Well, a new update was posted but it was not from Don Quixote. Instead it was from Flash10, who is an admin on the cult forum. I am going to withhold making any comments about this update until I see if he does post part 2 tomorrow as promised. Here is what was posted today, and I quote:

"HI all,
Happy Belated Valentine's Day to all of you who celebrated the holiday.
Budi has given you the substance of the princeling's activities. As much as he has the "green light", the degree of secrecy involved with kingpin operations is costing them valuable time. Nevertheless, preparations are moving at good pace including a meeting location close to FP. The frontline said that while it appears that it will the princeling who will interface with FP and her attorney, it may or may not be an intermediary who makes the first communication move.
On the QC front, the info we had appears to not be entirely accurate. When FP connected with her attorney on Friday, as scheduled, it became clear that any message(s) received were not clearly enough directed as to be ones relating to FP and SI. So FP's attorney does not have any actable communication to which he can respond. Yes, it is very frustrating, however it appears that while the QC may be stumbling along, he has discussed the current circumstances with Milverton's attorney, and is now being highly pressured by the Milverton attorney to get the job done immediately, and personally if need be. It seems the Milverton attorney is highly motivated and far more interested in his share of the 10MM pounds than the QC is of his share. I don't know for sure, but if it is the Milverton attorney who is responsible for issuing the checks, he knows a whole lot of money is sitting at the end of his pen.
As a backdrop to the increased pressure from the Milverton attorney(s), it appears that Milverton, who is obviously unable to defend himself, is headed towards being the scapegoat for the kingpin's financial woes. This probably adds to the increased pressure to get the delivery done without hesitation so that whatever pressure the Milverton estate is/will be experiencing, won't interfere with those nice, large checks.
As a new and welcome front, a factor that has been of little importance for years has now pushed its way to the forefront of the frontline's thinking. I will go into it briefly here and spend a bit more time on it tomorrow to fill it out. In 2012, Milverton diverted our settlement agreement funds by supposedly only using them for 30 days as collateral to create bonds which were then sold to raise funds for the EU bailout. Evidently as much as about 6T worth of bonds. Those bonds will expire June 1 this year, and in two weeks, on March 1, a 90 Day notice will go out notifying all those involved of the June 1 expiration date. In brief, the funds used as collateral (our settlement funds) will then go into a process of being returned to the trustees who will then be responsible to pay back those funds to their rightful owners - us. The trustees will be required to follow the court orders, and you will be amazed at how justice will be served when you hear who will likely have to sign off on the payment process. More on this very positive development tomorrow.
We have received more funds from helpful members and are now only about $450 short of our goal. Thanks to those of you who have kept pushing us forward. Today is the 15th, but FP can hang in there another couple of days, so any last minute help you can offer will be able to go in with what has already been received. Thank you for your help!
Running with you,

Looking forward to the second part tomorrow.