Quote Originally Posted by Whip View Post
looks like she should be spending her money on food instead of 'non investment' investment adpacks.
You know something, usually I'd be making some typically sardonic / snarky comment here or putting a meme up ridiculing someone like Sammy (who I have previously butted heads with on Scumville's comment section).

But not this time.

I genuinely feel sorry for her because from what scant information I remember seeing in her comments to me (and I can just tell from her video), I know that she is most likely genuinely convinced that Scoville is really some sort of saint who's helped thousands and thousands of people instead of virtually robbing them blind. I know a couple of women not a million miles away from Sammy and if she has things as bad as they do, then I want to at least try and get her to take an unbiased look at what we do on here. I am going to try and convince her just to read a few things, both on here and BehindMLM's site as Oz and co do an excellent job too with telling you what's what.

Like I've always stated before and I will always state; my 'hate' is never aimed at people who genuinely don't deserve it. The people who get caught up in these schemes, just as I did not even 3 short years ago, would be horrified to think after all is said and done that they could be lumped in with the REAL scumbags who know just what the f*** is up with this **** i.e. your Sunils and your Sharon's and your Simon's etc. It took me a while to realise how much I had been had along with a good friend of mine, but one of the main reasons I even got into all that biz op / MLM / "Law of Attraction / "The Secret" stuff in the first place was because after coming out of a year long bout of serious Depression and having no means to help support my sick parents (one of whom@my mother is no longer here) and feeling completely disenfranchised with the serious lack of jobs and escalating debt, I was absolutely prime target material along with my naivety and total willingness to want something positive happen for once, to have a change of luck and get away from all the negativity I experienced and kept seeing on the news and in the papers and from other people. So when I first stumbled across a fellow Brit on Youtube talking about how he makes money at home blogging on Empower Network (ughhhhh) and seeing as I love to write, I was sold.

Something that I'm sure at least a few of you, especially those who might have been suckered into these scams, will know is that just like with any cult, the lure of being around people who you think are your friends and who seem so happy, positive and in some cases, unburdened with being a part of the rat race, who all go on about the power of being positive and Anthony Robbins and it's 'us against the world' mentality etc, it can be very alluring and welcoming to someone just like myself and how I was. That's how a lot of these programs and scammers get you - they prey on your vulnerabilities and desires and it's why you always keep seeing older people and single parents who are struggling for example as the ideal targets for these voracious parasites to latch on to and bleed them dry.

For all the joking that I know I do on here along with most of you and as much as it IS entertaining to watch something like this whole TM debacle unfold so spectacularly as it is doing, it is often easy to lose sight of why we do what we do on here (and I know I'm not one of the prime information gatherers or anything like that, I try to be more light hearted and irreverent). We do what we do to primarily help and educate people so they can either outright avoid being scammed in the first place and / or to arm themselves with enough knowledge and information that they can therefore assess much more carefully and thoroughly the next time they see or someone presents them with 'the next biggest / bestest / shiniest thing'.

Of course, there are some folks who I think just can't be reached or helped (*COUGH I'm looking at you here stacy)

But hopefully for this Sammy Jane and others just like her, we CAN perhaps help them.

It took me just a day or so of perusing around on here in the beginning when I was caught up in Banners Broker to realise just what it was I was getting myself involved with. But it also meant that I would actually get THE TRUTH about all these horrible Ponzi scams and Pyramid schemes laughingly masquerading as legitimate online businesses from people who have done their research and proven time and time again demonstrably that all this 'industry' is about is to lie and swindle and even outright destroy people and their families, friends and loved ones. Even in extreme cases, driving some to suicide.

And as someone who has been in that frame of mind more than a handful of times myself? That is something that I do not take lightly and it quite rightfully makes my blood boil when I see the odious likes of walking rodents like Charles Scoville or Simon Stepsys, drive people to that point without nary a care in the world for who they hurt, both financially and emotionally.

And you can rest assured that's why I'll always pipe up on here and inundate this fine forum with cheeky posts, memes and the odd bit of scammer-baiting, profane-laden shenanigans that I know you've all come to love

*with the exception of possibly littleroundman and my sensibility-shattering pictures of Mark 'The Gerbil' Ghobril as a bunny girl

mark cottontail.jpg

Have a good weekend, Realscam fam