

Strategy India Blog - Report a Scam (http://www.strategyindia.com/blog/report-a-scam/)

03-11-2014, 05:11 AM
Here is an ex NHS nurse Gillian Hillier who got involved in BB and then was probably ignored. I wonder if she knows about the IoM case or is claiming.
Maybe someone might contact her? jilly1048 AT googlemail.com

she said some interesting things about Hooker and Dublin and how he pimped BB when he certainly should know better at that time:The Dublin Convention- WORLD TOUR, report and review | Banners Broker Support (

The next day David Hooker started the day off with a sparkling performance his remit is new business development and Compliance .

He in my opinion he could be classed as the spin Dr or the hired gun, ...

David hooker spoke at first about this phenomenon that is negative press and how companies such as Walmart, Amway, Avon, with there rip off products Bank of America and Toyota who had cars with brakes that didn’t work and had 102 complaints about every 100 cars in 2012 ! to name just a few have been called scams and scammers in the past. Walmart received 200,000 complaints a day !...

David Hooker contacted Ted Newton and Rod Cook and asked them to come and see BB for themselves, he offered to pay for their flights and accommodation, and to come and spend some time in BB HQ . Guess what they said YES , but they said we will charge you a consultancy fee and then we will write nice things about BB!
The Blind Advertising Network and HOW It WORKS
There are 10 major brokers who between then have access to 500million websites. those with the right amount of traffic usually 1000 hits per day get accepted in to the network. Their job is to put website owners (publishers ) and advertisers together and broker a deal .Most advertisers cannot afford to place adverts on Facebook , Google , etc., so they use the blind advertising network, a second layer of advertising if you like....
With the blind network your banner is moved from website to website and will probably remain no longer than 20mins on any one site. So maximum exposure for minimum cost . So when people ask why cant I see my advert, now you know how to explain why

That is what she heard from Hooker.

After Lunch, Lorenzo Guarini spoke about how to grow your business as he always does from his heart !
They then used the old accolade and testimonial trick by calling three affiliates to the stage

I myself was one , after 25yrs in the NHS working as a staff nurse , midwife and health visitor , my husband and I started a successful mortgage business which we ran together for 7 yrs...
When I started my facebook group, it was to keep connected with my downline but it has grown to include people from all over the world and they were telling me their stories about how BB was paying for clothes for their children , paying for their rent , their schooling and their hostel fees. It put our situation into perspective and inspired me to get on the stage and tell everyone their stories

the facebook page reference given is gone from facebook

Grant D’eall came back on to talk about Advertising Co-ordinators, again no new information for me anyway.

Sunday saw a midday start with Rajiv demonstrating the Company presentation again...
Paul Mc Carthy took to the stage to introduce the other ICs who were present and they all came up and shared with us their poignant and moving stories.
These included IC Bangladesh- AyubAli
France-Christelle Maili, Cyprus & Greece- Fraser & Sarah Douther, India- Ana Onofre, who told us all how BB is helping get people off the streets and into rented accommodation, Mateusz Guzda -Poland, Claudia Santos- Portugal, Neale Pocock-Spain and Ian Driscoll- UK.
The long awaited speech from Chris brought the convention to a close, ...
Stellar point who manage the day to day running of BB are in the process of moving into new premises they are being refurbished as we speak and customized to include the technology required to support BB operations. They have hired 23 new staff and are increasing the opening hours of live chat to 24hrs a day 5 days a week
They want to catch up on all tickets submitted and make DB error a thing of the past
With such rapid growth from 25,000 affiliates in January 2012- 100,000 in June 2012- now on 265,000 they are now projecting and hoping for 1million affiliates by the end of next year.

A speech from Chris full of lies.

03-11-2014, 06:17 AM

Gillian Hilliers' gillian-hillier profile on LinkedIn (http://es.linkedin.com/pub/gillian-hillier/55/14b/580)

Ms Hillier has also featured in the Banners Broker thread ON THIS PAGE (http://www.realscam.com/f8/banners-broker-hyip-ponzi-scam-897/index338.html#post49258)

03-11-2014, 10:12 AM
Here is an interesting case.
Back in 2012 Michael was writing about scams:
The Computer Guy Review: The Signs of the Scams (http://computerguyreview.blogspot.com/2012/06/signs-of-scams.html)

In the above google+ page he refers to this article in August 2012

the computerguy blog has since gone silent. Given Michael has qualifications in IT and actually gave a good outline of how a ponzi works ( he was wrong about "they disappear quickly" but Banners Broker has since then been in courts and has been liquidated in some places) you might think that that means he accepts his own advice .

But NO . In October 2013 he was plugging BB and on feb 1st he posts a video Which is notw down but I suppose is the "Jamie explains the business model" video.

Maybe the fact that Michael is the Caribbean BB IC and with the "World Tour" conference coming up he feels a need to ignore his own advice?

03-11-2014, 10:28 AM
Banners Broker pimps never die, they just move on to the next ponzi scam.

In Michael Amanns' case, that is Karatbars


The reason I started with Banners Broker

https://yt3.ggpht.com/-Fji7Mp7c5ZI/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/SYhk9h9evEU/s48-c-k-no/photo.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/user/mamann67)Michael Amann (http://www.youtube.com/user/mamann67)·36 videos

03-11-2014, 10:29 AM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=0Y7fpB5_Q4Q&list =UUBsbDnIpa3j6v9IepS7O1sg

Karatbars: The Opening of the Silver Package

https://yt3.ggpht.com/-Fji7Mp7c5ZI/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/SYhk9h9evEU/s48-c-k-no/photo.jpg (http://www.youtube.com/user/mamann67)Michael Amann (http://www.youtube.com/user/mamann67)·36 videos (http://www.youtube.com/user/mamann67/videos)
http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif 4 http://s.ytimg.com/yts/img/pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif 0

Published on Oct 17, 2013
Michael Amann walks us through the opening of his Karatbars Silver package, received on October 16th, 2013. He has also provided information at the end about the costs and benefits for the more popular packages available from karatbars international.

To find out more about the importance of saving in Gold, visit Karatbarsinfo.com.

If you are interested in getting Free karatbars account, visit the following link and signup as a Free Affiliate. Karatbars International - Michael Amann.

Filmed on location in Trinidad and Tobago.

03-15-2014, 08:18 AM
Richard Arblaster wants to get his hands on your cookie jar.


03-15-2014, 09:59 AM


03-21-2014, 02:47 PM
Banners Broker pimps never die, they just move on to the next ponzi scam.

In Michael Amanns' case, that is Karatbars....

Karatbars got an alert from Quebec AMF today: Warning - Karatbars investment program (http://www.lautorite.qc.ca/en/press-releases-2014-corpo.html_2014_alert-karatbars.html)

03-21-2014, 03:43 PM
see.....if they only went with carrotcake at the local bake sales..........

04-04-2014, 06:53 AM
Remember Russell "Potty Mouth" Nordstrand ????

He was first introduced to us by Kiwi Chick in THIS (http://www.realscam.com/f8/banners-broker-hyip-ponzi-scam-897/index429.html#post60451)post


which clearly shows the reason he was labelled "Potty Mouth" by members.

We subsequently discovered Russell was not only a serial Banners Broker pimp, but a serial HYIP ponzi player as well:


Russell Nordstrand on ReferralKey (https://www.referralkey.com/profile.html?id=13121571)


Russell Nordstrand pimps Profitable Sunrise on his @ russnordnz page on Twitter (https://twitter.com/russnordnz)

It seems Russell is attempting to go straight,

He has removed any mention of Banners Broker or any other HYIP ponzi fraud from his russell-nordstrand profile on LinkedIn (http://nz.linkedin.com/pub/russell-nordstrand/39/992/a71)


07-04-2014, 12:23 PM
Roland Millward of Banners Broker fame, still pimping scams.



Talk Fusion | Video Conferencing & Email | Multi-Level Marketing (http://www.talkfusion.com/)


07-19-2014, 09:04 PM
What are Sharon James and imy aslam upto these days?

Ps will anyone report mr stepsys alleged earnings to HMRC tax evasion hotline?

11-19-2014, 02:47 AM
Oh, that trashy little Jamie Waters, and that's being kind...
I so despised his attitude towards BB members back in the TalkingBB forum days..
He's having a dancing great time promoting - well what else... Leadership of course! lol!


11-19-2014, 09:29 AM
Or in this case..........'bleedership' as in bleeding people dry.

11-19-2014, 10:42 AM
From Little Jamie's comments under the YouTube video
If you've learned a lot about leadership and making a movement, then let's watch a movement happen, start to finish, in under 3 minutes, and dissect some lessons:

Ha! 3 minutes that's about as long as Jamie's Rippln movement lasted. :RpS_smile:

11-19-2014, 11:02 AM
he's appealing to the fecal voyeur crowd. irony

12-15-2014, 08:03 AM
I note the Banners Broker Ponzi Scheme thread - which was RS record breaking thread in term of posts has slipped off the first page and hasn't had a post in several weeks!

Anyway given Raj recently got married... He should know about morality and sacraments what with him being a qualified Minister with a BA (in Theology and not in Mathematics) from Southwestern Adventist University... I digress as I was saying anyway I wondered what he might be up to. It seems franchising is a recent option

Case in point AAFD who tell you that

franchisee advocates have long argued that important disclosures are not required, including financial disclosures about the profitability of the franchise system.

Strange to discover then that The Dixit Consortium Inc. has changed its name on June 12th to
8643989 CANADA INC.

and has a registered address of

150 York Street, Suite 800
Toronto ON M5H 3S5
Which is also the office of
contact us (http://www.msmlaw.ca/index.php/contact-us)

Who specialise in
Franchise Law (http://www.msmlaw.ca/index.php/practice-areas/franchise-law)

Note 150 York street is a big enough building but Suite 800 is a single location

Reemas Kitchen LTD. also seem to be dormant
Glenroy Browne Funkional Fitness Inc.

7917317 CANADA INC.
which incidentally also lists

Glenroy Browne
474 Sedan Crescent
Oshawa ON L1H 3G5

indeed even the furniture is being hocked
Luxury Pool Table | toys, games | Oshawa / Durham Region | Kijiji (http://www.kijiji.ca/v-toys-games/oshawa-durham-region/luxury-pool-table/1027666205)

12-25-2014, 09:59 PM
Remember Ana Bento who has a pending case for BB India?

Della Cate
12-26-2014, 05:35 PM
From Little Jamie's comments under the YouTube video

Ha! 3 minutes that's about as long as Jamie's Rippln movement lasted. :RpS_smile:

OOh, yes, Rippln.....whatever happened to that?

Little Jamie is now in Scotland with his ladyfriend....see his FB paGE.....

Funny, he never mentions Banners Broker these days, even though he went out to their "World Tour" earlier this year and was photographed with Ron "Wiggy" Anderson!

12-26-2014, 06:59 PM
Richard Arblaster wants to get his hands on your cookie jar.


Hmm, looks like Richard ATE all the cookies in the cookie jar, and then some to me.

01-21-2015, 12:02 PM
Remember Ernie Wise Lookalike David Hooker
Hes with "strategy India"
He is the second one down on the teamhttp://www.strategyindia.com/team.html
Where he is listed as he creator of 'Setting the New Gold Standard' (now available through Strategy India) a leadership and business development program that takes individuals, business leaders and corporations to the next level and beyond.
Wasn't this the program he was pitching to top BB contributors when he was "Compliance director" for BB?
assuming he is the Toronto contact:
Toronto, Canada
Ph: +1 416 553 9421
Mon to Sat 9:00 to 21:00

I wonder why he has no office details no background details and is using a mobile phone?
And why does the SI web page have no detailed information of the background of anyone and is filled with stock photos and no actual photos of any of the staff apart from the three face mugshots of the "team" ?
And why is ther no tax number biusiness number details of where they (Strategy India) are registered
Those were rhetorical question by the way . I do not really wonder at all.

TherE is no Strategy India REGISTERED IN INDIA!
Strange for a business saying it is "an India based MLM Consultancy agency "
And back in 2007 said they were a company launching in India in July
StrategyIndia.com WHOIS, DNS, & Domain Info - DomainTools - Screenshot History (http://www.domaintools.com/research/screenshot-history/strategyindia.com/#7)

Or in Canada for that matter

01-21-2015, 01:20 PM
Strange also that there is no mention of Banners Broker in his profile on the Strategy India site. :duh:

David Hooker - Executive Vice President

David began his direct sales career starting selling door to door and building to a very successful distributor over 40 years ago.'I started on the bottom rung and have learnt direct selling from an independent new distributors point of view graduating to field leader leadership and on to senior executive positions with major corporations around the world. I know this business inside out as I have learnt every step of the way'.Over the years David has held senior executive positions with most of the major international corporations such as Herbalife International, Lifestyles International, Modicare India, Nature's Sunshine Products, etc. leading them to ultimate success with their International business development programs.He has also influenced millions more with his training and motivational courses designed specifically for the direct sales industry. 'Because I have a great empathy with distributors and a love of the industry I am able to put into my trainings motivation backed up by education'. He has developed a reputation for teaching what he knows to have been proven to be successful not only by others but by his own personal experience by putting what he has learned into practice.In 1985, David was headhunted personally by Mark Hughes and Larry Thompson to join Herbalife International - Europe, a position that he held for many years helping to develop many of the leaders that are still prospering with that company today.David has built a strong reputation and following amongst distributors as well as corporate leaders for his enthusiasm, his ability to get the job done regardless of the challenges as well as his personal commitment to success. He has successfully opened offices in 34 countries, staffed and trained all personnel as well as cleared various products for approvals.He has served as a direct selling consultant to hundreds of businesses and entrepreneurs leading them to be direct selling Millionaires to the success they enjoy now. His savoir faire and credentials as an author, TV presenter, public speaker and Direct Sales consultant are recognized internationally, in 33 countries. He has is great demand for mentoring by organizations throughout the globe. The practicum he carries is renowned for substantial funds and resources saving, foiling exhausting frustrations, and maximizes your earnings potential as you take your company to the next level.He is a renowned author, presenter as well as the host of the Canadian TV show 'Mind Your Own Business' dedicated to the development of entrepreneurs. He is also the creator of 'Setting the New Gold Standard' (now available through Strategy India) a leadership and business development program that takes individuals, business leaders and corporations to the next level and beyond.

01-24-2015, 11:02 AM
High flying serial Ponzi Pimp Roland Millward a big Banners Broker recruiter had to get a J.O.B. :RpS_smile:
He is an administrator apparently.


He probably only managed to get that job 'cos he had to ask Google to try clean up his online reputation.


Remember folks NEVER join ANY opportunity that Roland Millward suggests to you.

Della Cate
01-27-2015, 04:28 PM
What are Sharon James and imy aslam upto these days?

Ps will anyone report mr stepsys alleged earnings to HMRC tax evasion hotline?

Here is Ms James:-



Della Cate
01-27-2015, 04:33 PM
And here is Imy Aslam


Guess what - he's in My Advertising Pays! Whatta surprise!

Della Cate
01-27-2015, 04:36 PM
And here is Sharon James saying just how fab and marvellous Imy Aslam is!


Della Cate
01-27-2015, 05:21 PM
Remember that boy, Ash Campbell, who was in BB? Well he's now doing forex trading of some sort (according to his Facebook page, something called the "Heisenberg strategy") and here is his very own site:-

Home | (http://ashcampbell.com/)

If you look, you can "Find out how I done it" - groan!

Della Cate
01-27-2015, 05:34 PM
Actually, having read all these posts, I am a little dispirited. All the people shown here have, without exception, jumped from BB into something else equally questionable. And before BB, I bet a lot of them were in other schemes. No doubt when their next big thing folds, it'll be onto something else. And then on again. Maybe some will drop out along the way, but some seem to me really hardened into this "lifestyle". I find that quite shocking.

Watching a BBC wildlife programme a few days ago, I learned a new word: Kleptoparasite (or cleptoparasite). That is a bird, insect or other animal that habitually robs other animals of food that they have collected or stored. Sound familiar???

01-27-2015, 05:46 PM
Remember that boy, Ash Campbell, who was in BB? Well he's now doing forex trading of some sort (according to his Facebook page, something called the "Heisenberg strategy") and here is his very own site:-

Home | (http://ashcampbell.com/)

If you look, you can "Find out how I done it" - groan!

he's actually cooking meth. 'Heisenberg' was Walt White's alter ego in the American series Breaking Bad about a high school chemistry teacher who discovers he has cancer and decides to cook and sell meth to raise money for his family before he dies (watch it if you can - very good). makes sense since 'forex trading' is a loser.

Della Cate
01-28-2015, 10:55 AM
Whip, what a tease you are! Here is dear Ash's "strategy", which I am assuming is forex, but may not be of course. Anyway, this is what he seems to have moved on to:-

(PS: Never seen "Breaking Bad" but I know several people who say it is great.)

01-28-2015, 04:10 PM
... which I am assuming is forex, but may not be of course.
Sorry, have to correct, it is binary options not FX :)
Screenshot i believe is from 24option.com site.

Btw, having a strategy for binop is about the same as having a strategy to play with thimblerigger at the bazaar.
Do not worry , he will loose his money there ;)

You should watch Breaking Bad :)

Della Cate
01-29-2015, 04:11 PM
Sorry, have to correct, it is binary options not FX :)
Screenshot i believe is from 24option.com site.

Btw, having a strategy for binop is about the same as having a strategy to play with thimblerigger at the bazaar.
Do not worry , he will loose his money there ;)

You should watch Breaking Bad :)

Thanks NikSam - I am not sure about all these things, but I shall now google 'em and educate myself!

Della Cate
02-03-2015, 02:49 AM
Here is Duncan Wood, a big BB cheerleader in his day..............now shilling for My Advertising Pays.

In fact, he is a "leader" with 1200 credit packs, and doing "training" for them. Who ever would have thought it, eh? (!)


02-03-2015, 05:00 AM
Ah, yes,

Duncan Wood provides us with a lesson in how to go from well intentioned Banners Broker true believer to criminal serial HYIP ponzi pimp in less than a year:


Duncan Woods' DuncanWoodMarketing (https://www.facebook.com/DuncanWoodMarketing) page on Facebook

Della Cate
02-03-2015, 06:12 AM
How's that sticking around and keeping strong working out for you, eh Dunc?


Not too well, obviously, since you are now pushing IML (is that still going?) and MAPs......

Della Cate
02-03-2015, 06:32 AM
Here's former BB shill Bruce Lamb doing a bit of back peddling on his blog site:-

LOVE the comment about the problems being "self inflicted". Also loved that blog entry immediately below this one, posted in April 2014- yes a presentation about BBV3 by Little Jamie Waters!

02-03-2015, 09:39 AM
How's that sticking around and keeping strong working out for you, eh Dunc?


Not too well, obviously, since you are now pushing IML (is that still going?) and MAPs......
at least he's finally told the truth on his other facebook page:


yes......no real company would want to hire a thief and scammer, thus making you 'unemployable'.

Della Cate
02-03-2015, 04:51 PM
Remember Mark "The Gerbil" Ghobril? Here he is pushing a venture on the Mark Ghobril (Small Business) FB page:-

Is he in MAPS as well? I think he is. Isn't he Stepsys's upline? I find it hard to keep track of some of these people, they flit about so much. And what is a "funnelizer"?

02-03-2015, 05:33 PM
Remember Mark "The Gerbil" Ghobril? Here he is pushing a venture on the Mark Ghobril (Small Business) FB page:-

Is he in MAPS as well? I think he is. Isn't he Stepsys's upline? I find it hard to keep track of some of these people, they flit about so much. And what is a "funnelizer"?

If not, then he's missing the boat playing around with this penny-ante crap.

Della Cate
02-07-2015, 12:16 PM
Aw...remember Little Jamie from Holmfirth? He who was photographed with Ron "Wiggy" Anderson, the communications guru from Banners Broker? He who was one of the people lambasting anyone who questioned the validity of BB as "negative"? Well, here is a sample of his latest witterings.....I do beg your pardon, latest gems of knowledge and advice from his FB page.

Roll of drums please.....
9202 9203

It's a pity that when he was pushing BB so ardently, he didn't ask some of these questions for a start:-
(1) Where are the adverts?
(2) Where and what is the "blind network"?
(3) Why are traffic packs necessary?
(4) What is the background of so-called "maths and IT genius" Chris Smith?
(5) Why does Chris have a rainy day fund of over £6million in the Isle of Man?
(4) Does Ron Anderson REALLY think anyone is fooled by that nylon wig?

Love the way these people see fit to lecture others without EVER seeming to think of what THEY have done in the past.

(PS: Bitcoins? They aren't real, are they? )

Della Cate
02-07-2015, 12:28 PM
And remember Keith Lambert (wasn't he a sidekick of Stepsys, along with Sharon James and Imy Aslam?)? He seems to have moved onto something called "Inner Circle Riches.com" with one Paul Lynch


Here is a review of ICR (other reviews are no doubt available):-
Inner circle riches membership worth buying? (http://reviewblogofmoneymakingsites.blogspot.co.uk/2014/07/inner-circle-riches-membership-worth.html)

02-28-2015, 03:46 PM
Aw...remember Little Jamie from Holmfirth? He who was photographed with Ron "Wiggy" Anderson, the communications guru from Banners Broker?

LOL @ "Wiggy"

03-02-2015, 09:27 AM
She threatened Poyol at one stage, but that was off the forum.

Aye, she threatened me with legal action ... nothing came of it - SURPRISE!

Della Cate
03-21-2015, 10:20 AM
And here is Little Jamie Waters with some more words of advice:-


Only 2 years ago, he was shilling Banners Broker, Utility warehouse and Rippln! No idea what he is up to now.


Della Cate
04-04-2015, 04:20 PM
Thought you might like to see this.

It's our friend Little Jamie from Holmfirth. He has posted a screenshot of his online application for some insurance.

Look at what he has ticked as his employment status:-


Yup. UNEMPLOYED. But he has a part-time job.....as what, I wonder? And how can he be both unemployed AND have a part time job? So much for the laptop lifestyle!!

I like one of the comments in response. That darn Banners Broker he was in just will not go away, will it?


04-04-2015, 05:41 PM
It's a pity for Little Jamie Waters that there isn't the option of Ponzi Pimping Scam Artist. :RpS_smile:

Della Cate
04-14-2015, 02:02 AM
In 2012, the "Independent Contractor" for Banners Broker Poland was one MATEUSZ GUZDA. It was he who welcomed the "team" when they visited Poland in September 2012.

Banners Broker: BB Explores Poland, Sept 14-18 (http://blog.bannersbroker.com/2012/09/bb-explores-poland-sept-14-18.html)

Mateusz is now promoting something called "Goobets".

GooBets Review: MultiClick scammer launches bet scheme (http://behindmlm.com/mlm-reviews/goobets-review-multiclick-scammer-launches-bet-scheme/)

And here he is:-


Same old faces pop up time and time again.....so predictable.

04-14-2015, 07:54 AM
Mateusz is now promoting something called "Goobets".

These clowns aren't even trying to have legit sounding programs anymore. Serial scam promoter Craig Page may as well piss on people's leg calling Goobets the golden shower of cash, a steady stream of passive income. Page of MAPS, Banners Broker, and the overpriced gold scam Karatbars, real business genius this one. He has a fan, one Jamie Waters poking his head up, guess being a pretend BB-illionaire taught him zip.







04-14-2015, 08:22 AM
These clowns aren't even trying to have legit sounding programs anymore.

I just assumed it was a cross between these two:


Della Cate
04-15-2015, 04:01 AM
Ah yes, Craig M Page; who has this on his FB page:-


I am very uncomfortable with the thought that he is targetting sick people. No doubt he would argue that he means well, and that he means to help them; but these people may only have welfare/benefits to live on, and therefore will not be rolling in spare money. If they DO manage to make anything, it will affect their benefits.

As a self proclaimed "medical professional" he should know better IMO.

04-15-2015, 06:35 AM
Ah yes, Craig M Page; who has this on his FB page:-


I am very uncomfortable with the thought that he is targetting sick people. No doubt he would argue that he means well, and that he means to help them; but these people may only have welfare/benefits to live on, and therefore will not be rolling in spare money. If they DO manage to make anything, it will affect their benefits.

As a self proclaimed "medical professional" he should know better IMO.

he can claim that all he wants. he's a scammer. they lie.

04-15-2015, 09:44 AM
Ah yes, Craig M Page; who has this on his FB page:-


I am very uncomfortable with the thought that he is targetting sick people. No doubt he would argue that he means well, and that he means to help them; but these people may only have welfare/benefits to live on, and therefore will not be rolling in spare money. If they DO manage to make anything, it will affect their benefits.

As a self proclaimed "medical professional" he should know better IMO.

Some of these people really do fancy themselves entrepreneurs, but are too stupid or unqualified to be offering business advice. Others are nothing more than common criminals putting up a front.

Either way you are right, there is no reason anyone that can't afford to lose every penny should be getting involved with these charlatans.

Thanks for the pint suckers....


Della Cate
04-19-2015, 01:50 AM
Well, Mark "The Gerbil" Ghobril is sat at the same table as Mike Deese from MAPs.......


That IS him in the blue striped top, isn't it?

Della Cate
05-12-2015, 12:17 PM
Remember David Hooker? "World Class International Speaker"?

He's got religion.

10569 10570 10571

And who is that cheering him on? Give a big hello to Tony Booth, now "Chief Communication Officer" with My Advertising Pays (MAPS). Also in MAPs is Simon Stepsys...who was also in BB....and presumably also knows David Hooker.

Everybody seems to know everyone else in this game.

"Here we are again/Happy as can be/All good friends/And jolly good company!"

05-16-2015, 06:58 PM
Apparently if he is to be believed (which he cannot) Little Jamie Waters is now earning more than $10,000 per month with this BS :RpS_smile:
I have not watched it all 'cos I ain't got 1hr 50 mins to waste.


05-16-2015, 07:10 PM
c'mon Joe........he's been doing this at least 20 years now! lmao

Della Cate
05-18-2015, 10:19 AM
Well, Sharon James has moved on to Traffic Monsoon - another click on 10 ads a day and make money while you sleep thingy. Bit like My Advertising Pays - but not as good, obviously.


10649 10650

06-01-2015, 06:25 AM
Apparently if he is to be believed (which he cannot) Little Jamie Waters is now earning more than $10,000 per month with this BS :RpS_smile:
I have not watched it all 'cos I ain't got 1hr 50 mins to waste.


At the end he mentions 8168984529 which I think is a Kansas city cell phone number.

Vincent Ortega Jr. also mentions vincejr @superchargednetworks.com note his name cpinning up 30 secs into this SuperCharged Network (http://scnexample.onlinesalespro.com/198)
which you can find here https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=40&v=OO458TB2U3o

The ususl affirmation schpeel and "just believe" rhetoric without any actual evidence or demonstration of any knowledge to back it up.

06-18-2015, 04:40 PM
The latest from Scammer Jamie Waters.

]Greetings from the desk of Jamie Waters

Can I ask you a question - If everything works out, where do you see your life? One long holiday? A nice farmhouse, a dog and long walks?

A nice car and all the shoes you could want?

Let me ask you another - is doing what you are currently doing, going to make that happen?

A few months ago I launched the Mailer Academy - a membership site that teaches you step by step how to create wealth from simply sending emails.

Spaces went almost instantly.

Then a close friend of mine asked if he could offer access to his list.

Spaces for that disappeared in just over a weekend.

Pretty crazy.

Why? A select few of people saw the opportunity and grasped it with both hands.

Now a few weeks into the process and students are working though the material and the initial crazed rush has died down.

A few students have asked for affiliate links (they are coming) and others have been asking if they can get access.

I deliberatly restricted places - partly to create demand but more importantly to stagger those going through the process.


Lets just recap what you get;

Exclusive introduction to a 'newbie friendly' traffic source that is guaranteed to generate leads
Personal introduction to ad networks that bypasses the waiting list and interview process
Access to the exact emails that have generated over $10,000 in 2 months
+ in depth training
+ ongoing support until you are profitable

On Facebook I see so many people hopping from one thing to another and not learning the skills to enable true freedom.

With the Mailer Academy and the contacts you are given - you learn those skills.

My 60 day guarantee proves it.

You have NOTHING to lose.

As some of you know I'm heading on Safari in South Africa in the middle of July - so if you want to be all up and running with creating push button income - now is your last chance until at least the end of the summer.

My arm has even been twisted to offer a 2 part payment plan.

This page will be live until the weekend >> http://maileracademy.com/info (http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Kmj_w&m=3dKSw1mX2yTL4rG&b=x3fno9EvdkC.mp8qNP0SZg)


06-22-2015, 05:23 PM
Roland Millward still promoting his Talk Fusion scam...



"World leader in video communication" :RpS_lol::RpS_lol::RpS_lol:

06-28-2015, 06:32 AM
Roland millward in yet another scam attempting and probably failing to become A Wealthy Affiliate.
This little weasel truly is a serial Con Artist.



07-04-2015, 05:52 AM
The latest email BS from Little Jamie Waters from Holmfirth. (my Bold Red)

Hey Sucker

Bear with me here, I have something very important that I want to share with you.

I think it's a crucial part to your success online as an entrepreneur.

I don't email this list often (which is ironic for a seasoned email marketer), but more on that later.

Have you ever heard the saying:

"Have your money working for you, not you working for your money." ?

If you have, then I can assume you understand the fundamental principles to wealth building.

Marinate on that saying for a moment.

Let it sink in.

Are you currently working for money, or is your money working for you?

Recently, I sat down with one of my Mentors, Ricco for a 3-hour 1-on-1 high intensity mentoring session.

You won't know the name and that part is not important, but what IS important is how this guy works, and how he builds his business. (Oh, and does $1m+ a month)

When it comes to massive wealth building, this man is a master ninja!

He puts his money to work for him on whole other level.

After talking with him, I began evaluating my businesses to see where opportunities were to have more of my money working for me more effectively.

The answer always came back to taking ourselves more out of the equation of the revenue generating responsibilities.

The better we get at taking ourselves out of the equation, the more our money is able to work for us, without us working for it. A win-win.

Ever since 2010, we've been specifically practicing this strategy in one form or another, which has resulted in some great successes over the years.

We've even trained clients how to successfully do it in their own businesses on a large scale.

A major part of that success is due to outsourcing.

The other day I ran a private webinar for students of the mailer academy on that very topic "worth the course fee for just this module" was one of the best comments.

Outsourcing applies to every business, not just us mailers.

If you don't currently have people you outsource projects to, then you may not truly realize the leverage and freedom it gives you to pursue higher level revenue generating activities — or any other activities you enjoy doing...

Did you know you can hire someone full-time, 5 days a week for a few hundred dollars a month?

If you were paying someone $10 a DAY to work 6 hours, how hard do you think it would be for them to make more than what you pay them each day?

This is important stuff.

You need to know this if you want to leverage your time — our most important resource.

If you understand the importance of this topic and want to learn from someone who practices what they teach, then you might want to check out the Mailer Academy;

As a special 4th July offers, I'm offering Professional membership (Should be $1997) for $1497.. but for this weekend only.

For more details head here; http://maileracademy.com/4thjuly (http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Kmj_w&m=3iMqsTnE.iTL4rG&b=wjgoE9c7rdOZoDmZ_mJz1g)

As you can see below, the site is now packed full of content and value.. enough for you to learn the skills and become self sufficient in the art of CPA mailing.

https://ci3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/5Hnre9EpUDyZhrMtWKKvWlPhW9oe3ALcY96-wfvlI8RAsWwwYfMF1KyK6S2umVYyeESu36OL8LZm5vf7Mn8kbq _OXfwzadzy15HpbbwcwNZBDnRR03SLci_jtDM03M7yrLLlFc37 xv9IEac2_YLEMWdgPVYy6_-J=s0-d-e1-ft#https://hostedimages-cdn.aweber-static.com/NzYyNzIw/optimized/25e2e4547cd84608984df76354168e8c.png (http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Kmj_w&m=3iMqsTnE.iTL4rG&b=wjgoE9c7rdOZoDmZ_mJz1g)

If you are serious about leveraging your time and managing your money more effectively, then I urge you to check out this course.



P.S. I had some people ask me why I haven't been sending out emails as often as in the past. And I tell them the same thing...The vast majority of the revenue I make is from doing, and not teaching. But, I really do enjoy teaching, so when we have something important to say and feel it's worth your time to learn – we'll let you know about it. http://maileracademy.com/4thjuly (http://clicks.aweber.com/y/ct/?l=Kmj_w&m=3iMqsTnE.iTL4rG&b=wjgoE9c7rdOZoDmZ_mJz1g)

07-04-2015, 11:55 AM
Have you ever heard the saying:

"Have your money working for you, not you working for your money." ?

Have you heard the expression "Other People's Money?" When someone says something cutesy like "have your money work for you" they are about to reach into your wallet and put your cash in their pocket.

Recently, I sat down with one of my Mentors, Ricco for a 3-hour 1-on-1 high intensity mentoring session.

You won't know the name and that part is not important, but what IS important is how this guy works, and how he builds his business. (Oh, and does $1m+ a month)

When it comes to massive wealth building, this man is a master ninja!

A master ninja that didn't stop you from two years of scamming others in Banners Broker?

Ever since 2010, we've been specifically practicing this strategy in one form or another, which has resulted in some great successes over the years.

See the only thing I remember other than being so desperate as to send a referral link for razor blades is a few years pimping Banners Broker. Claiming to be a BB Millionaire, taking a mulligan, and starting in with this new pile of :onloo:!!!

Della Cate
07-07-2015, 04:06 AM
Ah yes, Lil' Jamie from Holmfirth. Here he is.....at a bingo club. Well, he's got more chance of winning there than in some of his schemes!


Meanwhile, someone clearly has got the measure of him....


Well done that woman!

07-07-2015, 08:02 AM
Ah yes, Lil' Jamie from Holmfirth. Here he is.....at a bingo club. Well, he's got more chance of winning there than in some of his schemes!


Meanwhile, someone clearly has got the measure of him....


Well done that woman!

unfortunately, he's there for some fresh marks. elderly fish in a barrel as it were.

07-16-2015, 05:58 PM
Is Banners Broker & TalkFusion Pimp Roland Millward going to become an ActionCoach?
http://www.actioncoach.com/ (http://www.actioncoach.com/) :RpS_rolleyes:
http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/6-steps-to-better-business-workshop-frome-tickets-16857878368 (http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/6-steps-to-better-business-workshop-frome-tickets-16857878368)



http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/action-business-coach-c171168.html (http://www.complaintsboard.com/complaints/action-business-coach-c171168.html)

The only thing I can see Roland doing is persuading suckers to hand over cash to join one of his Ponzi/Pyramid schemes.

Della Cate
02-11-2016, 05:42 PM
Sharon James has helpfully just posted this lovely picture of her and her big friend, Simon Stepsys:-


And where were they at the time? Why, in Canada, visiting Banners Broker's "head office"!

Ms James has moved on to Traffic Monsoon, and Simon, well, Simon is into My Advertising Pays (MAPs).

03-12-2016, 11:50 AM
Paul McCarthy "business person" who ran Banners Broker in Ireland is back with "not a get rich quick scheme 100% Legit" scheme. So "act now" It's called...


Now me being a negative Nelly suspects this might just be another online scam. :RpS_rolleyes:

NEW RevShare PTC Advertising Program Launching Right Now - Make sure you get First Mover Advantage....

Get Paid for Posting, Liking, Download and Sharing on Facebook Style Social Media Platform...

1000 AdPack CAP
Pays on 5 Levels
With Matrix Additional Income Stream
Chance to Own a Porsche

Join my FutureNet Team and Let me Help You Build at least $4000 a Month Passive...


03-12-2016, 01:07 PM
Paul McCarthy "business person" who ran Banners Broker in Ireland is back with "not a get rich quick scheme 100% Legit" scheme. So "act now" It's called...


Now me being a negative Nelly suspects this might just be another online scam. :RpS_rolleyes:

NEW RevShare PTC Advertising Program Launching Right Now - Make sure you get First Mover Advantage....

Get Paid for Posting, Liking, Download and Sharing on Facebook Style Social Media Platform...

1000 AdPack CAP
Pays on 5 Levels
With Matrix Additional Income Stream
Chance to Own a Porsche

Join my FutureNet Team and Let me Help You Build at least $4000 a Month Passive...


My chance to own a Porsche. No thanks! I am perfectly happy with my pedal bike and my UK pensioner's travel pass.

03-12-2016, 04:44 PM
My chance to own a Porsche. No thanks! I am perfectly happy with my pedal bike and my UK pensioner's travel pass.How interesting. This seems to be the same scam that Steve Lawson emailed Okosh:

03-12-2016, 04:46 PM
My chance to own a Porsche. No thanks! I am perfectly happy with my pedal bike and my UK pensioner's travel pass.How interesting. This seems to be the same scam that Steve Lawson emailed Okosh: http://www.realscam.com/f11/steve-lawson-bombards-his-potential-victims-emails-4480/index2.html#post99160

03-19-2016, 05:16 PM
FutureNet Hangout - Adrian Hibbert - Roman Ziamian - Mateusz Gużda - Paul Mccarthy - 17th March 2016



12-11-2016, 06:00 AM
posted by mistake to Banners Brokers discussion

01-25-2017, 07:32 AM
Maybe not a shiollbut remember about a year ago Raj dixit got marriersd to Stephanie Rose. Actuaslly back in July 2014. Well it seems neither of themention their relationship on facebook. Seems not just the honeymoon but the marriage is over. Maybe im wrong but they dont appear together and say nothing about each other.

Della Cate
02-13-2017, 03:36 PM
Remember Ian Driscoll?

Well, here he is!



Hello, Ian! Any news of Banners Broker these days??

02-13-2017, 03:49 PM
or the flexcom scam?

02-24-2017, 08:01 AM
One of our old Banners Broker pimping scumbags has got himself involved in yet another Ponzi, DasCoin craptocurrency scam,
(one of Steve Lawsons picks for 2017)
None other than Banners Broker Ireland Country Leader Paul McCarthy. (third from left)


Della Cate
03-16-2017, 11:59 AM
One of our old Banners Broker pimping scumbags has got himself involved in yet another Ponzi, DasCoin craptocurrency scam,
(one of Steve Lawsons picks for 2017)
None other than Banners Broker Ireland Country Leader Paul McCarthy. (third from left)


Yep, here he is with his friend Mateusz Guzda (another ex BB-er)


03-16-2017, 12:03 PM
LOL, Dascoin is so wonderful they have to pitch it to Cambodia? That should inspire trust in the "product"!

05-29-2017, 06:05 AM
Remember our old friend and top Banners Broker pimp/top earner, Roland Millward?
He's found another money making opportunity. :RpS_smile: