Holy mackerel, how time flies!

It's been two years since we last checked in on the exciting world of "no-fee futures trading" featuring Digitex Tokens.

First order of business: right at the top of the CoinMarketCap chart is a prominently featured notice that reads:

"DigitexFutures was rebranded and is now known as Digitex Games"

Huh? I won't waste any time trying to track down the details behind that story. I am more interested in how the suckers that bought in to this when a billion tokens were magically created and 700 million of them were advertised for the low, low price of "only" one cent each.

The good news is that there is still a market for DGTX; trading volume in the last 24 hours was $1,597.
The bad news is that if you spent $1,000 buying these things when they were first offered at $0.01 your Digitex holdings are now worth:


Yes, that is six dollars and forty-two cents!


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