View Full Version : DirectCPV(dot)com Does anybody know anything about this outfit?

10-21-2012, 08:00 AM
DirectCVP(dot)com (https://ala.directcpv.com/register?referralCode=a554e4df0feef2d2b72816923095 6829#)

Page2 of a Google search shows that their main business appears to be financial aid to vulnerable students. This certainly needs further investigation. Google Search Results (http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&q=directgov+student+finance&revid=-1&sa=X&ei=CuqDUI3RJaeW0QWl_YGgBQ&sqi=2&ved=0CG8Q1QIoAw&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=8452a943ad72eb32&bpcl=35466521&biw=1280&bih=770).

The big red flag that I can see is the fact thet it is promoted by Scamlander Dennnis Clairmont, who is speaking out on their Peson of The Week thread and advertising the program in his signature files.

Type http:// then community.adlandpro.com/forums/post/2574245/Vote-for-the-345TH-POTW-Your-Vote-Is-Appreciated.aspx?flag=9

Note. Dennis has not deleted the comments on his Adlandpro profile where a fellow Scamlander Spencer Ciuffo claims that cash gifting is legal and the man promotes the well known Blessings program.

Dennis Clairmont

Type http:// then community.adlandpro.com/members/265854.aspx

Dennis you have been around long enough to know that cash gifting is illegal. If this Spencer guy wants to recommend his Blessings scheme, it is doing you no good having him do it on your Adlandpro profile.