View Full Version : WCM may be much WORSE than we ever suspected

10-29-2013, 06:14 AM
WCM777 is a ponzi, we knew that (see BehindMLM)

Now we're finding that not only Ming Xu embellished his resume on LinkedIn (then confirmed it on Twitter)

A MLM Skeptic: BREAKING NEWS: WCM Ming Xu admits on Twitter that he faked his resume on LinkedIn (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com/2013/10/breaking-news-wcm-ming-xu-admits-on.html)

He was linked to Olympic fundraising fraud in 2007

A MLM Skeptic: BREAKING NEWS: Old Chinese News From 2007 Revealed Ming Xu had been defrauding Americans back in 2007! (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com/2013/10/breaking-news-old-chinese-news-from.html)

And his buddy, head of WCM777, Zhi Liu, is head of US branch of a vast stock scam in China called Vantone.

A MLM Skeptic: BREAKING NEWS: WCM777 CEO Zhi Liu Linked to Vantone Stock Scam in China (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com/2013/10/breaking-news-wcm777-ceo-zhi-liu-linked.html#more)

10-29-2013, 08:57 AM
He was linked to Olympic fundraising fraud in 2007

Slightly off-topic, but a point worth mentioning: TelexFree almost certainly was doing the same thing -- not in the sense it was raising money for the Olympics itself, but in the sense it was tapping into the national pride of Brazil for hosting the 2016 summer games. The message was along these lines: "Join TelexFree, and you'll be helping drive economic development in Brazil. You'll also create jobs outside the MLM: We're building 500 hotels."

WCM777 also reminds me of TelexFree in the sense that a carrot was dangled that the members could become beneficiaries of some sort of public offering in the future that somehow would create windfall profits. Some China or Hong Kong-based schemes have been dangling similar carrots, as the SEC's CKB and CKB168 case demonstrates:

SEC.gov | SEC Halts Pyramid Scheme Targeting Asian-American Community (http://www.sec.gov/News/PressRelease/Detail/PressRelease/1370539880547#.Um-92hBljIo)


10-29-2013, 09:56 AM
WCM777 is a ponzi, we knew that (see BehindMLM)

Now we're finding that not only Ming Xu embellished his resume on LinkedIn (then confirmed it on Twitter)

A MLM Skeptic: BREAKING NEWS: WCM Ming Xu admits on Twitter that he faked his resume on LinkedIn (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com/2013/10/breaking-news-wcm-ming-xu-admits-on.html)

Reproduced here with the kind permission of K. Chang from his excellent A MLM Skeptic (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/breaking-news-wcm-ming-xu-admits-on.html) blog



10-29-2013, 10:12 AM
He was linked to Olympic fundraising fraud in 2007

A MLM Skeptic: BREAKING NEWS: Old Chinese News From 2007 Revealed Ming Xu had been defrauding Americans back in 2007! (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com/2013/10/breaking-news-old-chinese-news-from.html)

Reproduced here with the kind permission of K. Chang from his excellent A MLM Skeptic (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/breaking-news-old-chinese-news-from.html) blog


10-29-2013, 10:34 AM
And his buddy, head of WCM777, Zhi Liu, is head of US branch of a vast stock scam in China called Vantone.

A MLM Skeptic: BREAKING NEWS: WCM777 CEO Zhi Liu Linked to Vantone Stock Scam in China (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com/2013/10/breaking-news-wcm777-ceo-zhi-liu-linked.html#more)

Reproduced here with the kind permission of K.Chang from his excellent A MLM Skeptic (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/breaking-news-wcm777-ceo-zhi-liu-linked.html) blog


10-29-2013, 11:36 AM
What the hell is this? :


This event has also received great support from the California government. California 49th Assembly District Representative Ed Chau and California State Controller presented Certificate of Recognition and Congratulatory letter to Dr. Phil Ming Xuon behalf of the state government.

What did State Controller recognized in him? :)

URL: http://www.wcm777.hk/en/news/20130916en.html

PS: oh, Never mind after zooming in I figured out that it is a congratulation for appearing at "The Grand Opening of the Glen Ivy Golf Course" :RpS_lol:

10-29-2013, 12:29 PM
LRM, interesting address you diged up on affluen.com whois,

suite number is missing, but i tried to look up more details and stumbled upon this 2008 doc from SEC

ZIP: 90212


so suite is 900
same exact place where Uinvest's Beverly Hills office is :)

let me explain, suite 900 is a reception for entire floor, there are some offices rented, time-shared, desk-shared or just virtual receptionist service
but all using suite 900


10-29-2013, 08:02 PM
Don't you just love it when a HYIP ponzi fraudsters goes one step too far and gets caught out in a bigtime lie ??

Here's Ming Xus' announcement on the WCM777 fraud (http://www.wcm777.hk/en/news/2012112601.html) website:


Here we see Phil Ming Xu himself making the announcement:


Finally we have this announcement from a frustrated Siemens on the Siemens.com website (http://www.siemens.com/press/twitter/wcm.htm)


10-29-2013, 10:18 PM
More update... Basically same as LRM's Siemens update

A MLM Skeptic: BREAKING NEWS: Siemens denies ANY involvement with WCM or any related company, Ming Xu lied (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com/2013/10/breaking-news-siemens-denies-any.html)

Plus allegedly a confession by Ming Xu claiming he was a victim in all the frauds he was accused of involvement, managed to also insult all the Chinese, calling US people superior morals compared to mainland Chinese. :)

A MLM Skeptic: BREAKING NEWS: Ming Xu admits to being involved in multiple frauds in China and Olympic fraud, denies responsibility (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com/2013/10/breaking-news-ming-xu-admits-to-being.html)

10-30-2013, 10:54 AM
Once again reproduced here with the kind permission of REALSCAM.com (http://www.realscam.com) member kschang (http://www.realscam.com/members/kschang/) from his A MLM Skeptic (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com.au/)


Tuesday, October 29, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Ming Xu admits to being involved in multiple frauds in China and Olympic fraud, denies responsibility (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com.au/2013/10/breaking-news-ming-xu-admits-to-being.html)

Search engine brought up this blog, allegedly by Ming Xu, where he laments at getting involved with bad people in China, denies ANY responsibility of defrauding people in China and in the US. He also called people in China generally more morally corrupt than the people in the US.

http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_67bfab070100orzy.html (http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_67bfab070100orzy.html)

It is in Chinese, so here's a short translation:

Regarding alleged scams in China

At the end of 2005, I got US green card, so I returned to China, and we signed up ChungSheng Realty, and helped their travel department's IPO.
Also, through a friend's introduction, we studied Harbin's FuHua company.
We signed contract in 2007 to be their financial advisor, to control its IPO.
We invested in the IPO Shell company. This at the time is a financial innovation.
At the time, all the Chinese companies need to spend money to buy shell. Our shell costs no cash.
但是后来其董事长由于债务问题被抓出事, 其上市也不了了之。 
However, the CEO later got arrested for debt problems, so the IPO never happened.
Our investment and time are also lost.
Later many people who invested in Harbin FuHua company, and do not know the truth, blame us for unsuccessful IPO.
但这不是我们能控制的,我们也没有从其集资中获益, 我们只是财务顾问, 我们也是壳的投资者 。
This is beyond our control. We did not profit from this. We are financial advisor only. We invested in the shell too.
从此事件后,我们对有民间集资背景的公司,很慎重介入, 防止被其利用去民间集资。
AFter this, we are very careful in joining any company that raises capital from the masses, to prevent raising money from the public.
当时利用上市去民间集资,很风行。 但是大多数是没有退出机制的。
At the time IPO to raise money from investor is very popular, but vast majority has no way to back out.
我们本来想解决这个问题,但是由于突发事件,我们也没有这个机会来解决其退出机制的问题。我们 对此很遗憾。
We wanted to solve this problem, but the problem was sudden, and we had no chance to solve this chance to back out, to our everlasting regret.
We also signed DiJie from Shenyang, to be IPO consultant, and reorganized the company.
后来我们聘用的律师尽职调查发现其业务有问题,我们就退出了合作,签订了终止合作协议。后来其董事长也出事 了。 
Later our lawyer, investigated and found problems, so we backed out of the deal, and signed our withdrawal. Later its CEO also got into problems.
My experience has taught me that we need to choose good working partners.
若合作伙伴没有选好, 再好的商业设计也是前功尽弃。
We we did not choose the right partners, no matter how good the company is, it will be wasted.
道不同不可以相为谋。 正如神说, 义与不义, 不能同负一轭。
(some Chinese adage, and a bible adage of similar talk)
第二,在中国,我们若不谨慎小心, 就很容易成为别人做的局里面的棋子, 被人利用。
Second, in China, if we're not careful, we can be a pawn in someone else's game, and be used.

In 2007 I met a Mr. Wong, who claimed to be chairman of "Beijing All People Welcome Olympic", through an old workmate at CRI Mr. Chien.
He invited me to join this organization and help Beijing Olympics.
I jumped at the chance to join the Beijing Olympics as a good ex-pat to contribute to my mother nation.
我当即捐献了一笔不菲的钱给他去推动全民办奥运的想法和主张, 他立即封我为执行主席。
I donated a significant amount to him to let him promote the idea and purpose. He immediately gave me title action group leader.
I really like the organization's purpose.
I joined without doing any due diligence, and supported him all the way.
我想原因有二:一是朋友推荐,放松警惕;二是自己个人膨胀, 想荣耀自己的名。虚荣心使我轻易上钩了。
I think there were two reasons. One is recommended by friend, let my guard down, and two, I was overwhelmed by pride and want to show off my name.

To support Beijing Olympics, I held press conference announcing "Global Chinese Welcome Beijing Olympics"
I also registered in California "China Olympic Fund", certified by the Chinese Embassy.
My two child companies in the US donated several hundred thousand dollars (MSRP) of products to the China Olympic Fund for charity.
Later I found the paper shown to me by Mr. Wong, that stated this Beijing All People Welcome Olympic"certified by Beijing City Bureau, was a fake document.
Even the seal was a fake.
我真正领教了中国的另外一面, 有些人为了挣钱,可以不择手段。
I really experienced a different side of China... Some people will try to make money with ANY means necessary.
I must have gone stupid staying overseas. Our patriotic heart was abused.

后来中国21世纪导报在没有调查,了解实情的情况下,给我们做了不实的报道。 对此,我们的“中国奥运基金 会"在网站上也做了澄清。(www.MyBeijing2008.org)。
Later TwentyFirst Century Newspaper in China, by doing no investigation, made a false report. We have explained our side on our website.

箴言里说,愚蠢的人见话就信。 我当时就是很愚蠢。大陆人才良莠不齐。不是美国,人普遍层次较高,法律严谨。 大部分人讲的话都是真的,负责的。
As the cliche goes, gullible believe anything. I was gullible. People in China comes in all alignments, not like the US, where generally people have higher morals. Most people say true and responsible things.


I do point out that in the newspaper, the Chinese Embassy in the US disclaims any such support. I don't know about the "notarize" part.

11-02-2013, 12:49 AM
War of Bible quotes continues on Twitter. :) Watch the dialog between @CNPEG (Ming Xu) and @Kschang777 ;)

(OpenBible search is a wonderful thing... Saves me hours of searching back and forth for a suitable quote... )

11-06-2013, 01:33 PM
Apparently Ming Xu is self-deluded enough to appear on SVIEF and tout his "incubator" (most of which are incubating his own companies) and his "Kingdom Card", supposedly a customer loyalty program (but part of the WCM777 ponzi scheme). He even released his own speech online. It's on behindlmlm.

11-06-2013, 03:34 PM
War of Bible quotes


11-06-2013, 06:45 PM
Except Ming doesn't really cite the Bible. He simply claims to appeal to Yahweh to give him strength every night or something like that.

Frankly, if you need to do that every night, either something's wrong with your life, or you're living it wrong.

11-06-2013, 09:59 PM
For more grins, watch this new twitter account: @NOTCNPEG

11-07-2013, 04:12 AM
An update of the statement from Siemens distancing itself from WCM:

Official statement regarding claims made by the World Capital Market company

Encontrará la versión española abajo.

A company called World Capital Market and its affiliated businesses are offering opportunities to invest in cloud-based storage solutions. The company claims to operate these solutions in cooperation with Siemens.

We hereby state that no form of cooperation exists between Siemens and the World Capital Market company and its affiliated businesses. Nor do we accept any claims made in any presentation or video by WCM and its affiliated websites. The website wcm7.com and affiliated sites do not represent an official offer from Siemens. The World Capital Market (WCM/WCM7/WCM777) company is not entitled to use the Siemens name or trademark.

A document provided by WCM to prove that a contract was concluded with Siemens is, as is clearly evident, a letter of intent. A letter of intent is non-binding and merely shows an intention to perhaps do business in the future (see Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_of_intent)). This letter was signed by Siemens on Sept. 27, 2013, which is very much later than the alleged cooperation. Under the terms of the confidentiality clause, we cannot provide the full text of this agreement. However, we can affirm that it has a very vague scope and does not entitle WCM or any affiliated company to use Siemens' name or trademark. We explicitly declare that no binding agreement has been signed and no products or solutions have been delivered. Based on the information gained over the last few weeks, also from the social media community, Siemens will carefully review this business opportunity before considering to negotiate any binding agreement.

For your further information, Siemens' IT business (which is mentioned in some statements and presentations) was sold in 2011 (the press release can be found here Atos Origin and Siemens to create a European IT Champion - Atos Origin to acquire Siemens IT Solutions and Services - Siemens and Atos Origin to become strategic partners - Siemens Global Website (http://sie.ag/17CSlLr)).

In order to help other investors avoid making any investments based on false assumptions, we would urge you to pass on this information.

> Please use the following URL as a link to this statement: Official statement regarding claims made by the World Capital Market company - Siemens Global Website (http://sie.ag/16FZJ6q)

Siemens AG

11-07-2013, 06:19 AM
Put your hands together for the man of the moment:

Ming Xu


Finroad Directory (http://www.finroad.com/directory/xu_ming.html)

11-07-2013, 10:49 AM
War of Bible quotes continues on Twitter. :) Watch the dialog between @CNPEG (Ming Xu) and @Kschang777 ;)

(OpenBible search is a wonderful thing... Saves me hours of searching back and forth for a suitable quote... )

Bible quote fight club!

11-07-2013, 05:12 PM
That "not Ming Xu" twitter account needs some followers... ;)

11-15-2013, 10:58 AM
The Patrick Pretty blog (http://www.patrickpretty.com/)is reporting:

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: Massachusetts Halts WCM777, Says It Was Selling Unregistered Securities And Targeting Brazilian Community (http://www.patrickpretty.com/2013/11/15/urgent-bulletin-moving-massachusetts-halts-wcm777-says-it-was-selling-unregistered-securities-and-targeting-brazilian-community/)

URGENT >> BULLETIN >> MOVING: (4th Update 11:15 A.M. ET U.S.A.) Massachusetts has halted the WCM777 multilevel marketing scheme, saying it was associated with entities in Hong Kong, the British Virgin Islands and the United States and selling unregistered securities.

11-16-2013, 06:42 AM

11-16-2013, 07:07 AM
The face behind the names behind the WCM fraud:


Renato Rodriguez' renatorodriguezteam page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/renatorodriguezteam)


Saul H Mondragons' saulmagazine page on the WCM777.me website


Daniel Cruz'daniel.cruz.12935 page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/daniel.cruz.12935)


Francisco Figueroas' francisco.figueroa.3192 page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/francisco.figueroa.3192)

11-16-2013, 09:56 AM
More of the faces behind the names behind the WCM777 fraud:


Armando Garcia Garcias' armando.garcia.garcia.3975 page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/armandogarcia.garcia.3975)


Malva Sagravs' malvasagrav30 page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/malvasagrav30)


Carlos Ramirez' organogelatino page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/organoglatino)

11-16-2013, 10:01 AM

11-18-2013, 10:46 AM
The wcm777colombia page on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/wcm777colombia)


In further WCM777 related news, OzSoapbox is reporting on his BehindMLM blog (http://behindmlm.com/companies/wcm777/colombian-government-suspends-wcm777-operations/)

Colombian government suspends WCM777 operations (http://behindmlm.com/companies/wcm777/colombian-government-suspends-wcm777-operations/)
Nov.18, 2013 in WCM777 (http://behindmlm.com/category/companies/wcm777/)
Three weeks ago twe broke the news that Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos had personally ordered a police investigation into the local business operations of WCM777 (http://behindmlm.com/companies/wcm777/president-of-colombia-orders-wcm777-investigation/).

Twenty one days later, the results of that investigation are out, with The Colombian government deciding to suspend WCM777′s operations in Colombia. Criminal investigations into top WCM777 Colombian affiliate investors have also been launched.

The suspension decision and criminal investigations, announced last Saturday by the Superintendent of Companies and effective immediately, includes the prohibition of Colombian WCM777 affiliate investors from advertising the investment opportunity. Colombian police are now actively going after Colombian WCM777 affiliates advertising on the internet and seeking removal of the content.

Additionally the government has also “frozen” WCM777 affiliate’s deposited investments and ROIs held locally. They have also seized assets of top Colombian affiliate investors.

The reason behind the decision to effectively freeze WCM777′s Colombian operations appears to be the “usual unauthorized mass-collection of money” (Google auto-translate), which the Colombian police see as a “pyramid scheme”.

Please note that this is a breaking story (in Spanish) and as of yet I haven’t seen a print version of it available online. I’ve done my best to make sense of the auto-translation of the Noticias Uno report below, but any Spanish-speaking readers are welcome to suggest any corrections.

11-19-2013, 04:49 AM
These guys couldn't lie straight in bed:

From the 2010 World Badminton championships:


the TelexFree fraudsters in 2013


11-21-2013, 06:15 AM
WCM777 is spreading its' tentacles into Peru, prompting Congressman Jaime Delgado to issue a warning to Perus' citizens and report WCM777 to the countries' authorities.

It's via Google Translate, but gives a clear picture of Congressman Delgados' concerns:


Connuestro Peru.com (http://www.connuestroperu.com/consumidor/20/40008-advierten-sobre-negocio-piramidal-de-empresa-wcm777)

11-21-2013, 06:37 AM

WCM777 spindoctoring attempt (https://www.wcm777.hk/en/news/20131120en.html)

The negotiations between our lawyers and the Massachusetts’ Office of the Secretary went well.

Err, well, if you consider the fact that the Massachusetts Securities Division banned WCM777 from operating in Massachusetts, ordered the company to refund $300,000 to its' Mass. members and WCM777 is also prohibited from continuing business operations now or in the future in the state of Massachusetts, as "the meeting went well" I guess things really "went well" for somebody, just not for WCM777

However, because the sale of securities failed to fully comply with laws and regulations in United States, our operations in the U.S. will be on hold until further notice;

Translation: "the critics were right, we are a ponzi"

WCM Limited will continue operations.


You just admitted WCM777 is a ponzi in America, why would you want to "continue operations" elsewhere ??

Some of the distributors have exaggerated the sales performance, which has led to complaints.

r-i-i-i-i-g-h-t, of course, how silly of me, it is the "distributors" fault, not the fact WCM777 was trying to very publicly run a ponzi scam right under the noses of the Massachusetts legislators.

Of course.

WCM777 has already registered in the state of California.


California registers HYIP ponzi frauds now ??

Also, WCM777 will hold the grand opening for Hong Kong office in Dubai this coming January.

How logical.

Hold the grand opening of the Hong Kong office in Dubai.

Still, given what Chinese officials do to ponzi fraudsters, it's probably not a bad idea to stay as far away as is possible from Hong Kong

11-21-2013, 01:51 PM
Incorporated in California, but no any licenses or disclosures on private stock sold.


11-24-2013, 05:38 AM
WCM777 Hilarity Continues. Ming Xu apparently is going to help the guy behind "Innocence of Muslims" anti-Islam film that caused riots around the world to restart his Bible TV channel!


For those who recall that mess, Joe Nassralla is head of Media for Christ, who operates "The Way TV". Nassralla apparently wrote the checks that paid the actors in "Desert Warriors", and the film permit was issued to Media for Christ. The film of course, later redubbed and edited into "Innocense of Muslims", the anti-Islam film. Some believe that Nassralla is the real mastermind behind the film and "Sam Bassile" is the fall guy. Nassralla however, maintained that he was tricked like everybody else.

What's even more hilarious is Ming Xu claimed he'll go to Abu Dhabi in 2014. I doubt he'll get a visa if he really supported Nassralla.

12-15-2013, 11:02 AM
Peru has joined the growing list of countries warning about WCM777


Google Translate (http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.andina.com.pe%2FEspanol%2Fnotic ia-empresas-wcm777-y-telexfree-no-estan-autorizados-para-captar-dinero-del-publico-486768.aspx%23.UqzFZ-JljIo)

01-04-2014, 11:04 AM
This announcement recently appeared on the WCM777 / Kingdom777 (http://www.wcm777.hk/index.aspx?lang=en) website:


If you believe THAT, you'll believe anything

Is James Tenorio a genuine CEO or nothing but a convenient fall guy for when the failing ponzi finally collapses ??


The james-tenerio profile on LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/pub/james-tenorio/1b/66/767)

01-04-2014, 05:22 PM
The only position he shows on his LinkedIn profile ended June 2010. Makes you wonder what he has been doing since then doesn't it. Not so sure he is the fall guy or just willing to be the face for this regurgitated Ponzi, as he needs the money because he can't find a real job.

01-05-2014, 12:13 AM
At least if the CEO gig doesn't work out when the WCM777 / Kingdom777 HYIP ponzi self destructs, its new CEO will be able to keep its' members entertained with some cartoon voices:


James Tenorios' page on Voices.com (http://www.voices.com/people/JamesTenorio)

01-09-2014, 12:27 AM
I know what Mr. Tenorios can do... he can voice-act the entire office all by himself! No need to hire a staff, just hire James!

01-09-2014, 02:55 AM
Hot off the presses comes this January 7, Kingdom777 / WCM777 announcement (http://www.wcm777.hk/en/announcement/20140107en.html)


So, there you have it.

WCM777 got the money and the affiliates get the blame.

Any affiliate supplied promotional material is now wasted and must be removed from the 'net.

After years of stealing money, a new "code of ethics" won't be available until January 31

Subsection "2" is a real scream:

2 - It is strictly prohibited to promote or be associated with the company / brand, such as the creation of domains or sub-domains (WCM777, WCM, WCM Kingdom , Kingdom777, 777, Kingdom Point, Kingdom Card, Kingdom Pay, World Capital Market, or similar), websites , blogs, chats , videos, publications in any electronic media or social network, use of images or any printed material, use of phrases that allude to getting rich quick, or images purporting luxury or wealth. In short, any form of promoting that does not abide by the new standards of communication and disclosure is prohibited. More details to be published by January 31, 2014.

So, are Kingdom777 / WCM777 saying the past few years where affiliates were free to do any and all of the now forbidden activities are now to be simply forgotten ??

Maybe it's just me, but that's akin to saying to regulators:

"Listen guys, I know we have been lying, cheating, stealing, exaggerating and generally ripping off all and sundry, but we promise we will turn a new leaf after January 31 and behave ourselves from then on

Oh, and while we're on the subject, let's forget that WCM777 has been accepting money from affiliates and promising a fixed return on their investment, making WCM777, and not the affiliates, guilty of Securities Violations

See, we had our fingers crossed the whole time, so it doesn't count"

01-14-2014, 07:21 PM
Patrick Pretty is today reporting:

REPORTS: Alleged Criminality At WCM777; Government Of Peru Shuts Down Office (http://www.patrickpretty.com/2014/01/14/reports-alleged-criminality-at-wcm777-government-of-peru-shuts-down-office/)

(click on headline to read the full story on Patrick Pretty.com (http://www.patrickpretty.com/)

UPDATED 6:46 P.M. ET U.S.A. There are reports today in Peruvian media that the government of Peru has shut down an office of the purported WCM777 “opportunity” and that criminality occurred. It is unclear from early reports whether arrests were made.

01-16-2014, 07:22 AM

Google translation of the article appearing in La Republica Peru (http://www.larepublica.pe/14-01-2014/clausuran-local-de-wcm777-y-denuncian-penalmente-a-sus-representantes[[COLOR=#0000ff)

WCM777 decommissioned and local representatives denounce criminally

Questioned company caught the public's money without authorization from the SBS. Affected representatives can report. After weeks of complaints, the Superintendency of Banking and Insurance (SBS) closed the premises of the company World Capital Market 777, which was presented as an international ship could return twelve times the amount invested.

In various parts of the world, WCM 777 has been reported by a pyramidal practice . Still, with these precedents, a few months ago came to Peru with a local in the Cercado de Lima.

This morning, the SBS closed WCM 777 environments located on Avenida Spain No. 449-453-459 because the company captured money without authorization for such activity.

Already in place, SBS officials, in collaboration with representatives of the Public Ministry , the Judiciary and the National Police checked after the administrative investigation process, the company also questioned conducted illegal financial operations.

He explained that World Capital Market has captured the public's money without proper legal authorization, in violation of article 11 of the General Law of the Financial System and Insurance System and Organic Law of the Superintendency of Banking and Insurance (Law No. 26702).

It was also reported that the legal representatives of the company have been charged with crimes.

The superintendent reported that people who have been captured by WCM777 can report the company to the National Police of Peru and / or prosecutors.

Individuals may also file complaints to the SBS, 0-800-10840 by calling (toll free nationwide) or 01-200-1930, or via email informalidad@sbs.gob.pe .

01-16-2014, 11:10 AM
Odd they haven't picked up on the kingdom link. Or so it seems from the lack of mentions

01-27-2014, 12:04 AM
The State of California has issued its' own Cease and Desist order against WCM777 which contains some interesting insights into the inner workings of a HYIP ponzi fraud:


State of California Cease and Desist order (http://www.dbo.ca.gov/ENF/pdf/2014/WorldCapitalMarketInc_dr.pdf)


California Department of Oversight Investor Alert (http://www.ofi.state.la.us/SecWCMAlert.htm)

01-27-2014, 12:48 AM
The Patrick Pretty blog is reporting:

UPDATE: Dallas Group May Be Trying To Port WCM777 Members To Lucrazon (http://www.patrickpretty.com/2014/01/25/update-dallas-group-may-be-trying-to-port-wcm777-members-to-lucrazon/)

By PatrickPretty.com (http://www.patrickpretty.com/author/patrickpretty-com/) 6:36 pm Jan 25, 2014

The PP Blog has received information that suggests a WCM777 group in Greater Dallas may be trying to port members to Lucrazon, a purported revenue-sharing “program.”

WCM777 now is known as Kingdom777.

“Same team leaders want to encourage us to invest $8000.00 and we can get 15 units and they said that it will be similar to kingdom777,” a source told the Blog. “In other words they see us as uneducated people who have excavated money from underground or group of dumb people who will trust them again. Believe me that amount of people who invested are already falling for it.”

Read the full story on Patrick Pretty Blog (http://www.patrickpretty.com/2014/01/25/update-dallas-group-may-be-trying-to-port-wcm777-members-to-lucrazon/)

01-27-2014, 01:51 AM
For anyone wondering as to the identity of the previously unmentioned "Harold Zapata" in the above Cease and Desist letter:

Harold Zapata

1526 W. Claridge Court
Hanford, California 9323

At all relevant times, Harold Zapata is a Director and affiliate of WCM777. Zapata is one of WCM777’s primary salespersons on YouTube. On his LinkedIn resume, Zapata also identifies himself as “CEO at WCM777 Global Stars,” where he says that “I Help People Make Money!”

http://s.c.lnkd.licdn.com/scds/common/u/img/logos/logo_linkedin_92x22.png (http://www.linkedin.com/home?trk=hb_logo)

Join Today (https://www.linkedin.com/reg/join?trk=hb_join)
Sign In (https://www.linkedin.com/uas/login?trk=hb_signin)

http://m.c.lnkd.licdn.com/mpr/pub/image-iUKRpPifEkEYPvnwVmr16f194W8mvrjw1Zko6gvR4tzUE8SGiU KoHT2f439bEU6rN8YW/harold-zapata.jpg
Harold Zapata

President at Mexicola Food & Beverage Inc.
Greater Los Angeles Area International Trade and Development
Join LinkedIn and access Harold Zapata’s full profile. It's free! (https://www.linkedin.com/reg/join-pprofile?_ed=0_dfHO8ItrV_BTL_0P7o4SJRdSf3s7PA64b2w UbD5tRnVt1xr0t0ZUqIgoujj7RAh3qXbpTaFjPustvqmVb-EFgyW6VyCMquAvtKlzKx2CR4h&trk=pprof-0-ts-view_full-0)

As a LinkedIn member, you'll join 250 million other professionals who are sharing connections, ideas, and opportunities.

See who you and Harold Zapata know in common
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View Harold's full profile (https://www.linkedin.com/reg/join-pprofile?_ed=0_dfHO8ItrV_BTL_0P7o4SJRdSf3s7PA64b2w UbD5tRnVt1xr0t0ZUqIgoujj7RAh3qXbpTaFjPustvqmVb-EFgyW6VyCMquAvtKlzKx2CR4h&trk=pprof-0-ts-view_full-0)

Harold Zapata's Overview


President at Mexicola Food & Beverage Inc.
Motivational / Inspirational Speaker at Inspirational Messages


Broker Manager at London Properties (http://www.linkedin.com/company/london-properties?trk=ppro_cprof)
Realtor at Coldwell Banker Premiere Real Estate (http://www.linkedin.com/company/coldwell-banker-premiere-real-estate?trk=ppro_cprof) (Sole Proprietorship)


Fuller Theological Seminary (http://www.linkedin.com/edu/fuller-theological-seminary-20418)
Missionschule Bethanien

Connections 500+ connections

Personal Website (http://www.linkedin.com/redir/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2EHaroldSellsFresnoH anford%2Ecom&urlhash=5vHl)
Personal Website (http://www.linkedin.com/redir/redirect?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww%2EHaroldSavesHomes%2 Ecom&urlhash=lSxo)

Harold Zapata's Experience


Mexicola Food & Beverage Inc.

November 2013 – Present (3 months) Greater Los Angeles Area
Imagine the same taste as Coke but healthy! Vitamin C, fiber, 0 sugars, 12 calories, patented technology that will soon earn the approval of the Diabetic Association.

Pre-IPO going on right now. April 2014 we are going public.

Let's talk!

Motivational / Inspirational Speaker

Inspirational Messages

July 1989 – Present (24 years 7 months)
Although Harold writes screenplays and practices Real Estate in Central California, for the past two decades he has and still continues presenting motivational lectures in churches and conferences across the US.

Broker Manager

London Properties (http://www.linkedin.com/company/london-properties?trk=ppro_cprof)

Privately Held; 201-500 employees; Real Estate industry
May 2011 – October 2013 (2 years 6 months) Hanford, CA
Harold is honored to lead a great team of Realtors achieve their sales goals, while personally helping families buy and sell residential, commercial and agricultural Real Estate in Fresno, Madera and Kings Counties.


Coldwell Banker Premiere Real Estate (http://www.linkedin.com/company/coldwell-banker-premiere-real-estate?trk=ppro_cprof) (Sole Proprietorship)

Sole Proprietorship; 11-50 employees; Real Estate industry
April 2007 – May 2011 (4 years 2 months)
Harold assists homeowners in Fresno/Clovis/Madera sell their homes via traditional and short sale methods, and homebuyers purchase first-time, secondary and investment properties. Harold also assists farmers in the listing and purchase of agricultural farms and ranches.

The haroldzapata profile on LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/in/haroldzapata)

01-28-2014, 01:45 PM
At Patrick Pretty Blog:

BULLETIN: California Calls WCM777 A ‘Scam,’ Issues Desist And Refrain Order That Names Executives And YouTube Pitchman (http://www.patrickpretty.com/2014/01/27/bulletin-california-calls-wcm777-a-scam-issues-desist-and-refrain-order-that-names-executives-and-youtube-pitchman/)

01-29-2014, 07:28 PM
The State of Colorado (http://cdn.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite/DORA-SD/CBON/DORA/1251646007407) has now joined the other states by issuing a Stipulation for consent cease and desist order (http://cdn.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite?blobcol=urldata&blobheadername1=Content-Disposition&blobheadername2=Content-Type&blobheadervalue1=inline%3B+filename%3D%22Stipulati on+for+Consent+Order.pdf%22&blobheadervalue2=application%2Fpdf&blobkey=id&blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobwhere=1251932501900&ssbinary=true) to which WCM777 and Ming Xu have Consented (http://cdn.colorado.gov/cs/Satellite?blobcol=urldata&blobheadername1=Content-Disposition&blobheadername2=Content-Type&blobheadervalue1=inline%3B+filename%3D%22Consent+O rder.pdf%22&blobheadervalue2=application%2Fpdf&blobkey=id&blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobwhere=1251932501942&ssbinary=true)


Named in the Order are World Capital Markets, Inc., WCM777, Inc., and their founder and chairman, Ming Xu, all of Pasadena, California.

The Staff of the Division of Securities (the “Staff”) alleged that World Capital sought Colorado investors through websites, webinars, and live presentations to purchase packages that allow the purchaser to access World Capital’s cloud media services and earn commissions or profits with advertised returns of more than 90%. The program operated much like a multi-level marketing program where purchasers received bonuses for referrals, purchase of stock options, and other bonuses based on how many referrals obtained by a purchaser.
The Staff alleged that World Capital failed to register either security offering and, by offering the investment opportunity to the public at large by soliciting on the internet, World Capital violated the registration provisions under the Act.

01-29-2014, 07:36 PM
The State of New Hampshire has issued a Bureau of Securities Investor Alert (http://sos.nh.gov/WorkArea/DownloadAsset.aspx?id=51797) regarding WCM777



01-30-2014, 10:55 PM
WCM777 / Kingdom777 is now officially dead in the USA, not that it wasn't already dead in practical terms:



One would think James Tenerio now appreciates why observers identify him as being Phil Ming Xu’s "STOOGE"




noun: stooge; plural noun: stooges
a subordinate used by another to do unpleasant routine work.
"party stooges put there to do a job on behalf of central office"

underling (https://www.google.com.au/search?client=firefox-a&hs=IWR&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=define+underling&sa=X&ei=zx7rUonFGdCgkgXH3IHYDw&ved=0CCoQ_SowAA), minion (https://www.google.com.au/search?client=firefox-a&hs=IWR&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=define+minion&sa=X&ei=zx7rUonFGdCgkgXH3IHYDw&ved=0CCsQ_SowAA), lackey (https://www.google.com.au/search?client=firefox-a&hs=IWR&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=define+lackey&sa=X&ei=zx7rUonFGdCgkgXH3IHYDw&ved=0CCwQ_SowAA&biw=1280&bih=827&dpr=1), subordinate (https://www.google.com.au/search?client=firefox-a&hs=IWR&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=define+subordinate&sa=X&ei=zx7rUonFGdCgkgXH3IHYDw&ved=0CC0Q_SowAA), assistant (https://www.google.com.au/search?client=firefox-a&hs=IWR&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=define+assistant&sa=X&ei=zx7rUonFGdCgkgXH3IHYDw&ved=0CC4Q_SowAA);

01-31-2014, 11:45 AM

New Brunswick Financial and Consumer Services Commission (http://www2.gnb.ca/content/gnb/en/news/news_release.2014.01.0104.html) investor warning

01-31-2014, 11:57 AM
(https://www.kingdom777.com/en/products.aspx)www.kingdom777.com (http://www.kingdom777.com) returns:

The connection was interrupted

The connection to www.kingdom777.com (http://www.kingdom777.com) was interrupted while the page was loading.

The site could be temporarily unavailable or too busy. Try again in a few moments.
If you are unable to load any pages, check your computer's network connection.
If your computer or network is protected by a firewall or proxy, make sure that Firefox is permitted to access the Web.

wcm777.hk (http://www.wcm777.hk/) returns:

Service Unavailable

The service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later.

02-08-2014, 11:08 PM
For joy, for joy, it's finally arrived:


WCM777 / Kingdom Trade announcement (https://www.kingdom777.com/en/announcement.aspx)

If anyone can make head or tail of the Trade Platform, please let us all in on the secret code necessary to decipher it.


Kingdom Trade UserGuide (http://www.kingdomtrade.org/Forms/FG/Kingdomtradeen.pdf)

02-09-2014, 09:22 AM
seems all they are trading is one name for another.

02-14-2014, 04:19 AM
I am wondering how the authorities who have issued the C&D orders are going to react to the continued build out of kingdomtrade.org..

The rumblings I have seen is now they are trading 'points' (don't call them stocks) for cash. Of course once you add in all of the fees and transfers, people are still losing money trying to get their assets back out of the system. Haven't seen any of Tiger for sometime either. Team Leaders are advising people on how to use proxy servers to get around the USA IP restrictions.

Through their team leader mouth pieces they have announced the Rothschild family has joined, and they are saying Wendy Rothschild is related to the famous banking family Rothschilds. There's a whole other conspiracy theory revolving around that family as well, but I can't find any "Wendy Rothschild" who shows a relation to that family.

For the doubters, who still think Phil is some type of financial wizard who is really out for your best interests, I refer you to this post from 2005, where he is trying to learn from someone online how to set up offshore banking..


I'm still putting together an investigative report on this one, it's just gotten to be a huge undertaking (I'm including as much background on the board of World Capital Market and their lack of credentials as well). I will publish it when it gets a little tighter and more readable.

02-14-2014, 09:08 AM
Team Leaders are advising people on how to use proxy servers to get around the USA IP restrictions.

Like TelexFree.

the Rothschild family has joined . . . There's a whole other conspiracy theory revolving around that family as well, but I can't find any "Wendy Rothschild" who shows a relation to that family.

The "Rothschild" claim may indicate that "sovereign citizens" or people acting under the delusional influence of "sovereigns" are among the WCM777 steroidal puppeteers. AdSurfDaily story figure Kenneth Wayne Leaming, who was arrested in 2011 by an FBI terrorism Task Force, once told a colleague that “the Rothschilds” were hiding in a “bunker in India” while controlling the central bank of Iraq, according to court files.

To a certain extent, WCM777 is channeling an earlier scam known as "BossTeam" that was operating in British Columbia. The packaging is a little different, but the chant is largely the same. It's also a lot like the alleged CKB and CKB168 scams broken up last year by the SEC.

WCM777's Ming Xu also is channeling Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein by sucking up to local power brokers in California. Rothstein did so in Florida, and is serving 50 years. At a minimum, WCM777 is a cult of personality. Ming Xu appears to have believed he could summon a religious emissary of some sort to prevail on the government of Colombia to back off the investigation. Beyond that, he appears to have believed that WCM777 somehow would cause Christianity to thrive in lands in which Christianity is a minority faith.


02-14-2014, 10:06 AM
01/23/14 - World Capital Market, Inc. (WCM777)

The California Department of Business Oversight issued a Desist and Refrain Order against three companies, World Capital Market, Inc., WCM777, Inc. and WCM777 Limited, which collectively ran an investment scam marketed under the name “WCM777.” The order was also issued against the principals of WCM777, Ming Xu and Zhi Liu, and salesperson, Harold Zapata. The order directs WCM777 to cease all operations in California.

The Department has not issued WCM777 a permit, license or qualification to offer or sell securities. In connection with security offerings, WCM777 makes a number of material misrepresentations, including the claim that WCM777 operates outside the jurisdiction of United States regulators.

The Department advises consumers that using a licensed securities broker or investment professional affords protections under state law related to disclosures and provides recourse should there be a dispute with the broker or investment professional. Please check the background of your broker or investment professional by using Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) BrokerCheck. (http://www.finra.org/InvestorInformation/InvestorProtection/ChecktheBackgroundofYourInvestmentProfessional/index.htm)

All California investors in WCM777 are strongly encouraged to contact the Department of Business Oversight to file a formal complaint at (866) 275-2677. The January 8 order is available on the Department’s website at http://www.dbo.ca.gov/ENF/pdf/2014/WorldCapitalMarketInc_dr.pdf (http://www.dbo.ca.gov/ENF/pdf/2014/WorldCapitalMarketInc_dr.pdf).

California Department of Business oversight (http://www.dbo.ca.gov/Consumers/alerts/default.asp)

02-14-2014, 06:38 PM
PPBlog is reporting new information today. The California DBO is requesting people who invested in the scheme to contact the DBO immediately.

BULLETIN: California Asks Residents Who Bought Into WCM777 To Contact Department Of Business Oversight ‘Immediately’; State Says Thousands Of Locals Bought Into Scam (http://patrickpretty.com/2014/02/14/bulletin-california-asks-residents-who-bought-into-wcm777-to-contact-department-of-business-oversight-immediately-states-says-thousands-of-locals-bought-into-scam/)

Way to keep on top of this stuff Patrick

02-14-2014, 07:55 PM
PPBlog is reporting new information today. The California DBO is requesting people who invested in the scheme to contact the DBO immediately.

Hehe, but wait till Monday, office is closed

02-14-2014, 10:33 PM
Greedy, stubborn or willfully ignorant ???

It seems no matter how the evidence is stacking up or how many warnings are issued, some people just won't listen.


Steve Hoffman advertising Kingdom777 on Google+ (https://plus.google.com/115609913498347294275/posts)


Steve Hoffman promoting Kingdom777 on his Stevierayh channel on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/user/Stevierayh)

02-14-2014, 11:57 PM
He's going to hang his hat on the not my pants defense, and skip out to a country without an extradition treaty with the US

02-15-2014, 12:08 AM
He's going to hang his hat on the not my pants defense, and skip out to a country without an extradition treaty with the US

Nah, he will just say to people he recruited "Sorry, i was tricked too" and "At the end you -yourself made decision to invest, do not blame me, i did not hold a gun to your head"
and will move to promote a next scam - there is no end to those and their number doubles every year.

And with that new scam, he will contact all who lost and offer them an oportunity to get even in the new scam which is "real/legit this time", and they will all come.

02-15-2014, 12:37 AM
The Patrick Pretty blog is reporting:

BULLETIN: California Asks Residents Who Bought Into WCM777 To Contact Department Of Business Oversight ‘Immediately’; State Says Thousands Of Locals Bought Into Scam (http://patrickpretty.com/2014/02/14/bulletin-california-asks-residents-who-bought-into-wcm777-to-contact-department-of-business-oversight-immediately-states-says-thousands-of-locals-bought-into-scam/)

02-15-2014, 12:46 AM
Should i post a link to that Patrick's post too? just to keep a company, it was already posted earlier

02-15-2014, 12:51 AM
It appears Phil Ming Xu has been taking lessons from Andy Bowden of AdSurf Daily infamy.


"If you don't call it a ponzi, it's not a ponzi and those silly regulators will leave us alone"

Didn't work real well for Bowdoin, who is currently serving out his sentence in a Federal Detention facility, but, hey, perhaps Ming Xu will be able to pull it off.

Kingdom777 announcements (https://www.kingdom777.com/en/announcement.aspx)

02-15-2014, 01:00 AM
But didn't they just assure us kingdom777 was different since the name change? :shocked:

02-15-2014, 01:19 AM
Nah, he will just say to people he recruited "Sorry, i was tricked too" and "At the end you -yourself made decision to invest, do not blame me, i did not hold a gun to your head"
and will move to promote a next scam - there is no end to those and their number doubles every year.

And with that new scam, he will contact all who lost and offer them an oportunity to get even in the new scam which is "real/legit this time", and they will all come.

Ahh - Faith Sloan syndrome.. Steve and Her went round and round earlier this week, but Ming has come back to twitter.

Hi PHil! Can we get another photo of Tiger - I'd like to know he's doing ok..

02-15-2014, 02:53 AM
Is trouble brewing on the administrative side of Kingdom777 as well as with the law ??


Kingom777 Announcements (https://www.kingdom777.com/en/announcement.aspx)

02-15-2014, 03:37 AM


02-15-2014, 03:56 AM
Doesn't matter how you describe it or how many useless "products" Kingdom777 includes,

You buy in and earn a return on investment.


02-15-2014, 04:05 AM
"If you don't call it a ponzi, it's not a ponzi and those silly regulators will leave us alone"

Let them play their little game of avoiding / running from the law, it will only make a grotesque finale. :)

renaming a "company" to a name which was not in Cease docs (technically that company KingdomCard does not exist as a legal entity), and replacing a director (which was in cease orders) with a new guy - good strategy :)

theya begging for feds to get involved instead of states.

At this point, i just want to watch them pissing the lion off :)

Operators could get off pretty easy on state level, on fed level they will face about 30 years

02-15-2014, 04:00 PM
And just because I enjoy pushing info forward a little faster than some of the Entrepanuers .. Affiliates, you know who you are, are you ready to use 777 processing Inc? I wonder who will be charging affiliates a percentage for the easy cash outs?

It looks like it will be used to work with objects that can exchange to registered stock after company bonds registered stock after company bonds. Very simple 'eh?

Phil, where are Tiger and Andy these days ? Too bad prisoners don't make license plates anymore. KGDM777 and WCM777 are still available in my state

02-17-2014, 03:02 PM
Would be great if we could get some of these translated - A weeks worth of Phil's Webinars to the Malaysia teams

Video 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQmGU_q6dP0)
Video 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGpGwHCyypw)
Video 3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BnorPnt0l0)
Video 4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V48lewond1I)
Video 5 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SowNykDgyCs)

Looks like he's concentrating on markets outside of the USA now..

02-21-2014, 02:42 PM
Kingdom777/WCM777 swipe another page from the Telex Free Playbook (http://www.losbanoslive.com/paper/?p=5817)

02-24-2014, 03:50 PM
And another update for today as they are shuffling sites from one provider to another and moving their Customer Service Department (Their lease was up).

Kingdom777 Sites Down | The Paper (http://www.losbanoslive.com/paper/?p=5838)

I also wonder if the California A.B.C. would like to know more about this scam.. Alcohol Beverage Control is responsible to make sure people who hold alcohol sales license show good judgement and moral responsibility. Kingdom Capital Market LLC is working on getting their license for the restaurant.

California ABC - License Query System - Data Summary (http://www.abc.ca.gov/datport/LQSData.asp?ID=77151364)

more fun to come as I find it.. Hi Phil!

02-25-2014, 01:51 AM
And another update for today as they are shuffling sites from one provider to another and moving their Customer Service Department (Their lease was up).

Kingdom777 Sites Down | The Paper (http://www.losbanoslive.com/paper/?p=5838)

I also wonder if the California A.B.C. would like to know more about this scam.. Alcohol Beverage Control is responsible to make sure people who hold alcohol sales license show good judgement and moral responsibility. Kingdom Capital Market LLC is working on getting their license for the restaurant.

California ABC - License Query System - Data Summary (http://www.abc.ca.gov/datport/LQSData.asp?ID=77151364)

more fun to come as I find it.. Hi Phil!

Name changing again? A popular team leader is now advising the name is changing to Global Unity. Nothing I have been able to find out about this switch as of yet, other than to facilitate the change to the new company, all members who were in “locked” jurisdictions who could not access their accounts will be unlocked so they can transfer their points into the new system.

I’m not sure if they are aligning with Global Unity Ministries or if they are starting up another shell corporation. Whatever the case, I’m sure they are not making the regulating bodies very happy with the maneuvers.

02-25-2014, 06:14 AM
Oz over on his excellent BehindMLM blog (http://behindmlm.com/) is reporting Global Unity: Kingdom777 Ponzi rebooted (again) (http://behindmlm.com/companies/wcm777/global-unity-kingdom777-ponzi-rebooted-again/)

03-10-2014, 07:28 PM
Alaska has now joined other states by issuing an Investor Fraud Alert to its' citizens concerning the WCM777 / Kingdom777 / Global-Unity fraud:


03-11-2014, 12:26 PM
Thank You Quebec, you finally are catching up (almost)

ALERT on WCM777 by AMF of Quebec, Canada


URL: March is Fraud Prevention Month - Caution regarding offers related to WCM777 (http://www.lautorite.qc.ca/en/press-releases-2014-corpo.html_2014_alert-wcm777.html)

03-11-2014, 12:41 PM
also previously unnoticed Jan 31st

Alert from New Brunswick's FCNB


URL: FINANCIAL AND CONSUMER SERVICES COMMISSION - Newsroll (http://fcnb.ca/newsroll.html?fb_31915481_anch=32433114)

03-15-2014, 10:13 AM
Latest chapter in the saga of Dr Phil Ming Xus' scamming ways:


Dr Phil Ming Xu @ CNPEG on Twitter (https://twitter.com/CNPEG)

anybody who believes THAT will believe anything

03-16-2014, 12:58 PM
Bet you he found a straw buyer like that kid down in LA that claims to be Kingdom 777's "President". hahaha. Voice actor. Hahahahaha.

03-18-2014, 06:16 AM
This notice has appeared on the WCM777 Pay (http://www.wcm777pay.com/) website


03-28-2014, 10:55 AM
I'm thinking there won't be many people surprised the inevitable has happened:


Courthouse News Services (http://www.courthousenews.com/2014/03/28/66553.htm)

03-28-2014, 07:35 PM
SEC Complaint: http://www.sec.gov/litigation/complaints/2014/comp-pr2014-60.pdf

03-28-2014, 07:35 PM

SEC press release (http://www.sec.gov/News/PressRelease/Detail/PressRelease/1370541324305)

03-28-2014, 09:46 PM
I told (http://www.realscam.com/f9/wcm-may-much-worse-than-we-ever-suspected-2732/index3.html#post66363) those WCM idiots not to pull Fed's leg. they did not listen, now will have to do time.

03-29-2014, 07:17 PM
Receiver appointed:


EThree Advisors (http://www.ethreeadvisors.com/?page_id=1346)

03-29-2014, 07:26 PM
Restraining order:


Restraining order in .pdf format (http://www.ethreeadvisors.com/downloads/SECvWCM/TemporaryRestrainingOrderOrderAppointingaTemporary ReceiverandOrdertoShowCauserePreliminaryInjunction andAppointmentofaPermanentReceiver.pdf)

03-29-2014, 07:51 PM
For those who wonder why investigations appear to take so long and for those who question whether or not banks file Suspicious Activity Reports as required by law comes this interesting information from the SEC complaint:

The SEC has listed 57 known banks accounts associated with WCM777, which means it has been working with banks for an extended period of time before filing the complaint:




07-01-2014, 05:59 PM

Golf.Inc magazine (http://www.golfincmagazine.com/content/csc-takes-over-glen-ivy-and-links-summerly-after-seizure-sec)

08-31-2014, 09:44 AM
The receiver for World Capital Market has released her Receivers Second report (http://www.worldcapitalmarketreceivership.com/downloads/SECvWCM/2014-08-140129Receivers2ndReport.pdf)

Some highlights:











08-31-2014, 10:23 AM
Interesting that while 2 'kingdom' names are mentioned in her list, she has never mentioned 'kingdom777'.

09-04-2014, 10:42 AM
The SEC has obtained a Judgment as to Defendant Ming Xu a/k/a Phil Ming Xu (http://www.worldcapitalmarketreceivership.com/downloads/SECvWCM/2014-07-30%200124%20Judgment%20Against%20Xu.pdf)

In which Ming Xu, while neither admitting nor denying guilt (surprise, surprise) is: "permanently restrained and enjoined from violating, directly or indirectly” multiple sections of the Securities Exchange Act"

Ming Xu will also "pay disgorgement of ill-gotten gains, prejudgment interest thereon, and a civil penalty."

With the receiver already laying claim to much of the proceeds of the WCM777 fraud and her stated intention of identifying and recovering as many WCM777 assets as is possible, the disgorgement, interest and civil penalties will leave a sizeable hole in Ming Xus' retirement fund.

It should be remembered the SEC can only prefer civil charges, with civil penalties i.e. fines and disgorgement.

It cannot impose criminal charges nor sanctions, such as imprisonment.

Whether or not another agency prefers criminal charges, with criminal penalties remains to be seen.


09-07-2014, 09:23 PM
It gets better. Ming Xu's Chinese blog (Sina Weibo) says that he'll pay off everybody's losses by converting them all into "KingdomLoveCoins", something like a Bitcoin, but better.

??_??_???? (http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_67bfab070102v0zi.html) (in Chinese, partial translation available at A (MLM) Skeptic: News Update 07-SEP-2014: Herbalife problem in Norway; TelexFree Brazil Exposed; Zeek, TelexFree, and WCM ponzi updates (http://amlmskeptic.blogspot.com/2014/09/news-update-07-sep-2014-herbalife.html#more) )

10-03-2014, 10:25 AM
The receiver for WCM777, Krista Freitag has this week released October 1, 2014 Notice to Investors (http://www.worldcapitalmarketreceivership.com/downloads/SECvWCM/Notice%20to%20Investors.pdf) on the World Capital Market Receivership website (http://www.worldcapitalmarketreceivership.com/)




11-08-2014, 02:05 AM
In another bizarre twist in an already bizarre story, Ms Krista Frietag has released details of a recently filed Receiver’s Ex Parte Application for Order to Sell Additional Personal Property (http://www.worldcapitalmarketreceivership.com/downloads/SECvWCM/Ex%20Parte%20Application%20Mana.pdf) in which she alleges Phil Ming Xu improperly transferred money to his sister, Sue Wang.

Some highlights:




The complete document and accompanying declarations can be downloaded from the World Capital Receivership (http://www.worldcapitalmarketreceivership.com/) website

01-25-2015, 03:43 AM
http://imageshack.com/a/img905/6357/ITGQ9C.jpg http://imageshack.com/a/img538/3672/rJNbJ6.jpg

World Capital Markets receivership (http://www.worldcapitalmarketreceivership.com/downloads/SECvWCM/Order%20Granting%20Authority%20to%20Pursue%20Claim s%20Against%20Sue%20Wang%20et%20al.pdf)

NB: Sue Wang is Xu's sister, owns MaNa Fashion, is corporate secretary of JJ Sparkles, Inc., and signed checks written on the bank accounts of JJ Sparkles and Yuanhao.

Jianjun Wang is the president of JJ Sparkles.

Xiaomei Deng is Xu and Sue Wang's mother.

02-19-2015, 10:04 AM
Another successful result for the receiver and creditors of the failed WCM777 ponzi:


SEC vs WCM disgorgement notice (http://www.worldcapitalmarketreceivership.com/downloads/SECvWCM/2015-02-04%200284%20Civil%20Minutes%20Granting%20Mtn%20for %20Order%20of%20Disgorgment%20-%20Messina%20-IMV.pdf)

Charles Messina = WCM inhouse legal counsel

Internet Marketing Ventures (IMV) = principal Gary Messina, nephew of Charles Messina

02-19-2015, 10:14 AM

SEC vs PMX Jewels disgorgement order (http://www.worldcapitalmarketreceivership.com/downloads/SECvWCM/2015-02-04%200285%20Civil%20Minutes%20Granting%20Mtn%20for %20Order%20of%20Disgorgement%20-%20PMX.pdf)

PMX Jewels, Limited, is a rough diamond jewel merchant in Hong Kong

07-26-2015, 12:00 AM

World Capital Market Receivership (http://www.worldcapitalmarketreceivership.com/) website



Court order granting claims procedure motion (http://www.worldcapitalmarketreceivership.com/downloads/SECvWCM/2015-07-13%200354%20Order%20Granting%20Claims%20Procedure% 20Motion.pdf)

09-14-2017, 02:23 AM
On August 7, 2017 the court appointed receiver, Krista Freitag released the Receivers' fourteenth interim report (http://www.worldcapitalmarketreceivership.com/downloads/SECvWCM/2017-09-07%200558%20Rcvr's%2014th%20Report.pdf)


Some highlights:


