Just visited the RealScam Facebook page and saw we have 21 likes. Would the person administering the page please update that first statement about RS being down at the moment. It remain at the top so I am thinking people won't bother coming here as they think it is still down. JMO


One person had this to say: Chuck J. Cota Real Scam got pulled for a reason people.

Real Scam is NOT for real and doesn't back up it's allegations with facts. Beware - BOBO is worthlessly in the same un-real Scam Blaming Game.

So who is Chuck J. Cota?


For one thing, he likes Prosper With Integrity

Perhaps Professor Henry Higgins could tell us more about these kind of groups as they seem to be called "cash gifting".

invitation to this private community.

Still not sure? Click Here: "IRS Pub 950 – Intro to Estate and Gift Taxes".


Cash Gifting is perfectly legal and Tax-Free!!
(tax free up to the annual exclusion amount and even after that cash gifting is still legal)!

If you accept this personal invitation...

You start with a one-time out-of-pocket $25 gift to a community member
and a one-time $10 donation to the website Administrators*.
* not necessary if you do not want to use the website to track your progress.

Prosper With Integrity
